Bill Gates is an evil MF’er and should be eradicated by whatever means necessary along with the WHO and WEF

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I certainly wouldn’t shed a tear if he got Luigi’d.😆

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We need a thousand Luigis.

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When the TRUTH becomes known, WE THE PEOPLE are going to all be LUIGIS! There are more Luigi’s ready & willing than anyone can imagine!

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🤣🤣🤣 !

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Apparently Substack doesn’t have a problem with vigilante justice.😆

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And the head of the snake the UN, otherwise nothing changes

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The UN is just the front organisation for the globalists, like the Rockefeller’s. Behind all that are the more nefarious covert organisations (again involving the likes of the Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s), e.g. The Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, not forgetting The Club of Rome. Of course there’s the WEF, another front organisation and the WHO! The beast is like a mythical Hydra, many heads, until you cut the heads off nothing will change!

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Read “The Committee of 300.”

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Committee of 300 by John Coleman a must read!

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Is that a book?

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If this was required reading for high school seniors, the world would be a very different place.

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Read The Creature From Jekyl Island. Watch the DVD The Secret of Oz and The Money Masters

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Jim Keith, a first-class conspiracy researcher who some believe was murdered by the elite during what was supposed to have been a minor surgical procedure on his knee, believed that the perverse satisfaction and exaggerated pride of these men is a natural outgrowth of their keenly observing how much control over others their elite status confers on them and their associates. This is especially true given the Illuminati's control and manipulation of nations like the U.S.A., Russia and Germany, nations with vast technological prowess that fosters the growth of Big Brother government control.

He writes:

Beneath the cloak of the prime conspirators are larger groups of rich peasantry and landlords dominating a huge mass of poor serfs and less-than-serfs whose labor and lives are sucked to provide the lifeblood to nourish the upper portions of the pyramid. This ancient structure is perfectly visible to anyone with the eyes to be appalled.

It is also obvious that the ruling class cabals and spy organizations which we do know about are pointed in roughly the same direction: the total control and "utilization" of the mass of mankind by whatever means it takes. Aside from all the lofty banter about the "perfecting of mankind," what is desired is the perfecting of the systems of control. Control is the shared goal of these numerous conspiring individuals, groups, and governments, and in that sense they work together, collaborating here, working individually there, creating an evolving noose of murderous technological expertise that swiftly tightens around humanity's throat. With this goal in place, with money and the tools of advanced technology in hand, the overall program of accomplishment crystallizes.


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The Rockefellers have pretty much taken over the vast majority of the country with people who share the evil agenda. I've known for 43 years, and it’s gotten much worse everywhere.

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Consider the military trial of the Freemason, Cabrinovic, assassin of the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Hungary, a fateful event that touched off the deadly and fiery conflict of World War I. Cabrinovic's testimony at his trial provides us a graphic example of the rebellious spirit of the men of the secret societies and orders. Asked if he had conspired with other Freemasons to murder the Archduke and thus set off a saga of anarchy and mayhem throughout Europe, Cabrinovic told the military court,

"Yes, I knew we were all Freemasons, and this strengthened my resolve... Freemasonry strengthened my intention. In Freemasonry it is permitted to kill."

Ah yes. "In Freemasonry it is permitted to kill," testified the assassin Cabrinovic. How exquisitely truthful the man was as he sat in the witness chair, being called to account for his horrific crime. When we examine the historical record of the world's most despicable mass murderers and revolutionaries, we find that almost all of them were members of  Freemasonry and other secret societies of the Illuminati:

Robespierre was a Freemason; Weishaupt was a Freemason; Napoleon was a Freemason; Lenin was a Freemason; Stalin was a Freemason; Mussolini was a Freemason; Truman and Roosevelt were Freemasons; Ariel Sharon is a Freemason; Bill Clinton is a Freemason; Fidel Castro is a Freemason


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In President Trump’s speech, he said “Biden and the Democrats have betrayed our country!”

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You missed the U.N. General Assembly this month, which implemented the United States and China at the top of change. They are already embroiled in a fierce contest for expanded global influence and have unveiled distinctive visions for the next era of international order—until 2025, when Trump just returned. We shall see if he can beat them!

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Absolutely, the services of John Wick urgently overdue!

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The only version of actual justice is doled out to the bewildered herd by Hollywood in trite movies. It’s the pressure valve to assist in preventing any actual cohesive assault on the controllers. If voting was effective it wouldn’t be allowed.

