The Art Of Nonparticipation and Disattachment
If you are looking for a way out this might help
, a tireless and smart warrior against the totalitarian system, left the below comment on my recent article
This is regarding the recent whitewash report of Excess Deaths in Australia but touches on non-compliance and non-participation strategies
has written about in the past. But not only that. He walks his talk. He has organized and participated in real-life protests in Western Australia over the past years. Please visit him on Substack for more details.16 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere
I am not sure if this will help you, but the Australian government covid 'enquiries' and media 'reports' are key part of cognitive warfare during democide. To those who know what is happening, it is a humilation ritual and designed to wear down and demoralise - that is why they are obviously flimsy and absurd. To those in the narrative, they are designed to soothe and provide 'evidence' that they 'did the right thing' which they can then throw in the faces of the 'bad covid deniers.'
Of further interest is that they are also designed to 'cool the marks' in the same way. To those 'seeking justice,' they provide hope that 'just another enquiry will vindicate them, and 'mass arrests will occur.' In this way, they string people along in order to prevent revolutionary acts. Essentially, waiting around for 'vindication' is the release valve. The government has run out the clock and it is nearly 2025.
This is a brilliant summary of what is going on. When the news came out, I asked myself, “Why are these senators pushing for this enquiry?” There is no way this won’t be a whitewash.
Yet, while ignored and not currently uploaded to the Website, many factual submissions have become public records that future generations can refer to. This forces officials to take an official position, which could be their downfall when the time comes. Maybe just for that, it was worth the theatre.
When the ABS deleted the non-covid excess mortality in 2022 from the historical ledger and changed around the baselines multiple times (both historically unprecedented acts) I knew that we were watching a democidal regime solidify history. A democidial regime will never investigate itself and find wrongdoing.
Yes, I agree. But future regimes might, and there is some official evidence of what they did.
My strategy is to completely ignore official 'covid enquiries' and see them for what they are: cognitive warfare. It no longer interests me or elicits any emotional response from me. My revolutionary act is ignoring the government completely. They and their actions no longer interest me. They can all go pound sand.
I like that. I am heading towards the same approach. It spurned this article.
I am focussing on caring for the survivors who are interested in their own survival. I care very deeply about that. I do not care about what the government does.
Best wishes.
I couldn’t agree more, and I am increasingly concluding that mass non-participation in a corrupt system provides one of the best and most peaceful solutions. I have written about it before, but I think it is important to repeat it.
We do have an actual and very recent historical example where such an approach brought a totalitarian centralized system riddled with surveillance-cancer (they even recruited the children to spy on their parents) to a grinding halt - former East Germany.
Non-participation and subtle, safe, and consistent low-key sabotage worked.
Non-participation does not always mean abstaining from any action involving the corrupt system. Many will be forced to show up to survive, and they have to learn to look like they are participating, but it is what guides them in their hearts that makes the difference.
As long as they stop participating with their hearts—not based on violent rebelling but on deeper intelligence and wisdom—it will be sufficient. No organisation can survive long if the people who run it are not in it with their hearts.
Instead of the system sucking the people empty, the people will slowly dismantle and suck the system empty. That’s what happened in East Germany. And I heard it from the people coming over to the West.
It will take a few years, but when enough people wake up to the scams, robbery, manipulations, and brainwashing they have been exposed to all their lives, they will stop running blindly after the carrot they can never quite reach. They will harden up and learn to ignore the little pains governments dish out on a daily basis and just shrug it off.
“You not paying me my full family tax benefit because my child doesn’t have ALL vaccinations? Go fuck yourself and shove your money up your arse. I am not a cheap vaccine whore that sells out the health of my children for $50 a week.”
Or a doughnut or a Happy Meal at McDonald’s.
And so on.
However, non-participation in a totalitarian, corrupt system is not only a practical exercise. Dis-attachment, in general, is one of the highest spiritual practices and is at the core of many Eastern systems, such as Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.
If we make it our spiritual practice, it will automatically direct the execution of non-participation in worldly life.
It is not easy to not respond to the constant fear-and-greed promptings out there to lure us back into the drama and attach us to one side of the system. We must understand that all sides of the political and social drama are the system and feed the system.
Trump feeds the system as much as Harris and Kennedy. Even harder to grasp is that even a genuine dissident movement feeds the system as long as we attach to it.
Fighting a system is feeding a system, keeping it alive because total victory is an illusion that will never happen. All the fighters will get is a lot of blood and tears, a lot of dead and maimed loved ones, in return for, if they are lucky, a few deck chairs being tilted slightly more towards the sun.
“Ok, you put up an annoying brave fight - here, take some bread crumbs.”
Except for dissident leaders A, B and C - the most influential ones.
“You can become part of our circle now, pretending you will work for the masses. But greed and power will turn you into a hypocrite in no time, as we all know from our own experience, hahaha.”
True freedom and truly enlightened societies have never happened (maybe except for some small indigenous tribes), but they are possible if we can envision them and believe in them.
Surely, after thousands of years and legions of philosophers and mystics, we can do better than this?
While signing up for a more enlightened society is still an attachment, it is a higher, calmer, and wiser one.
It is much easier to let go of than a nasty, angry and violent attachment.
Spiritually speaking, all attachments must eventually be dropped because they are bondages. They “bind” us to a set of mental ideas, e.g., an enlightened society, to which we attach a little (or big) sticker saying “Good.”
