I only “like” posts when the sentiment is genuine. Many posts fall short of my support threshold after I read them in full. I’m sure this standard is not unique. You earned my support at “You, my friend. Urgently.”

Thanks and take care.

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Hi Markus, I have followed Dr Malone since the beginning of Covid after watching him on the Epoch Times and am a paid subscriber!

Your thoughts have triggered me to some thoughts I have had over the past year or so about his association with the Trump outfit. I was bemused when he wrote that he never received tickets to the inauguration and wondered if he had let himself be used or just failed to see the trees for the forest. Sadly he has been discarded almost like the kid that gets told that he or she is not in the group anymore. Dr Malone and Jill have solace in being able to go back to the farm and maybe having some time out until the ship steadies, if it ever will? I write from afar down here in little old New Zealand where for the moment life is okay. Thank you 🙏

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Malone and hisnwife are controlled op. If you think he took the shots, for which he helped create and knew the dangers of, well I don't know what to tell you. He and his wife are lifelong dod/darpa gov contract nuts.

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Malone is not your friend

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Malone IS corrupt! I have been aware of this for some time. If you are being sucked in by the MSM (FAKE NEWS) I sympathize with you. Malone is just crying in his beer because he isn’t getting his way. I’m sure you are aware that he changed his tune about Trump when he wasn’t nominated for a position in his administration?

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Trump withdraws US from WHO.

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I still can’t get past what he did to the Breggins.

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That's all we ever needed to know. And if Malone was really so offended by the Breggins’ words I'm sure he could have easily reconciled without any lawsuit.

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Right. I agree. I have a lot of respect for the work of Dr.Breggin. So much so that I cited him in my first book in 2005. All I really know about Dr. Malone is that he assisted in developing the dangerous mRNA technology. I don’t consider that anything to be proud of.

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Wow - you are a very unique and strong intellect to be sure - and you understand human nature and the unavoidable corrupting influence of power - unfortunately, it’s not pragmatic is it - desiring and striving for utopia - I see nothing evil in the crypto ventures of the Trump family - who does it hurt? Get in a get out quick and make your fortune with opportunities like this. And Trump and his pirate ship of allies is all we have right now - I’m hoping and praying that they do make headway against the deadly mRNA and it’s easy to see the subterfuge of substituting healthy eating as the cure to all our health concerns. It’s an important start at least. Let’s hope that ensuring vaccines can never again be mandated at least gets us a bit closer to MF. Also impressed with your knowledge how “plant medicines” can heal us spiritually and address ego problems.

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Trump just paraded out Silicon Valley guys today, specifically Larry Ellison, the owner of Oracle, to tout “AI and the role of mRNA ‘cancer vaccines’, to be tailor made for you and your genetic code. What a crock of crap. More digital surveillance through modern medicine! 😣😬

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I know and agree however am holding out hope that this is just another example of Trump clearly knowing what he’s doing as in “keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer”

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Well. At least Malone Stood up against Medical Eugenics. No One’s Perfect. I Won’t Include Him In The Herd. He Is Not a Corrupt Politician

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I’m on board with you on Malone. And I agree that the Means’ are being used to deflect from need to cancel the Covid shots. But you crossed a serious line criticizing Jeff Childers. 😕

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Happy to learn about why you defend my criticism on Jeff Childers. As I said many times, he is a great writer and used to be a staunch anti-vax warrior. I loved him. But then, in my opinion, he sold his soul to Trump - it is obvious, he has a total crush on the man, You can’t deny that. Nothing wrong with having a crush on someone, but you can’t have both - being a staunch anti-vax and love a pro-vax politician and consequently ignore, whitewash or distort all of the Trump pro-vax evidence and still be part of the MFM. The MFM is built on the medical tyranny around mRNA vaccines and also a tool for totalitarian oppression and control. There is unbridgeable cognitive dissonance in Jeff Childers for me.

As I said, that has nothing to do with his brilliant, intelligent and funny writing in many other topics - I still enjoy that. But I don’t see him as MFM thought leader anymore.

But maybe I miss something here .I am interested in your perspective. Elaborate please.

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No one is without scrutiny..even Jeff Childers!

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I value VERY MUCH that you work so hard to get your opinions out there, Markus. I wish I was more stable to contribute. I too, write and have my own substack. Mine is pathetically small, (4 followers).

Aside from any of that, I appreciate hearing my own thoughts through someone else. You got my attention with your opposition to Malone, but continue to relate to a much deeper less popular narrative. The fact that you put so much into this means you are a true warrior on the side of light. I don't mean to yank your chain so much, but I am comforted and inspired to not only speak the truth, but share my opinions a bit more loudly.

Thanks friend.

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Robert Malone is fake

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Extraordinary post, Nobody!


Trump with Gates; captured RFK Jr; pardoned Fauci!!!

Malone with horses and Jill. I used to read his posts "Who is Doctor Malone",

His invention of mRNA technology was later modernized,by Moderna, spiced with self assembly nanotechnology, thus use of bioweapons to "treat" non-existent COVID virus. HELL.

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Honest question. I have not read this as yet, but is he actually retarded?

N’ah. I think there’s more to the BS than that. Back pedal much?

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Greatness by Sue. I see it too. But yea probably not a legitimate retard. But some people make me consider it

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Ha! No kidding!

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Rubbish. Day 1 he dumped the WHO. About damned time. Next? He dumped Climate Change globalist propaganda. Soon (I hope) he kicks out the UN and the WEF along with Gates and Soros too.

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Trump just paraded out Silicon Valley guys today, specifically Larry Ellison, the owner of Oracle, to tout “AI and the role of mRNA ‘cancer vaccines’, to be tailor made for you and your genetic code. What a crock of crap. More digital surveillance through modern medicine! 😣😬

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What Trump knows and he’s not saying is the race for ASI against the CCP is priority #1 because if CCP wins that race it’s game over for USA. The infrastructure he’s building is for ASI, he’s touting the potential benefits to the people rather than talking about the war for technological superiority that will be for military dominance. If we don’t do it, the CCP will, and our military will not be able to defeat them.

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Just Weird I Swear to God

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Excellent article. One question, did you mean to say "can't" instead of "can" when talking about taking leadership roles? As in, doesn't mean you can't be leader repeatedly if the situation requires it but it doesn't lead to perpetual leadership position? Because I wasn't quite sure.

I followed him for a while but his constant references to his own part in the development of mRNA tech started to sound rather "Do you know who I am" ish and then I read an article he wrote saying that he was a firm believer in American exceptionalism, at which point I realised there was really very little point in listening to anything he had to say cos that's hilariously stupid.

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Disagreement with a plan or an opinion is fine, but not with strategies for acquiring or retaining power.

Insightful and in my opinion, one of the key takeaways.

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