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Ya think 🤔

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Statements such as yours are stupid and dangerous. People like Bill Gates and Donald Trump and the other upper echelon sons of the historical infiltrator are infinitely smarter than you and have been laying out this plan for millennia. Further, they have weapons that you cannot even conceive of; therefore, until you can match their wit, cunning, and subtlety, you are defeated already.

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







Dr Jane Ruby explains the genocidal Globalist agenda a must watch


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It was always bullshit and anything they come up with will be bullshit also. They are trying to take away our protein sources, chicken and eggs, a superfood culling all the chickens when like us humans some will die the others will build immunity, no need to cull. But the farmers are collecting their checks so as long as they get paid no one is fighting, it’s the same old over and over again the devil likes his money and most people are ok if they get paid.

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I agree Gates is evil!

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Gates is a grifter following the same plan he used with Microsoft. Steal a computer operating system. Sell it. Hire programmers to write virus programs. Then one to write anti-virus programs. Sell the anti-virus programs. He's done the same with polio... using live virus 'vaccines' to keep the occasional outbreaks newsworthy and the finding of it in 'wastewater' in NY every year.. (still seems implausible since wastewater is result of something surviving bathing in chlorinated water 'growing a sequence' when ceasing use of DDT likely had more to do with less cases.) Nevertheless, he used the same plan with the almighty 'Covid', except with a twist... administer a deadly toxin called 'vaccine', that has infected and killing for years after injection, meanwhile extracting wealth from the common citizens and filtering into his pockets. A college dropout that cannot have the vast thorough knowledge on every subject... he is just repeating talking points of his hired scientist. He's the king of grifters alright.

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In 2017 Trump and RFK Jr. met to discuss RFK Jr chairing a commission on vaccines safety and integrity. But then Bill Gates came to discourage Trump, saying that would be a bad idea, so the commission was never formed.

Trump, is very good at changing his mind, and he is easy to persuade, especially when the persuader is the biggest rogue that ever lived!

Thus, I hardly think Trump believes in MAHA and what RFK Jr. stands for; which means he is not concerned if RFK Jr. is not confirmed by the Senate, I hope I am wrong.

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I fear you are right….have Kennedy not confirmed would be best outcome for Trump. He kept his promise….but got rid of Kennedy

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I’m sure there’s a back up plan that would give him even more power.

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Rfk is not against vaccines. He has said exactly that multiple times. His only argument is that more information needs to be made available. He is all in with Musk and Vivek and Wiles on the mRNA technology. His job, and the reason he’s there, is to give Trump cover on the vax front. Rfk has a reputation that he’s anti vaccine. That’s a false front. Try and find one statement where he says he’s against mRNA vaccines. Or where he says the covid vax is a bioweapon for population control. If he had ever said anything like that Trump would not have brought him onboard. It’s kind of like how the author of this article keeps acting like Trump is just along for the ride. He is obviously a co-conspirator and always has been. His first campaign and transition team was largely run by Scott Gottlieb. That’s the dude that’s at the top of the spear for mRNA and he made the CIA in charge of pandemic response. He works for darpa either directly or indirectly. It’s all bad news. Trump isn’t a babe in the woods being tossed about by the winds of change. He’s a ringleader and just as guilty as any of the rest of them.

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Then why did he emphatically state that USA would always be a sovereign nation-state? I ask this because the whole narrative here implies that Trump is a go-along globalist (accepting vaccine programs, meant to control global population). I’m fairly certain that he is not.

I am still concerned that his objection to the WHO (by extricating the USA) was about the dollars being charged as opposed to what China pays. I had hoped that his rejection of WHO would be based on its attempt to control all health decisions globally. There are things that need substantial clarity, it seems.

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I believe he did say that. If you hear the msm's, it's all negative. Remember the cost uses 10% truth, and then spins lies. And if anyone thinks that this isn't happening then they're not seeing that they're being fooled.

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I used to be a diehard supporter but now I stop to consider opinions such as yours and lend them credibility. Doing so leads to the inevitable sinking feeling of doom with the NWO. It is all political theatre with a vile set of actors and we are truly fucked as a nation. Hard to internalize the nihilism.

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Fair enough. One person's nihilism is another person's spiritual reality. Its complicated to judge people by the written word only. I trust my instinct and intuition more and more and it works for me.

