I thought I was done with Dr. Malone, but he published Medical Movement Circular Firing Squad today.
It is another confusing, long article where he sees himself as a victim of - almost everybody. While he mostly takes fire at the Medical Freedom Movement's (MFM) so-called “self-appointed leaders (without naming anyone)”, he also sounds like he has given up hope on being selected by the Trump administration for a post.
Yet, he still defends the Trump administration for betraying the Medical Freedom Movement. He then “officially” breaks up with the MFM and repositions himself to his Substack flock as the new lone dissident wolf.
This led me to then contemplate the true meaning of dissident and why Malone failed.
Let’s get started.
The great man has grown “weary.” Too many hounds chasing and biting the great mighty stag from all sides:
Frankly, after nearly four years of constant, literally daily attacks by representatives of both corporate media and the self-appointed arbiters of the “Medical Freedom Movement” truth and consensus, I have grown weary of the drama, circular firing squads, pettiness, false accusations, innuendo, defamation, divisiveness, gaslighting, grandstanding, and amazing levels of dysfunction.
He can not understand how no one can appreciate his importance and unite under his impeccable leadership and why he is not already nominated for an important post in the new government to change things around. These jealous, self-appointed, annoying little dachshunds wear him out, and he is giving up.
Side note: Does anyone remember who officially appointed Dr. Malone as “the” arbiter of the Medical Freedom Movement? I can’t recall. He was an early crucial dissident voice, and I still give him much credit for that. But I never voted for him to be “my” dissident leader. There are no dissident leaders, self-appointed or other-appointed, and I will explore that point further in the article.
And then the “bombshell” announcement:
My response has been to opt out of this “movement.” To preserve my own sanity and happiness (and that of my wife and partner, Dr. Jill Malone, who is also being attacked now), if for no other reason.
“Opt out of this “movement”?
Is he so removed from reality that he didn’t realise that the genuine grassroots “Health Freedom Movement” opted out from being led by him a long time ago because they identified him as a part of the same corrupt, arrogant scientific-medical system?
He never wanted to tear down the corrupt, broken system. He thought that if he would lead it, he could reform it. He does not see what is fundamentally wrong with the scientific-medical mechanism worldview - it is unchangeable, un-holistic, and anti-spiritual.
That’s at the core of the “Medical Freedom Movement”, as I see it.
To be in charge of our bodily autonomy again and have full authority over our bodies and health choices and to break down the purely mechanical scientific-medical transhuman paradigm of seeing us as “hackable animals” and “meat robots to be fixed by exhanging parts”. He doesn’t realise how much he is and always was part of that inhumane medical philosophy and wonders why the “Medical Freedom Movement” criticises and rejects him.
To deal with this pain of rejection and to justify his “opting out”, he insults every decent “Medical Freedom Fighter” by calling the movement a “cult”.
As far as I am concerned, based on personal experience and observation, the self-styled “Medical Freedom Movement” has many (but not all) of the characteristics of a cult.
He then, in his pompous “academic” long-winded style, often supported by AI texts, tries to convince his readers about this “cult claim” by listing 12 signs of a cult, not realizing that the first and most crucial point already disproves his own theory:
Authoritarian leadership: A single leader or a small group of leaders who dictate every aspect of members’ lives, including their thoughts, actions, and relationships.
I must have lived under a mind-numbing “cult” rock for the past four years.
I consider myself a grassroots medical freedom advocate and therefore belong to this “new” cult, but where the fuck is the authoritarian leader that dictates every aspect of my life and makes me think the way I do?
Who is it? What is the name of this mighty “cult” leader? Can you help me out here? Can you free me from my “cult trance”, please?
Calling MFM a “cult” is so mind-numbing stupid it requests further investigations.
Granted, Dr Malone is incredibly lacking when assessing his character, but he is a brilliant man regarding power plays and manipulations. This is not accidental stupid. This is deliberate, in my opinion.
My instinctive guess is that this is another massive betrayal of the true dissidents, another cutting of ties, another distancing required as a token to maybe, just maybe, still land that government job he so badly wants.
