You Are A Hopeless Idiot If You Vote - Here Is Why
Are You Ready To Show The Middle Finger To A Rigged System?
and , formerly known as “dissidents”, published glowing articles today predicting a Trump victory and urging everyone to go out and vote. Therefore, they wittingly or unwittingly support the joke we call democracy these days.Combined, they herd tens of thousands of their followers into a false narrative about democracy, which is ironic from a man (Malone) who writes whole books about psyops trying to warn people. He is either wholly captured (which I don’t believe) or never really thought deeply about the topic of so-called democracy, voting and how it deliberately divides the people and plays into the hands of the elites.
Jeff, in turn, is the only writer I mostly disagree with but still read regularly because he writes well—great, stupid, but funny entertainment.
I don't share his optimism about many things, including the Trump/Musk euphoria.
I don't share his superficial Christian hypocritical views at all.
And I am amazed how such an intelligent man can be so blind to the bigger Globalist picture and how everything works.
I consider both these guys as so-called “good” guys. They do mean well, but both do not dare to look deeply at the miserable state of humanity in this rapidly exploding power-greed system. It is simply too depressing and doesn’t give you tens of thousands of followers that pay you handsomely.
People don’t want to swallow the bitter red pill. People want lots of hopium pills.
Jeff, especially, is a master at selling hopium to the people—and hopium sells very well. He is a great drug dealer. Let's see how it all works out.
But even if it doesn’t, as a lawyer, he will twist or ignore everything that doesn't fit into the hopium narrative, for example, that Trump was and still is pro-mRna vax and openly called BigPharma "his friends" in the Rogan interview.
Just saying.
There is also immense evidence that the globalist puppet masters are linked to Jewish bankers who own Israel and also heavily fund Trump, so let's just see how that will go if Trump wins.
And there is more.
Maybe a big heartbreak is needed for more people to wake up and see the real danger for the population of the US and the world, which has nothing to do with presidential elections.
It needs a lot of courage to thoroughly look at the greed-power paradigm that splits humanity into less than 1% ruling elites and more than 99% of entirely ignorant servants and useful idiots (some a bit higher up the food chain - like Childers and Malone - than others) that believe they live in a functioning democracy and feel that their vote will decide the outcome of this election.
It is just too dark and depressing to see how immensely powerful and wealthy the elites have become and that we, the servants and cattle, have already lost on the material plane. This can’t be fixed and won’t be fixed.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why would two significant figures of the powerful elites, Trump and Musk, want to fix this? That is so unbelievably idiotic that it reflects how stupid people are.
They do not want to deal with the obvious reality. They would rather inhale completely unfounded hopium and deepen their materialistic misery, which, in a way, is a good thing. Most people need to hit rock bottom before they are willing to take full responsibility for their lives and start to investigate the truth. It is always darkest before the dawn.
Only those with a genuine personal spiritual connection based on seeing reality as it is, rather than on religious hopium and wishful prayers, will not care much about this and can live a calm and happy life despite it all.
I can. I learned it over the past four years. It wasn’t easy, but I am good and happy most of the time now, despite the grim materialistic reality. And even in those increasingly rare moments when I am not so good, there is no despair, fear, or excessive worry.
I simply know I am not so good today and accept it as part of what needs to happen. There is no choice. There is only awareness and understanding of how reality works, and with that comes acceptance and peace, no matter what happens.
So, if I can do it, everyone can. We are not that different—we are actually the same in essence. There is only one awareness. The rest—the body-minds we fret about constantly—become insignificant and unreal as soon as we can tap into that awareness.
But to find the motivation and earnestness to focus on the only thing that really matters—our spiritual development—we need to become utterly disheartened by the material-mental world around us on a personal and political level.
To become disheartened, we need to investigate and understand the structure of egoic human nature that feeds the power-greed paradigm.
Therefore, I continue talking about the power-greed system in the hope I wake some people up from their hopium trance the rest of the world passes out on.
Unless they are captured by the fear trance first.
But the two go together, of course.
Hopium briefly relieves fear until the hangover sets in. Then it is all fear and anger again until the next elitist political clowns sell more hopium.
Both candidates are Globalist candidates, and there was an undeniable shift in events when those at the top chose Trump.
Those with eyes and ears will have noticed how Trump suddenly shifted pro-Israel and anti-Iran a few weeks back, encouraging Israel to attack Iran and accusing Iran of trying to kill him, citing no evidence at all and ignoring the fact that the two previous attempts had nothing to do with Iran. He even blamed Iran in the Rogan interview.