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Well said. It’s very difficult to come to terms with what we are facing. I catch myself still hoping at times that Trump is not who he appears to be. I hope that he is who he pretends to be. But then I realize that’s wishful thinking on my part.

“The beast prospered in everything that it did and truth was thrown to the ground”.

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.”

“He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.”

“Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.”

I am trying to mentally and spiritually prepare myself for this inevitability. I believe that’s why he told us what’s coming. This is just like when the Babylonians had Jerusalem surrounded. The prophets were saying God would deliver them and they would triumph. They perished. Only Jeremiah had it right. God had declared defeat for a time and then he would deliver them. Same thing here. But I also take heart in this.

“With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.”

“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

God bless you! You are doing great work!

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We are currently living in the Greatest Biblical Times Foretold in the Holy Bible! Isn’t it great knowing that JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH will soon be coming to clean up the mess created by the Heathen Elitist Luciferians? GOD gave us FREE WILL and the RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE! Some will fight for TRUTH, others will cave in to the Satanic Cabal without even realizing they’re choosing evil over GOD! FIGHTING for TRUTH and fighting for GOD is THEE Decision that every HUMAN on this EARTH is going to have to make sooner or later! Hopefully sooner! There are going to be many MARTYRS, but sadly there are going to many more FOOLS who will seal the deal to their ETERNAL DEMISE IN HELL!

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Agreed and RFK is a part of it; whether RFK and Billy Boy actually like each other or whether that's just an act is irrelevant, they are both part of the globalist agenda. Trump, RFK. Musk etc are all part of it and are just doing what they need to do to try and convince the "awake" crowd that they are on the right team, and looking out for us, when in reality they aren't; they are pushing forward with the globalist agenda albeit just in a more covert way.

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totally agree….. i also think what we are seeing is a kind of build back trust that the Event 201 guys discussed….. i think thats why we are being showed all sorts of USAID and other things that they will supposedly fix….. ( and vaccines ) and food…… i think we are in that phase …… its not real…..maybe we will see some low level improvements….. BUT, the Great Reset is alive and moving forward as its plain and obvious to see…..

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This is a video for David S to hear RFK Jr. discussing the Covid jab.

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On Sept 18, 2019, Trump signed a bill that humans could be used for experimental vaccines with mRNA and dot technology. On Sept 19, 2019 Gates announced a global universal vaccine platform was coming. Not long after covid was born.

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That bill is awash with lies. There was a Cochrane Foundation meta analysis some years ago that for a period of ten years, flu shots administered to seniors made absolutely no difference to influenza outcomes.

This is because acute respiratory illnesses are neither infectious in nature nor contagious, any more than migraines or angina are. Instead, and like those other diseases which result from loss of normal internal equilibria.

The multi decade flu jab campaigns were nothing more than to acclimatise people to concept that you need these jabs in order to stay safe.

This bill builds on the very successful fraud & crucially moves the narrative on, that instead of requiring the slow, manual methods of jab production in chicken egg embryo, now we’ll use much faster and more flexible techniques.

As i & others have explained at length before rollout of the injections deployed in the fake pandemic to prevent the non-existent, novel illness, covid19, these products are designed to cause harms. Our opinions have been validated by the outturn.

It’s simply not possible to produce a genuinely new product, even using modern molecular biology techniques, in less than several years. This is an irreducible time bar. When we now see the stated ambition to get this done in the future in no longer than 100 days, I’m pleading with you to accept that this confirms my earlier concerns that this approach is going to be used to devastate the human population.

Please note, before anyone argues the toss about manufacturing timelines, no vaccine is required at all, even if the very underlying concept wasn’t a lie.

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Thank you. 🙏🏼♥️🙋🏼‍♀️you confirm my sentiments exactly‼️🙌🏼🥰

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The flu shot and the time to make the vaccine has nothing to do with this bill. It was to give permission or to say it is ok to experiment on people with spike protein, dot technology in the vaccines. Which is not ok. Period.

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I agree.

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Gates has a plan called 50in5. He plans to have a working digital id and digital banking in 50 countries by Nov 2028. The UN has scheduled the second global stocktake for agenda2030 for Nov 2028. The pope has a seven year plan to bring the church into compliance with agenda2030. That plan ends Nov 2028. They are planning to come to a final, overarching agreement to implement agemda2030 at that time. The G20 has become an enforcement agency for agenda2030. They have digital ID for everyone on the planet as a top priority. Nov 2028 is seven sevens after the passage of the Jerusalem Law of 1980. According to that, the final seven would begin Nov 14, 2028. That’s the exact same day the popes plan ends. 1260 days before that is June 3, 2025. That is Shavuot. The UN has a high level conference scheduled at that time to implement the two state solution and a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. Big things are happening according to a timeline. Logicalpaladin.com

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Please post link of proof that Trump signed a bill.