It will be interesting to see how his 345 K Substack followers respond. If any cult is happening, that would be my first place to look.
There would be much more to dissect and mock in that article, but I am growing tired of the old man with the white beard playing stupid games.
Malone never was and never will be a true dissident, and in the rest of the article, I want to write about what I think “dissident” really means. This is important because “false dissidents” like Malone come and go. They get spit out by the dissident grassroots movement because they have been used by the establishment to “divide and conquer”, or they get assimilated into the “new” power structures.
Malone desperately cuts ties with his problematic past (concerning government nominations) to be “suitable” to get assimilated by the new regime, which seems not to work out unless he plays humble and dumb. He was stupid enough to bet on Trump four months ago, and it seems they snub him. In the process, he severely betrayed his dissident friends four weeks ago and can’t understand why the MFM snubbed him, too.
He tries to make it look like he is snubbing them by “opting out.” Funny.
But he might as well end up a lonely, insignificant old man who gambled above his weight and blew it with both parties, which leaves his Substack “fanclub” as a last resort to “be someone” and not drown in insignificance again.
With leadership options gone, he goes full circle and “remarket” himself as a lone, misunderstood, unloved, hunted-down dissident. I am sure many of his fans feel sorry for him. Humbly, he sheds all leadership ambitions and goes full “lone wolf”.
He tells his cultlike followers:
Feel free to label me a lone wolf. Or an independent free thinker. I have been told that whistleblowers should never be trusted and that is my sin. That last point merits introspection and a bit of meditation. No corporate media-labeled mRNA anti-vaxxers need to apply. QED.
So, he clearly is grieving about being snubbed by the Trump administration.
We can only guess what blinded him to believe the Trump administration would ever employ an anti-mRNA vaxer. Probably, an “over-inflated ego and wild ambitions” got the better of him.
That gamble was beyond stupid. Trump never even lied about how much he loved his “Operation Warpspeed”, bragged a lot about how the vaccines saved millions of lives and told everyone on Rogan that big pharma is his friend. They pay part of his election bills, after all. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
How could Malone miss all that and hope that Pharma or Trump will give him a post? That is beyond belief.
People don’t ever get betrayed. They betray themselves by following unrealistic fantasies and expectations.
If we earnestly study and understand human nature, nothing will surprise us anymore. And the first object of that study should be our own ego. And we must not shy away from looking at its unpleasant and ugly parts. If we know ourselves, we know everyone. We are all the same - a broad spectrum from evil to saint and everything in between.
Malon is just one example of a man who became a victim of his ego. And he is relatively harmless. He is only prominent here because he is such an open book to study. There is much worse out there—people who are very good at hiding their true character and motivations. Let’s expose them all because that’s what dissidents do - exposing authority of any form and shape. Even our own. Especially our own. That’s how a grassroots movement stays grassroots and honest.
I only singled him out (as I did with Dr McCullough and other so-called “dissidents” in the past) because I consider myself a “pure blooded” uncompromising dissident. A true dissident rejects all leaders. A pure dissident does not want to be led and does not want to lead others.
Any leader, either self-promoted or other-promoted, will be put into a position of power, which always corrupts. A leadership-based model is the foundation of the power-greed paradigm we have witnessed since the first people settled down and claimed that the free land on this planet is “theirs” now. From there, it was a small step to also “own” people and send them to war on behalf of the leaders.
Am I an “idealist”?
Is it possible to organise civilized life other than hierarchical leadership-based structures that divide societies into elites and exploited?
I can’t see why not. Just because something has been around for 10.000 years doesn’t mean it is a success story and can’t be improved. Looking back over those 10.000 years, I see a lot of unnecessary suffering.
But the true and ultimate cause of the suffering of the masses is spiritual, of course.
It is based on the wrong, materialistic view of ourselves as separated body-minds. The only purpose of any authentic spiritual practice is to smash this false illusion of our egoic nature into pieces and be reborn as our true selves. Only then will all personal suffering stop, no matter the outer materialistic circumstances.
For ten thousand years, those in power have done anything possible to stop people from following an authentic individual self-liberating spiritual path because any such path starts with first becoming a pure-blooded dissident who rejects any authority over himself categorically.