The globalist Jewish puppet masters got to him and either convinced, bribed, or blackmailed him or did some other deal. On that day, the election was decided. It was obvious.
After that, there was a noticeable drop in support for Harris in the MSN. The whole mood shifted. The writing was on the wall.
She was ordered to do a terrible Fox interview that made no sense in the first place. MSN even criticised her. All this happened very suddenly and is quite evident if you look at it from an unbiased point of view.
The election was decided there and then, and the rest was just mass manipulation to make the people vote for what was already agreed upon, upholding the illusion of democracy.
Once again, the meaningless elections were also used as a massive distraction, so everyone forgot about the totalitarian Globalist threat that reared its ugly head during the Pandemic, and they made it look like it was just bad politics by the Democrats and would be fixed now by knight Donald and hero Musk.
But there is always a silver lining - this Globalist materialistic, transhumane (Hi Elon) push will and only can result in a true spiritual awakening of many, which has nothing to do with what the fucking corrupted Christian, Muslim or Jewish religions advocate.
Good luck with your hopium, Jeff, you will really need it when the shit hits the fan and your high wears off and a terrible hang-over sets in.
But such is human nature. Most of us must suffer badly before we are ready to face reality, and "only a good horse runs seeing the shadow of the whip", as the Buddha said.
For what it is worth - the only logical thing you can do is not to vote because what is offered to you is a terrible joke of what democracy is meant to be.
Only when enough people understand that nonparticipation in a rigged system that enslaves them is the only power they have will the voter turn-out go to an embarrassing low of 30% or less.
This will freak out any party or candidate because they will sense that 70% - hundreds of millions of people - look right through them and show them the middle finger. It will also freak them out because they will not know what these people think.
The non-voters are the uncaptured and unknown population that is unpredictable.
That’s why ALL parties always encourage, guilt-trip, or shame people into voting in any election. This will engage them and herd them into a minimal set of political beliefs. The deeper reason is to divide the people of a country deeply into Democrats and Republicans, left and right, etc.
The good old divide and conquer distracts everyone all the time.
However, each person has a spectrum of political beliefs that rarely match official party policies. Someone can be pro-gun, pro-abortion, anti-immigrant, and pro-vaccine at the same time. Someone can be anti-vax but pro-trans and pro-guns. But parties don't like that. They manipulate people to sign up to a fixed party line and divide them by it.
Originally, democracy wasn't structured through parties. One area elected a representative to represent that area and its people and voted for what the people in his area wanted him to vote for.
But the parties took over all the power, and now, a handful of the leading party members decide how all others should vote. So, power is concentrated among very few people in a democracy these days—everywhere.
These few people can be much more easily lobbied, bribed, and blackmailed than hundreds of independent elected members. But I digress.
If you can't see that this system is rigged, vote your heart out and fool yourself that you contribute to someone winning.
And, finally, the voting for "the lesser evil" scheme they put up every time to justify that we vote for a horrible candidate only because the other one is even worse. Fuck this.
Firstly, we have to investigate and understand that the puppet masters (the big funders and those who have leverage) have already decided who will win and make the people vote accordingly to keep up the illusion of democracy. Therefore, not voting makes no difference at all to the outcome.
Secondly, those intelligent people who realise how rigged the system is and that nonparticipation is the only logical answer will come from both camps equally.
Or, more precisely, they both come from the big group in the middle between the madly captured and divided Democrats and Republicans on each side.
There will be equal numbers of disgruntled former Democrats and former Republicans. An increasing number of people protesting the rigged system by not voting will not affect the outcome of the election but will significantly impact the confidence of the chosen politicians.
If you are not completely stupid, don't vote.
These insights won’t change anything in this election. But it is a seed. One seed can turn into a tree, producing thousands of seeds to grow a forest of common sense, courage, and wisdom. And that forest will one day take back all the land that the greedy and power-hungry elites raped and destroyed.
We might not live to see it, but that doesn’t matter. If you want true happiness, forget politics and look after your soul.
Good luck, and take it easy on the hopium. There are much better drugs out there. I recommend one above all: Love for what IS.
Paying taxes is your acquiescence to your slavery. Voting, as you point out, is just a show.
Yeah I don't need a new leader, I need a house to live in and a future. Somehow voting for billionaires doesn't seem to me to be an effective tactic. Why would they want to dismantle a system that keeps them uber wealthy? There's no affordable shelter in Australia but they, the ruling class, are all making a ton of money from the property market so they will never change it. I've never voted and it's compulsory here. There's no point. All I do is lay low in a cruel and sick society. I'm not going to play. I've drawn my line in the sand.