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I also came across on twitter I think that D.T. did signed the c.19 to force it on the American population. D.T. Had his inauguration in a sport stadium bcause hi is/was still the president since signing the Covid shots. I read it that the hall in the White House where all the president pictures are Trump is still on there and not biden. You can not inaugurate the same president twice for the same position that he did not even lost. It’s a stage with the white house, trump, biden.

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Lots of conditions and decision-making by many others to enforce this “essential” influenza vaccine program. Not a Trump-alone decision!

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And what? Trump doesn’t know what’s happening?

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One should not have to search for what you asserted. Assert and then show your work.

Once again I say, Trump is not a doctor. His biggest downfall is his impulsivity. I will never believe that he did this maliciously, but rather on the advice of people he trusted who were doctors.

Just my opinion, and my gut. We all have a right to that after all.

And no, I did not fall for the “big lie” of Covid or the vaccines.

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I love how he puts the Secretary of Defense in charge of the studies to determine the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. I also love how he makes it crystal clear that the he is talking about developing mRNA vaccines without ever using the term even once. He calls it advanced, fast and scalable technology. We all know what that means but he can fall back on “I never said mRNA.” He actually almost never mentions it directly in any platform or interview. Musk and Vivek both do. It was Viveks specialty. RFK never talks about it either. Trumps fda commissioner fo his first term, Scott Gottlieb works for Resilience. They manufacture mRNA for Moderna. Trump is systematically building up the mRNA technology companies and infrastructure through the DOD, which he is directly in charge of. The truth is very clear. We are headed down a dark path and Trump is leading the way.

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Good to know. Thanks for this. I am working on Bill Gates astrology, and dates, events and associations with the planets is helpful.

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Sept, 2019 is when Gates had the 201 conference on pandemics with the WEF and other groups.

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Are you looking forward to the Wesak Festival and the 100 year conclave of the Great White Brotherhood? It’s 2025 and the prophecy of Djwhal Khul is about to come to fruition. The date for the externalization of the hierarchy is expected. If you believe that sort of thing.

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What was that Bill number?

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You are not wrong.

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I hope you are right..

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Then 😈🤡trump comes in ... Says oh that would be a bad idea.. no need for vax safety regs ..🤣🤣🤣

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Bill Gates operates with an outward intention of philanthropy but his soul is evil, and many don’t see it. His power is in his immoral essence bound by enormous wealth. He should not be trusted, ever. He’s proven over time that he is morally reprehensible.

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What woke me up to Gates happened at the start of Covid. He owns a resort on the island of Nevis in the West Indies. All the staff were laid off for months and very few got unemployment as the government was strapped for cash. Gates could easily have paid them all for two years but no. He let people die as some were so depressed they ended their lives. Then they were all mandated to get the shots before they could go back to work. He relishes playing God .

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Evil to the core Daithi. Scary that most don’t see it. Powerfully able to execute a devils plan. 👿

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Correct Annette. Gates without money is just an aggravating annoyance. But with money he is diabolically dangerous.

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If he died tomorrow someone else would take his place in a heart beat. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Gates is just a puppet. A very replaceable puppet.

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The puppets just keep coming. When do we run out of puppets? Will we run out of puppets? How do puppets reproduce? Darn puppets.

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Well said

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Billy doesn’t have a Soul.

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He has a SOUL, but the DEVIL is the OWNER!

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He’s got one. It’s under construction however.

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I think Bill G. is as low & dangerous as they come. No soul.

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Yeah he’s now a member of a global oligarchy. This week watch the meetings at DAVOS, if you can stomach them. The WEF. Bill, Al Gore, etc will be speaking. Trump’s Inauguration speech has them pissing their pants. The European’s especially and the WHO. Paris Climate Accord is, along with Climate change a huge topic of course. Like JFK saying what he was going to do to the deep state and got killed for it less than a year later. Trump may be at risk.

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Great article - a shame I didn't have that a few months ago to smash into Jeff Childers face when he wrote that Trump is anti-vax but can't say it until after the elections.

