While everyone here is correct that it's a sh*tshow, I recommend checking out George Webb's Orange Journal (here on substack). He's apparently got beltway insider ties and simply knows much, much more about how things actually happen than virtually anyone else who writes about the same things.

He's a citizen reporter who actually goes out like a private investigator, as opposed to sitting in the ivory tower reading what others have written, and opining on that. And he's been reporting on "Iranian bagmen" offering many millions for Trump's head (presumably because Soleimani was assassinated by HIM.) This is in conjunction with details about the shooter, who has antifa aka CIA ties; if you read his team's work you'll be blown away at the details he uncovers which don't even make it into the alternative press, much less the mainstream.

Webb doesn't get anywhere near the traction he deserves, possibly because he doesn't do long-form articles (and basically doesn't proofread, etc. And nowadays he's doing these silly AI "posters" to illustrate his work. Just having fun, I'm sure...). But I've been following his work for years and am glad for it. He's the one from whom I learned, long before the P0desta emails were leaked, about Hellary's shocking depravities and crimes. For example, she bought a non-producing gold mine in Haiti, put it in her brother's name, and suddenly it was producing $Billions!! Which was likely the money Congress was sending to Haiti, laundered. Hence Haitians' yearly protest in front of the Cunton foundation bldgs; they never got ANY of that money.

Oh, and just today, Dean Henderson has published a chapter from one of his stunningly-researched books; it's here on Substack. I haven't had time to read it yet, but the teaser is something like "why Trump is a Rothschld tool." I know he briefly mentioned, a couple of months ago, that the Resorts International that Trmp bought was actually a money-laundry (ie, he's not so free of deep-statism as we might like to think); Roths gave him a huge loan for it, on which Trump later had to default.

Part of the bankruptcy agreement was that he basically sold his image to Roths. So all this talk the academics are so sure about - Eric Weinstein giving such a lucid explanation about how Trump came out of left field and the establishment just didn't know what to DO with him! - is either BS or just uninformed, IMO. What I see is Roths battling Rockefeller (who, of course, is the master of the Bushes, Clintons, Biden, etc).

The economist G Edward Griffen, who wrote the quintessential tome on how the banking cartel runs the world, said that we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking the various bankster families are friends. He said they just agree on one thing, and that's secrecy. So, since many in the know have said, over the past decade, that their fake-money scheme is ready to, or already has, imploded, it seems quite possible that they're at EACH OTHER's throats now.

And just in case anyone doesn't know, Israel is basically the Rothschild's private country. It has almost nothing to do with Jews; they're just the people who got manipulated into being the "settlers." Long story.

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Thanks for the tip about George Webb - I will check him out.

Proper research and detailed insider stories are fascinating and important, no doubt, so I am looking forward reading some, however, I am sceptical about anyone and any information theses days.

And we don't really need them to make pretty accurate predictions about what is going on, simply based on common sense, the Qui bono? approach but most of all, knowing the psychology of the players in this unchecked power-greed paradigm.

I haven't read much about what you said above but pretty much came to the same conclusions about Trump:

1. NO-ONE suddenly appears and becomes president of the USA without very very powerful backers in the background

2. Therefore I not once bought this whole "man of the people", destroying the Deep State BS

3. Especially considering his blatantly obvious narcissistic psychopathic character. These types will not change because from their perspective they feel superior in everything - so why on Earth would they change? Tump gives a fuck about the people - he simply uses them as Hitler did. All these stupid arguments that "the media distorted his character" is just another ruse. All I ever needed to see was one episode of "you are fired". Everything on this guy, his demeanour, the way he stands and looks, every frickin word coming out of his mouth yells: Narcissist, Psychopath." Harris is exactly the same underneath. Both are Banker candidates.

4. Of course pyschopathic greedy bankers fight each other - this will bring them down all by itself - I wrote about that some time ago.

5. Israel in the pocket of a Globalist is also a no-brainer and blatantly obvious. Trump being ordered to support Israel to wage war against Iran also obvious. Iran will be ruled by another Globalist - they are playing chess with whole nations being pawns, knights and queens. It goes back hundreds of years. I suspect even Gates to be a controlled man.

We, the people, do not stand a chance. Anything we attempt to do is like putting up a sun umbrella hoping we change the weather.

It took me a while to realize how bad and deep it is and get over it to come to the conclusion that only a personal spiritual path (which I was on already anyway) and the required disattachment would equip me to drop more and more fear and see it for what it is: A game in a false mental reality while increasingly living in tune with the logos of the universe in the here and now, going nowhere, being nobody. This is not passive escapism btw. It is true power, the only power there is.

Thanks for you comment

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Iran is part of “Greater Israel”… it’s all a land grab for Biblical Israel .. nothing else

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You mean the entitlement of God's chosen people? Such arrogance is the foundation of great suffering- first for others, then for themselves. Arrogance comes before the fall….

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There are just as many Christian Zionists as there are Jewish Zionists.. 🙏😬

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Being nobody and going nowhere with a fellow traveler is comforting.