Over ten thousand years, the worldly materialistic authorities that depended on “less worthy subjects” to be seen as leaders did anything to distract people from their inherent spirituality. That’s why religions were founded. Their sole purpose is to control, manipulate and capture each individual God-given spiritual energy for enlightenment and transform it into servitude to a purely illusionary invented religious authority or worldly authority.
People don’t understand that spiritual mystic authority, like those of Jesus, the Buddha, and many others, can’t be transferred. Doing so is a scam. While the original words spoken still have spiritual power, nothing else has. Religions are a scam.
Not surprisingly, the word “dissident” was first used in a spiritual-religious context.
What is a Dissident?
It simply means disagreeing.
The word is relatively young. It was coined in the 18th century and first used in a religious context.
A dissident is a person who actively challenges an established political or religious system, doctrine, belief, policy, or institution.[1] In a religious context, the word has been used since the 18th century, and in the political sense since the 20th century, coinciding with the rise of authoritarian governments […]
Since then, it has spread like wildfire across the world.
Dissidents bridge all societies, religions, races, ages, genders, and other divisions we invented. It is at the core of our spiritual being.
What is 100% incompatible with being a “true dissident”, by its definition, is forming a new “dissident movement” with a dedicated “leader”.
That’s what Dr. Malone never got and still doesn’t get.
It is clear as glass that he wants to be a “leader”. It doesn’t really matter if this is purely based on the egoic ambitions of his wife and himself or if it has been a deep-state planned operation to capture and divide the leaderless organic dissident movement right from the start.
As I pointed out previously, this operation could have been carried out with his knowledge and deliberately from the start (I am not personally of that opinion), or smart people could have identified his narcissistic leadership potential and played him accordingly to divide and conquer the dissident movement. Another plausible scenario is that he wasn’t captured by the deep state but by the clever Trump-Musk campaign—or both—one after the other.
At the end of the day, the who, what and why doesn’t matter.
The brightest and most suspicious dissidents called him out early, and rightly so. He openly positioned himself as a “dissident leader” and disqualified himself from the movement.
Dissidents always stay dissidents like a bullterrier watchdog always stay bullterrier watchdogs. It doesn’t matter which house they guard or who wants to break in.
The true dissident immediately watches and mistrusts anyone seeking or obtaining a position of power and authority - no matter what great things that person has done in the past.
A true dissident doesn’t care about a name or the attached history. A true dissident does not give time or credit to those in power but calls them out immediately. And it doesn’t matter if that person is called Bobby Kennedy, Dr. Malone, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.
Once they are in a position of power, everything changes. They will be in great danger of becoming corrupted and will justify it.
I have to revise that. It starts as soon they seek power and leadership.
So, Dr. Malone made himself a target very early. And the genuine dissidents called him out very early. We have to thank them for that.
I wasn’t one of the early ones, but I got alert when I heard their accusations and concerns. I started to test him in the comments. I began to observe him more closely. I didn’t know what I know now about what being a proper dissident means.
I didn’t realise then how exactly all organic popular dissident uprisings always got divided and conquered from primarily within. The ego of inside leaders gets secretly directed and fanned by the very smart predators ruling us for a living.
Now I realise that it is pretty straightforward.
They identify the “natural and ambitious leaders.” within a dissident group who genuinely think they are dissidents because they oppose the current authority. But what they really want is to replace the authorities with themselves.
They don’t want to do actual dissident work. They don’t want to dismantle the corrupt system of authority. They want to play in it and become the new leaders, fooling themselves into thinking they can change the corrupt system from within.
Fooling themselves that they would be “uncorruptable”. They do not realise that the authoritative power-greed system itself breeds a new generation of corrupt, greedy and power-hungry leaders required for its own survival.
All the smart people at the top of the authoritative system must do is select people like Dr Malone and Dr McCullough, to name two of many, and feed their egos. They do that by initially attacking, smearing, and discrediting them, which increases their status as “powerful dissident leaders that will be able to bring down the system” in the dumber part of the dissident movement, which also happens to be the majority.