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I doubt it would have made a difference. People don’t WANT to see!

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Trump is a co-conspirator on the vax front. Always has been. He’s not a babe in the woods being strung along by greater forces. He is just as guilty as Gates and Wiles and Fauci etc. Musk and Vivek are both 100% pro MRNA. Vivek made his money in biotech and mRNA. Everyone Trump surrounds himself with is tied into it one way or another. He’s not being tricked or coerced. He’s a bad guy. Scott Gottlieb is another example. Rfk is just there for cover. Rfk worked his into the anti vax crowd as a way to get more power and notoriety. Not to mention he’s been drawing a very large salary from it as well. We have got to stop kidding ourselves. Trump is a bad guy.

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Jeff Childers's substack has degraded into shameless pro-Trump rubbish. I am not sure if Childers is revealing himself to be a political fool, or if he has become a shill.

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You got it…100%! It’s actually quite disappointing.

Many have the same cognitive dissonance that they blamed the “Left”, and Democrats for having.

I voted for Trump twice. Now that I have information that I didn’t have nearly four years ago, I see the Truth!

It’s mind blowing! Trump is not good.

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If voting worked it would not be allowed

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I love that

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I have to repeat: Read this article if you truly want to understand how Trump operates, people - it tells more about Trump and his pro-vaccines and pro-Gate stance than anything else I heard or read.

Forget his tweets and what he says - pure propaganda and lies. Research what he actually that and that articles is brilliant and looks very solid.

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I remember in 2016 after the election, Henry Kissinger appeared to deliver the globalist orders to DJT in New York (assumption only but I think well-founded). Then, as I recall, BG arrived and put a stop to the post that DJT offered to RJK Jr. (to chair a commission on vaccine safety and integrity), what some called a vaccine czar. It was kind of like a one/two punch. Your contention (that this time, BG delivered the globalist orders to DJT) is very sound IMHO, especially in light of similar visits to the new Australian and UK leaders. He appears to be the conduit through which those in control of the NWO make their demands known to the world's puppet leaders.

Apropos your belief that DJT and BG work toward the same goals, there is the "bait and switch", pulling (~ $280 million/year) US support to the WHO, only to give GAVI over 1 billion US taxpayer dollars as a fungible pass through, thus strengthening BG's control of that organization. See this: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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That’s from a long time ago before a “big plandemic”.

I think Trump has learned a few things since then. Not enough but a lot more.

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Sorry but this thinking is delusional. Trump is immoral and evil.

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I suggest you read the entire article.

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Right! The article was written. July 7, 2020! That was still very early in the “plandemic”! Trump was still figuring stuff out. Who to trust etc. He was new to Washington and being president. And not a doctor. TONS of people around him lying to his face.

I am not a Trump sycophant. But, there is no way he could have understood the deception so soon.

So much easier to tear down than give grace.

This has been his biggest downfall, and in no ways has he been great at this issue. Transferring money from the WHO to Gavi that early on I believe was a rookie mistake he wouldn’t make again. He didn’t have enough good people around him he could trust then. He had a ton of pressure to not allow a deadly outbreak!

I think he knows better now, but yes, time always tells.

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Yep. People have very short memoried.

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People need to do their homework and understand what organizations are under what organizations or nothing changes. To get rid of the WHO does nothing but silence the people momentarily because they don’t know any better. All tentacles need killed starting at the local levels in govt this is where it is the weakest. All these so called planning groups in every city like EDC, ICLEI, HUD, all the way up to the UN need to go.

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I agree - only a grassroots and cultural change can make a difference, and it has to come from a spiritual awakening within ourselves first.

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That just sounds like struggling against flesh and blood. If we don’t get the spiritual change right then the tear of it cannot be changed. Sure we could put someone worse in charge but then the result will be the same. This is Gods plan. We cannot change the plan by defeating the people he’s using to run it. God isnt counting on Bill Gates or anyone else to make his plan work. We have to repent and pray and recognize that God is behind this or we will get run over by it. 100%

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Do you think that we are not to stand up against evil? Or that we are not to call it out? Do you think that Yahweh wants us to say or do nothing while these people want to kill the GOD gene in our brain, change our DNA , and kill humanity to transform us into transhumanism? I agree we need to repent. But when we know that these people are spraying our air with poisons, contaminating our water and food, with dot technologies, mRNA, etc and we say or do nothing, we are saying we are ok with it. We basically are suicidal. Scripture says we are to stand up. I do agree 💯 that we are to repent, we need YAH in America again.