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I know, we try to tune out but the current US election side show keeps presenting WTF moments that require seeing to believing.

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Fully agree - I am enjoying the clown show as entertainment trying not to get attached to it - one way or another. And if I do a little - I just write it off my liver and dump it on Substack - sorry guys. :-)

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Choice analogies my friend. Burdens on one’s self get lifted once we shift from - ‘why are people so fucking stupid’ into ‘ok, right, people are really fucking stupid’. Let the majority be how they want, try and shine a light on the holes for those people who show some promise and an aptitude to change their thinking.

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It's funny how small changes in thinking can relieve all the cognitive dissonance.

I had a very similar experience over the vaccine mandates with the troubling thought being "how can these people be so satanic as to claim rights to other people's flesh for experimental genetic injections?", readily solved with the thought "these people are satanic". So easy.

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I'm also sceptical about his motives for beating up Iran as his assassination attempt provocateur, without any particular evidence for Iranian involvement over Crooks & Routh. It definitely read as though he was building a case for some action, unless it was a big threat.

I've heard a comment from Iran saying they haven't organised anything against Trump.

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He has some very rich Jewish donors.......just saying

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Is it true Iran supports Hamas?

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Not sure but they definitely support Hezbollah in Beirut and Israel has been attacking Hezbollah massively in the past weeks, first with the pager explosions and then rockets. They also talked about troops moving into Beirut again. Several provocations towards Iran in the past months. Everything points to a war with Iran with Israel clearly the aggressor atm.

Saying this, Hezbollah and Iran are as mad as the Israelis in my opinion.

One of these conflicts they keep alive for decades for various reasons and none of these reasons have anything to do with wanting the best for the people in the region. They are just victims of a cruel power struggle between a few bigwigs. Same old.

Possibly the main reason, if Maaji Nawaz is right, is advancing global totalitarian agendas.

Not much we can do but being very grateful that fate put us in a safe more humane zone of the world and having compassion for the decent people and families on all sides.

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Are you saying the Jews/Israelis are behind the new totalitarian world? This is not something I'd come to. I was only seeing big tech and WEF.

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But Elon Musk is #1 digital ID/Social Credit Score / transhumasim… bad

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Yep , it is not even a secret but most people are incredibly stupid and gullible and we will suffer with them…

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I'm not sure how the global totalitarian thing comes into this? I don't know what Nawaz has said.

The western left wingers (closest to the totalitarians I thought) are wringing their hands over the Palestinians. Iran is with BRICS - Russia's anti-totalitarian as far as I know. Trump/RFK Jr/Gabbard are anti-surveillance/totalitarian I thought.

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Just caught up on the pagers, and saw a piece on the Iranian nuclear scientist assassination (by Mossad) that Trump was apparently associated with. Targeted extra-judicial killing is rather cold.

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Israel created Hamas

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That doesn’t mean they want a war … they just want Israel to stop

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"When do they realise that Non-participation and finding their true self are the only ways out of this mad, unreal, mental world and only earnest spirituality (not religious hypocrisy) can bring lasting peace and happiness?"

Even if the realise it, it is hard work to find your true self and there are too many distractions and factors that keep you off balance (like bad nutrition). Non-participation means stepping out of the group and it is in our genes to want to belong to a group.

I don't do hope, but to use that word for the sake of my argument, the only hope of seeing a change is to have 20 to 30% of the population reach the state you talk about, the rest of the people will then most probably fall in line and follow. Then you can start educating the next generations in a new, holistic, way. One that focusses on nature, love, creation and so on.

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After the Kennedy assassination, the original spin was that it was a communist plot by Cuba and/or USSR. When that turned out to be too full of holes, the spin shifted to the "lone nut". Now the assassination attempts on Trump are spun as perpetrated by Iran. What a coincidence! The precise country that US and Israel military, government and intelligence operatives have been trying to bait for years so they can garrner popular support for their attack plans which were written up and finalized years ago. Just like one hour after the Twin Towers attack, US and Israeli officials were publicly declaring with certainty that Osama Bin Laden did it. Then a few months later it leaked out that inside the Bush cabinet, plans for taking out Iraq were initiated the day of Sept 11, and lo and behold, a massive spin campaign against Iraq commenced. Yes, it is all spin. And all for an agenda. On one hand it is somewhat amusing to see history play out the same way again and again, but on the other hand it is infuriating and frightening to realize that these people are coming close to destroying the entire earth.

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The land is required for Greater Israel

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S**t show…indeed.

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You really did manage to reduce very complicated global affairs to “all parties involved besides you are big holes.” How utterly simplistic and childish.

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One part already doesn’t fit this. Why did he take us out of WHO on day 1?

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Because he is in favor of a greater USA, rather than simply being a globalist. IMHO Trump is like everyone else -

brainwashed in the germ theory of disease.

That makes him an easy target for people like That guy who stole Microsoft.

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