But in our dual-wired minds, “good” is defined through its opposite, “bad.” Without bad, no good would ever exist. They go together. Will Christians ever understand this obvious truth? Or why else would Jesus ask them not to throw the first stone? But the weaponizing of Jesus’ teachings by the Christians is deep, dark and very entrenched and another story.
And here we are, back in the old game of fighting and attaching ourselves to a world full of “good” (meaning: I like) and “bad” (meaning: I don’t like).
And there is the other law of the universe: With time, everything changes again and turns to its opposite. Therefore, permanent peace and salvation do not exist in an enlightened “good” society either. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try because a more enlightened system can still be helpful if fully understood as a transient state.
This phase of a temporary enlightened society can be a stepping stone to a more profound spiritual awakening, personally and collectively.
Turbulent, greedy, fearful, or depressed attachments to the world are often more complicated to break than positive ones. But then again, it also depends on the type. Suffering can be a great motivator to escape attachment.
In any case, the ultimate spiritual freedom of non-attachment to anything is the pure witness embracing everything without judgment. The world is seen and enjoyed as a miracle, God playing.
This play constantly moves and changes, but the aware witness doesn’t. It sits there peacefully and still, unmovable and un-self-concerned, and it simply IS while everything else simply HAPPENS.
When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten
When the heart fits, for and against are forgotten
We must remember that such societies and spiritual states beyond all states are possible. When enough people focus on these visions, they will eventually manifest in themselves and society.
Rather than focusing on destruction - destroying the corrupt transhuman system, we focus on creation - creating an enlightened way of being and living.
This is not an airy-fairy escape fantasy in our minds. It is only true if it is backed up with real changes and actions in our daily lives, first and foremost, a change in attitude.
hinted at that in his reply. The days of helpless complaining and looking for outside help are over.It is an old binary paradigm idea that new things can only happen when old things are destroyed first. Sometimes that happens. However, more complex new-paradigm ideas like metamorphosis also occur frequently.
The caterpillar doesn’t die. The butterfly isn’t born from the destroyed remains of the caterpillar. No, the constrained and tightly controlled body in the cocoon transforms into a butterfly and breaks free.
I can’t see why the same can’t happen to this constrained and tightly controlled current society. Too much freedom, rapid change, chaos and unbalanced power forces made it contract.
But it can metamorphose into a more enlightened and free society when the time comes. Like the caterpillar, we have to bide our time. Like the caterpillar, we must trust that something better will emerge than hanging upside-down and motionless in a tight cocoon prison.
But while hanging there, we may have a few options. We can use all our energy and force to break the straight jacket before the caterpillar is ready to fly. That could be the end of both the caterpillar and the butterfly.
Instead, we can use our energy to nourish and develop the caterpillar into a beautiful, solid butterfly that will indeed fly high when the time comes.
And, as it happens in nature, there will be millions of them overnight.
With this understanding comes the compassion, patience, and wisdom to wait for others, as others have waited patiently for us for a long time.
It is not easy to not get distracted and make wise choices about what we let influence our fickle minds and what we consciously keep out. But one step at a time.
For example, I have started to avoid opening anything related to Monkey-Pox, not even articles that diss it or make fun of it. I am not interested, I am not scared, and I am not playing the MPox game.
When this is stabilized, I plan to add another topic. And then another.
I also need to let go of quite a few dissident writers. Some turned into outright MAGA puppets, some into Christian puppets or are constantly high on potent Christian opium, some are drowning in paranoia and pull others under with them, and others sound like broken records.
But there are still many good ones, and new valuable ones occasionally emerge.
I no longer want to inform, warn, or teach anyone else about the “evil” system and what they are up to. I've been there, done that.
Because that’s how we get lurked in again through the backdoor - “I have to save the system and my loved ones from the evil perpetrators.”
Ok, if there is genuine interest and I am asked directly, I won’t hold back.
And let’s save them, by all means. Let’s save our society, our children and brothers and sisters, by all means.
But not through participation in something rotten. Fighting something is participating. If you deal with pigs long enough, you will become a pig.
No, we save them by living our truth, being an example of calmness, strength, and lucidity, knowing intelligence, and radiating genuine love and true compassion. We have achieved this through the suffering of the past four years, which evoked our deep understanding on a personal level.
That doesn’t mean we forgive and forget the perpetrators in a false Christian or woke compulsive gesture. People reap what they sow, and they all have to suffer in their own unique ways for what they have done. No one will escape. I don’t envy them and don’t want to swap roles with them. Not even with Bill Gates, despite all his influence and wealth. I think I am already happier than he is as it stands.
That is just another universal law I trust. I don’t have to worry about this, and I don’t have to waste any more time with them. I officially dis-attach from them and leave it up to the universe and the forces that govern it. I feel blessed not to be one of them, down to the stupid compliant voluntary vaccinator or COVID marshal.
Yes, sometimes the anger and fear about their absent-minded and arrogant cruelty still get the better of me.
But I also have learned that frothing at the mouth and expressing helpless anger and frustration only scares people and drives them away from me. And sucks away all my creative energy.
Only if we grow spiritually and morally first will the right and convincing actions and words appear spontaneously and automatically. If we set ourselves right first and make “do no harm” our guiding principle, whatever we do will be blessed.
And here I stop before slowly creeping into long-form again. Thanks for reading. Keep it up. With the right attitude, it will end well, no matter what happens on the outside.
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad my comment resonated with you. Hopefully it will provide others with ripples of peace.
Erggh that Excessdeaths guy is such an idiot... Lol. Now I have two Substack heroes. Loving this! I keep running into this Nisargadatta Maharaj guy lately. It's good stuff.