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Yes resist. The idea I’m talking about is that we can defeat their ideology by defeating the people that are pushing it. We can’t. Our job is to try and pull as many as we can into the lifeboat. The ship is definitely sinking and cannot be saved. We are to resist and expose and save. We are not to attempt to defeat them. This is like when the Babylonians had surrounded Jerusalem. God said Jerusalem was going to fall to them and the people should surrender or face death. The prophets were saying that the people should rise up against them and God would not allow the Babylonians to defeat them. The wise men of God prepared for defeat and prospered. The false prophets prepared for war and died.

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Trump plans to eliminate 85% of government employees. He will get rid of all that he believes should go. They claim they are cleaning the government out!

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The UN, WHO,WEF,CDC,EPA,DOT,HUD, MPO, etc are NOT GOVT GROUPS they are NGO’s. These organizations are who is controlling all levels of government. So for Trump to get rid of 85% of govt employees is not fixing the problem.

In 1992 Bush sr signed the US on to agenda21, along with 178 other countries signed on with the promise of big money going green. When Clinton was president he started the PSDC (presidential sustainable development committee) with 12 cabinets, the groups he assigned was Dow Chemical, Seaman’s, DuPont, Serra Club, Kenlay, etc. notice what most of these groups have in common? They came up with a municipal primer to change policies this is how they became NGO’s at every level of govt through planning depts, EDC, and climate change.

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They are government groups to most of America you are unbelievable! There are people who leave because there read sh*t like this! Dear Gads what is wrong with you? Don't you care if millions of others connect to what's going on!? You don't do you?

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... and MPOs (Metropolitan Planning Organizations) and ATAs (Area Transportation Authorities)!

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I will unveil my biases.

We have (s)elections, not elections in the U. S. #47-Elect was (s)elected, just as he was (s)elected in '16, and not (s)elected in '20. I witnessed the steal in '20, live (I tend to stay up until the early morning on a regular basis).

While Gates may be registered as a Demoncrat, along with Soros and so many others, Kissinger and the Rockefellers, save one who switched parties, are or were registered Republicans. Those in the GOP (Globalist Owned Predators) don't want to believe that those who control the party are as evil, maybe more so, than their allies who oversee the Demoncratic Party.

Son-in-law Kushner started a real estate enterprise. He needed investors. Among those who invested are Soros and U. S.-educated Jack Ma, head of Alibaba, the gaming company that has partnered with U. S. tech titans to develop the U. S.-Chinese Social Credit Scoring System.

There were four globalists in the room, not three. There was no "outsider" in the room, only insiders. As I was reading the column, I was reminded of the photo-op of #45 shaking hands with Hank Kissinger. BTW, Kissinger met bi-monthly with Nasty Nikki Haley while she operated (not served) as the U. S. Ambassador to the UN. She is as damaged as a trustworthy individual as any WEF YGL (Young Global Leader). BTW2, Kissinger mentored Klaus Schwab of WEF infamy and he worked closely with Eric Schmidt (Alphabet) and his chosen heir apparent. Is my anti-Kissinger bias beginning to show? He wax mentioned, derisively, in the 1990 movie, "Hidden Agenda," for actions in Argentina. A friend of mine believes he was instrumental in the death of one of her uncles. Again, he was registered as a Republican!

"Hank" worked with Bill in "securing" the assets of the many nations of Africa, while the people were used as guinea pigs for methods of aborting the populations of those African nations.

While I know of no one who has opined on this perspective, I believe every President, SOH, Senate Majority Leader, House and Senate Minority Leaders, and others, as needed, are made members of the Federal Reserve. This prevents any audit of the Fed and provides an incentive for those in these positions to push the global agenda upon the rest of us.

I genuinely hope and pray that I will be pleasantly surprised by what happens while #47 occupies the Puppet Hut (a/k/a the White House). My belief is that the Office of the POTUS is the weakest (s)elected position in the world; if he fails us, he succeeds for those who (s)elected him. Time will tell on which side of the injection divide he stands, but his past actions and comments don't inspire any trust.

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Thank you, I stand corrected. There were indeed four Globalists in the room.

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In all honesty, has the Commander In Chief EVER not been selected?

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Not in my lifetime! I'm 73 years young!