But these dissident leaders seeking power to change things rarely deliver.
They get either integrated and subtly changed to fit the “new” power-greed system and play along while wearing the mantle of change for as long as possible before ultimately being seen as what they are: Self-important, arrogant, self-entitled power hungry people who think they “have the gift” to rule over the majority of people.
But they are only half of the equation. The other half is the masses of low-confident, low-self-esteem people who consider themselves dumber and less powerful and think they “need” people up there to lead them.
This “narrative” has been fed to them on worldly and religious channels for ten thousand years.
You are nothing.
Know your place.
Do what we tell you to do.
Only a spiritual dissident can break free from that conditioning. That is a huge part of the spiritual journey: To reject all outside authority and become our own authority.
Not authority over anybody but ourselves. Spiritual authority over our egoic persona is the only entity we can and should have power over.
If enough people go that path, all artificial authorities, worldly and religious ones, will starve a slow death because no authority can live without the underlings that put them there. Put them there not only practically by voting for the “lesser evil” or voting at all but primarily by placing them there in their captured weak hearts and minds, thinking they need them.
Politicians, bureaucrats and civil servants are supposed to manage things and processes for people, not the people themselves. We have to stop letting them manage and rule us. Instead, we have to make them manage things on our behalf that we want, not them.
But the authorities have always captured the hearts and minds of the weak followers with fear, always fear. The occasional carrot, too, but fear does the most damage. They create predictions of chaos if the authorities will be dismantled. They tell people that “strict order” is vital to save us from each other.
The same dualistic game is played here as within the authority-follower game. “Order people” fighting “chaos people” and vice versa. This has been going on for 10.000 years, and countless wars and unmeasurable violence and suffering have occurred. Most people can’t see that too much order causes chaos, and chaos causes too much order.
Once again, get out of the game. We don’t have to play the order-chaos game. We don’t take sides in conflicts. We don’t get triggered by either side.
As soon we become the masters of our minds and know our egoic persona inside out, we can live apart from that as our true selves.
We become fearless, calm and, with it, incredibly intelligent - not being governed by overwhelming automatic fear responses anymore. The right actions will happen automatically and spontaneously for the spiritually awakened dissident.
And this is the most beautiful part of that path.
We might have to wait for an eternity before the ordinary world changes from the power-greed paradigm to a love-awareness paradigm. It might never happen - we might wipe out the population and the planet first.
But it doesn’t matter what the others do, what happens in the world, and what people do to each other for our own path. We can still walk our own path now.
It also doesn’t mean we stick our heads in the sand and withdraw from the world.
By liberating our hearts and minds from 10.000 years of falseness, we will also be able to feel genuine compassion for the state of the world and the people in it based on the deep wisdom of how these things work and Jesus’ enlightening realization while dying on the hands of his torturers will stand for eternity:
“Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.”
No wiser words have ever been spoken. Nobody knows what they are doing until they discover their true selves that reside within them.
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
These are the only two sentences from the Bible we need. They are sufficient.
The first one creates compassion for the suffering of all people and the world and enables us to let go of it, not get drawn into it anymore, not get triggered and take sides.
Genuine compassion is based on true wisdom of how things work and that suffering is unavoidable until the last person has been liberated. We understand that we can’t do it for them and that whatever happens happens for a reason, but it drives all of us towards enlightenment, and it is impossible to know if an event will ultimately be good or bad. This creates equanimity and a calm, compassionate heart.
The second of Jesus’ sayings will lead us to our true selves.
By, by Dr. Malone. I wish you well.
I hope you read this, wake up to your own folly, and see what is happening. No one is out there to get you. You do it all by yourself by not understanding yourself.
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Well written. Could be subtitled “Useful idiot decries his fate.”
The Tao Te Ching sums it up: “The Master doesn’t try to be powerful;
thus he is truly powerful.
The ordinary man keeps reaching for power;
thus he never has enough.”
I care a lot less about Dr Malone, then I do about your thoughts on the true meaning of what a dissident is.
Really first rate thumbnail of organized religion as well.
Thank you