I cannot take credit for the below, but as a geopolitical analysis. I think that it’s critical analysis is both logical and accurate.


On American expansionism.

The incoming administration seems to have a more realistic image of the state of American hegemonial decline and wants to take proactive steps to try to counteract and reverse it, breathing new life into the American Global Empire.

In this context, it makes perfect sense for the US to increase pressure on its vassals. I am not using the term in a pejorative sense. The US does not have “allies” in the traditional meaning of the word. It has vassals with different levels of feudal obligations and elite integration, and different tasks. Extracting more value from vassals — whether through tariffs, increased NATO budgets, meddling in local politics or potential territorial concessions — is an absolutely logical step in cementing and renewing America’s position as overlord of its sphere.

There are three ways America’s European vassals can react to this: look for protection outside of the sphere, try to make themselves more useful/necessary & advance integration, or take it on the face. Were we in, I don’t know, the 19th century, Denmark would just ask Russia for military support in Greenland in exchange for mild economic concessions and never worry again. As it is, the Royal Danish Army does not have any artillery anymore because they gave it all away for the purpose of firing cluster ammunition at Russian children in Donetsk. They did not receive anything in return for that and it did not help any Danish purpose. They cannot defend themselves if push comes to shove and they can’t ask anybody to help because most of their fellow vassals have done the same. The most likely option is that they’ll just take it on the face. Not just for pragmatic reasons, but also because they genuinely enjoy being dommed geopolitically.

America has no obligation to treat its vassals better. I’ve seen Danish people complain on here about supporting the US after 9/11, participating in the American wars in the Middle East, etc. That’s ridiculous. You know how a colony is rewarded for sending troops to its overlord’s wars? It doesn’t get beaten. That’s the reward for a lackey. Any person who takes any of the NATO democracy liberalism pilpul seriously is just not a serious person, it was never real, it was always just voluntary submission to be absolved from existing in History.

The world that existed in 1991-2022 does not exist anymore. It’s not coming back. You can just invade your neighbor. You can just fire missiles at international shipping lanes. You can just threaten to annex members of your military alliance. “You can just do things”, as the techbros like to say. The mirage of a post-historical order that only has to be policed from time to time but is never seriously challenged has disappeared. What did you think canceling the End of History meant? Vibes? Papers? Essays? It’s not pleasant to be suddenly confronted with all of the above. It’s not pleasant to have to admit to yourself that your existence was a coddled theme park that is existentially dependent on the relative position of someone else and how he feels about that relative position. America’s vassals WILL have to confront this state of things and make hard decisions about their future. This means reckoning with their geopolitical impotence and either embracing dependency with open eyes or seeking pathways to autonomy that will inevitably involve risk, sacrifice, and a recalibration of their national priorities.

The era of coasting on borrowed security and ideological rhetoric is over. What lies ahead is a world where historical agency must be reclaimed or forever relinquished, and for many, the question may not be whether they are ready to make that leap, but whether they even remember how. America has now understood this — and is mentally preparing to switch back to the cold logic that comes with actual History. The times, they are a-changin’.

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Cool article man.

George Washington's vision for the nation was that the United States would be the entire continent. The I'm not sure if they forsaw planes and space travel, but it was very advantageous to have an ocean between your land and and adversary that wants to take you over.

Most policy these days is executed by press conference and releases. They're great at getting reactions, causing anger, and directing people's behavior. The majority of people don't verify, and the few that do are not believed nor listened to by the majority, and public opinion rules.

Slavery was outlawed in 1788 when the states ratified the Constitution, but it took an executive order, a war, and the 13th amendment because of public opinion.

For example, the federal government's income tax revenue is run by press release. All the information is there, in the written law, if you look, but few ever go through the door.

>As if “the people of a country” ever decided their fate.

Yup. Almost never do. As Steve Jobs said, People don't know what they want, you just go do it. Many people during the revolution wanted to remain loyal subjects of the King. Even Ben Franklin's son joined the fighting on the British side.

Hitler's speeches and appeals to his people sound very similar in substance to that which Trump used to get elected. Listening to Hitler's speeches is very eye-opening. Our situations are similar. Both countries were ravaged by horrible elite decision making, and many today, like in Germany, feel no hope for a better future. There's nothing new under the sun, the same methods used for evil can also be used for good. That which you do for good can be used for evil. Lincoln freed the slaves, yet set the legal foundation for making everyone slaves.

>[Trump] knows his base and is “one” with them.

His goal was to get elected. He used deception, incomplete truths, lying by omission, and other often-used political tactics to accomplish the goal. Being truthful and educating people does not win elections in our culture. It upset me, but the choice was made for me. A few of my friends who knew what was really going on got really upset with the way Trump was campaigning. A lot of Republicans are pro-globalist but they don't understand why.

Like you say,

>I don’t care anymore and won’t waste my time guessing around.

Focusing on local politics is more productive. I can actually have an impact locally.

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This isn't a maga, republican, democrat thing. It's a globalist plan just like making all of north america, US. Canada, Mexico one country under the new world order. The same as land grabs burning, storming people out of their homes, maui, tn, nc, etc. This is how they rebuild into smart cities as a part of Agenda 21. They've been doing it for a very long time.




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Id love to say Im at the sit back and eat popcorn stage but doomsday prepping leaves me little time.

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The planet is a market and the inhabitants are the stakeholders. In the new order, all of this might be possible....

If 51% of Greenland's stakeholders want to sell their share to the highest bidder, that's a done deal. Greenlanders are therefore trusted to vote with their wallets on the future of their island, and to do so sovereignly.

At the same time, other population groups are denied the right to democratically decide in referendums which territory they would like to belong to and interference from outside is suspected (see donbass). That is curious, to say the least.

Financial interests coupled with external interference and a hostile capitalist takeover are legitimate, while a banal referendum vote is not recognised due to a lack of legitimacy.

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Unless you are a "friend" of the west, you will never be permitted to have a referendum let alone a free election. Look no further than Gaza and the West Bank or even Romania

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I wish i could share with you Dan Ehrlich's Dec 4 2024 article "Lebensraum Needed For Israel's Exploding Population" in The Times of Israel. Puff piece for war and land grabs for the Greater Israel. Talmud, you know, anything goes.

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Trump's Greenland idea sparks intense debates, from geopolitics to democracy. Perfect lunchtime (https://lunchtimeresults.org.za/) reading if you enjoy dissecting global moves!

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I did a little checking.

There are 37 Dual Israeli/US Citizens in Congress (Senate + House)

BUT - there are only 34 Jews in the same group.

Makes me wonder - who are the other 3?

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