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Trump loves vaccines. Vance wealth mostly in more mRNA development. Susan wiles w.h. chief of staff is a lobbyist for the drug cartel and nation of Qatar. The list is long on trumps people. Biden was a horror, but in a year we will miss him.

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Trump isn’t worse than Biden. Biden just went along with whatever he was told. Same people are in charge either way. Like it’s always been. Trump is just another co-conspirator in a long line of them. They compete amongst themselves to see who can get the biggest slice of the pie. Who gets to pick the curtains. The ideology is the same year in and year out.

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A year?

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Stive. You are likely correct. There appears to be no partisan separation at all. These Congressmen seem to always get what they want no matter the consequences. The entire governmental structure is a subversive show. A government within a government. One we see and cast votes for and another we can’t see except for occasional glimpses. It matters not who sits in the Oval. So much insurgency and duplicity. Every one of them is kingdom building and grabbing all they can. So sad. Meantime the migration invasion continues. Our enemies are inside the wire. Right in our faces. Soon in our neighborhoods. Arm up.

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I’m not sure in my over six decades of living through the illusion known as participatory politics….any politician has been of such character that he is “missed”…..

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Honestly it has been rough seeing my husband STILL so on board.

I didn’t vote. No consent to be governed. My man was unable to convince me to vote and he was extremely frustrated.

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Same with my wife!

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(2/2) So yeah, there is hope, but we're not individually supposed to be the ones freezing these parasites off, or prying the leeches off, the exploitative system they've transformed our institutions into. On our side, I think there's a lot of tactics we can take. Creative disruption of those institutions, like they do in Communist countries, is one (assuming it is goal-oriented and ultimately constructive, e.g. oriented toward decentralization, toward a more subsidiary and local model). Aiming for greater self-reliance is another, so you don't have to dance to Gates' tune. Stewarding our imaginations is huge, as well as staying hopeful.

And on that note, I'll close with the following thought. Ultimately, those who style themselves as "gods" will eventually be judged and condemned as false "gods," by history, but also by the Transcendent—as their own Creator laughs them to scorn. In the words of a very old and very apropos poem:

God…renders judgment among the “gods”:

“How long will you defend the unjust

and show partiality to the wicked?

Defend the weak and the fatherless;

uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

Rescue the weak and the needy;

deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

“The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing….

. . . . . . . . . .

“I said, ‘You are “gods”;

you are all sons of the Most High.’

But you will die like mere mortals;

you will fall like every other ruler.”

Rise up, O God, judge the earth,

for all the nations are your inheritance.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


When it comes to vaccines … there are a lot of fine people on both sides of the issue.

Those that have died already, and those that are sick as shit and going to die with the immediacy that organ failure offers.


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Interesting article. I find it interesting how quick people panic. I see that you believe that Gates is a powerful and sociopathic lier and yet virtually all of your facts are derived from him.

So Mr Trump just pulled out of the WHO. Is this the actions of a man who is under Gates's sway?

There was extreme pressure against picking J D Vance as VP and yet here we are.

The deep state focused on locking up J6 protesters,almost obsessively, and yet now they are pardoned.

I understand that this article was probably written shortly before all this happened but still, wouldn't it be a good idea to, especially now, to give Trump the benefit of the doubt?

You write. That Gates seemed to be energized and enthusiastic and you quote him saying that “they had a good meeting” as at the same time you obviously believe that Gates isn't to be remotely trusted. Why do you believe him only when it makes it appear Trump is a sellout?

I mention this, because I took over a year's break from locals and one of the things I notice apon my return is how much more dark and blackpilled the writing in this community has become. Which is troubling to me, as I left shortly after the triumph of the J6 committee and all the miscarriages of justice then proceeding.

Robert Barnes has a favourite saying “ The favourite thing of the devil is to convince people he doesn't exist. The favourite thing of the deepstate is to convince people they cannot resist”.

See when you write articles that paint so one-sided and blackpilled a picture you are, in fact,convincing people it is pointless to resist. That the forces of darkness are, in fact, unbeatable. I am quite concerned about the general attitude of gloom I read about in the posts. This makes you, however unknowingly, an agent of the deepstate.

Would it not be wise now,that Trump has kept his promises to an extremely unusual degree. Certainly to the excess of my expectations. To perhaps write an article pointing out the good side. Certainly if you use the same criteria as you did in this article it is possible to write a positively realistic article about Trump. At least as realistic and factual as this article. So much depends on how you look at things.

Consider this. The deepstate and Gates failed in their covid experiment. Think back on how lockstep all governments were in 2020. Think of how successfully they managed to demonise all alternative treatments of covid and forced the vaccine, across the entire globe no less. Think of how the evil ones in charge, Fauci et el, were worshiped and deified. Think of how the entire global media was in total agreement with all this. I am convinced that in my country, Canada, we were on a path to extreme repression,possibly genocide. I'm not kidding when I say this. And yet despite all this control, all this power, last week Joe Biden was obliged to pardon Fauci. Just think about that for a minute. Yes it is sad that Fauci will probably never be held accountable for his crimes but just think of the positive side of all this. Every time something like this happens more normies are shaken awake. This matters, the deepstate would not lie and cheat with so much determination if they didn't have to. Every single person who wakes up is another headache for the deepstate. Even if they only wake up partially, once you have seen the first thing it is soo much easier to see other things.

Not to mention that virtually no one takes covid boosters anymore That is the extent of badly it failed.

You can do as you will of course but I wish people who have the skills, like yourself, would sometimes write about the light and deliverance we have already experienced to inspire people with facts to arm them in their continuing struggle.

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Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Some good points here. If you scan my over 180 articles you might find many that propose solutions, which are all spiritual in nature. I also address some of your critique in my next article that I hopefully will publish in a few hours. Therefore I have to keep my answer shorter than your comment deserves.

And there is some praise for Trump in my next article.

Thanks again for your comment.

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My goodness, hooray for this comment. That's exactly how I feel here in the UK. In 2020 I vowed never to wear a mask, take the incoming jabs/gene therapies when they arrived, nor pay attention to any of the other mind-boggling stupid rules handed down, in fact would not comply in any way. I felt completely alone. If I recall correctly I had to travel to other cities to find people who thought like me, or scour the internet for like-thinking folks. Slowly but surely my 'team' grew, now I feel as if I'm in a very big minority, if not a majority. Difficult to tell. Because. I, too, feel that Substack has become a pretty dark place. As if Controlled Opposition/Chaos Agents have taken over. I find the pessimism overwhelming sometimes - and there's no need for it. I have no doubt we are winning. Five years ago I fully expected to be arrested for disobeying their stupid rules. Thank you for your optimism.

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Not to deny your statement about Gates being powerful, but isn't he just a middle-man of sorts for the likes of Larry Fink and Netanyahu amongst others? I know he has a lot of independent power, and he's insane but I'd begun to think he answer to guys higher up on the food chain.

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Yes, that's why I added that his real power comes from representing the biggest global mafia the world has ever seen.

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And I should have re-read that part, sorry I’ll show myself out. Good article, man I wonder if these mafiac schmucks ever thought of getting a hobby or joining a knitting circle instead of aspiring after Skeletor or something?

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You sound like Trump needs to be instructed or persuaded. He doesn't. And, maybe this is their way of openly "telling" us what they are going to do--the karma avoidance thing.

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Yes, someone else said something like that, and I think you are right. It is just a policy announcement. The primary purpose of the article was to wake up Trump fans to the reality that he is not this powerful guy who calls the shots and who his actual handlers are.

After they digest that, I can write about how he is and always was one of them. The interview doesn't prove that so. But it gives unmistakable signs of a pecking order in my opinion.

In the globalist hierarchy, it looks like Gates is above Trump.

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💥💥🤔☠️ warning shots from roof top shooters and /trump hunters 😯

Ha trump you are going to play along with use aren't you..

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I also remember Bill Gates's Gulfstream being tracked to the UK just before Boris Johnson resigned. I can't find much on it (because internet searches are increasingly worthless) but this substack does mention it:


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For sure, it is ”childish” to believe in a ”savior” who could defeat the dark forces by his own. Trump being part of the system, he cannot operate against the system. But maybe we should understand ”the system” as a pendulum that once hits left, once hits right. And the supreme power is to control not only the leaders but *also* their opponents.

What could however bring some good stuff is the unpredictable, ”outside of the model” side of Trump.

But yes, many will be disappointed. Up to them to sit and cry... or grow up and seek their own way to resist.

Time will tell...

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Time will tell . . .

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Time will tell.

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Thank u . Your comment made me think about how 2x maybe more 💥💥 shooters have ..let's say given trump a message.a warning shot .. ie ..play the global game or we just take you out 💥☠️ and find the next puppet.

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