Well written. Could be subtitled “Useful idiot decries his fate.”

The Tao Te Ching sums it up: “The Master doesn’t try to be powerful;

thus he is truly powerful.

The ordinary man keeps reaching for power;

thus he never has enough.”

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I care a lot less about Dr Malone, then I do about your thoughts on the true meaning of what a dissident is.

Really first rate thumbnail of organized religion as well.

Thank you

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Malone is intellectually paralyzed.

He believes that given the value that society places on his education, that he has been educated to solve problems.

He hasn’t.

His tragedy, which is playing out on the world stage, before our eyes, is that it is his education, itself, that is the very problem, and consequently the basis for all that he foolishly believes.

He remains burdened by himself, and his own shit.

The fun, is that he never realizes it until, and after, the audience does.

His tragedy is that even if given the answer to that which vexes him, he will refuse it.

Because to accept the answer is to concede that what he thinks, and what he believes, is the problem.

Because it is.


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Sasha is The One Person who has successfully outed The Multi-Faceted “Malone” character (straight out of a James Bond novel). She has my straight up vote of nailing a very intelligent (nefarious) character. Period.

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No she's not, it's a fake fight.

I exposed him for the monster that he is and was rewarded by a racist attack by Meryl Nass. Sasha is quite a racist herself.

Malone brought Sasha on the international stage.

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So over Malone. He's like Elon protesting his being ratioed the other day on twitter by deleting the accounts of the people calling him out. Like Elon, Malone's egoic complaints prove the point. Yes, fear is the weapon of the cabal. Getting humans to turn over our own energy to the designated heroes is the age-old trick. As soon as enough of us figure this out, it's game over and the house of cards implodes. Doesn't have to be many of us, I don't think. Just enough to flip the collective consciousness into seeing the trick. Hope that happens soon.

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If we know ourselves, we know everyone

Thank you

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Love your handle: I Am

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You have decided that you pass the purity test. That is so awesome for you.

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Thank you. I do. I don’t want to be led and I don’t want to lead. Very simple.

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Malone gets fauned over by the Hearts Of Oak channel, available everywhere, personal friends too it seems. I was a fan of Peter over there, mainly due to being from the same area. But.. I've grown to question his and Mr Malones connections and promotions of late. Guests and such.

I appreciate your perspective and it ties a few pieces together.

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While I am in an agreement with your assessment of Malone I would like to offer more hope for mankind than a maybe concerning our spiritual enlightenment. That the battle is spiritual is evident from the words of Paul “For our struggle is …against the spiritual forces of wickedness..” but the good news is that He (Jesus) has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son. In this kingdom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. We also have the promise of enlightenment so that we may know what is the hope of His calling, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. In reference to our former manner of life, lay aside the old self be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self which in the likeness of God has been created. It is by grace through faith It is the gift of God, not by works so that no one should boast.

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" In reference to our former manner of life, lay aside the old self be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self which in the likeness of God has been created. It is by grace through faith It is the gift of God, not by works so that no one should boast."

It never stops to amaze me how a wide range of spiritual people report the same underlying message of ego death or transformation through the ages. The language changes, but the underlying message is the same if we know what we seek.

It is a blessing if people find prophets that talk to them - their names or human backgrounds do not matter.

Thank you for sharing.

Regarding hope for mankind.

When we lose our egoic separated identity fully and permanently, I believe that we become mankind, and mankind becomes us. Whatever we do then will benefit all.

Until then, mankind has been just a mere idea, a concept, and a dangerous distraction for the spiritual ego, in my opinion.

The ego does anything to reassert its unique specialness, and trying to save the world and mankind can turn into the biggest ego trip ever, doing tremendous harm.

And this isn't reserved for spiritual ego trips.

Every proponent of any ideology bears witness to such an ego trip. While they do much harm to people in "trying to save them" and "tell/force them what to do", they do the most significant damage to themselves, getting entirely captured by their hidden unconscious egoic motives and missing out on the peace, happiness and joy and true charity to others only the egoless state provides.

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I have a collection of old(er) pieces about Malon.

I past it here.



#7 is critical: “On 12 February 2020 you and your wife's book, 'The Novel Coronavirus' was published. The synopsis refers to the 'coming epidemic'. [It appears to now be impossible to find a copy of the book. Therefore the hyperlink and mention is to a synopsis.]”












https://ia904609.us.archive.org/1/items/dr.-robert-malone-dark-vaccine-wizard/DR. ROBERT MALONE - DARK VACCINE WIZARD.pdf

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It's quite simple: his schtick has run its course and he is no longer needed. The "character" he plays in public/media is being retired.

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I read maybe two paragraphs of this and then I walked away. You look like yet another member of the Circular Firing Squad. Perhaps you can elect The Latypova as your newest Tsar. You really are "going nowhere."

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That’s good to hear - thank you. I do not trust people that are very ambitious to “get somewhere” and become “somebody”, walking around in a suit and strangling their neck with a tie in desperate little-boy-eagerness to radiate submission to the “expert” class and believing that clothes will get your respect. I am sorry my article challenged your “Overton Window” and you couldn’t handle more than two paragraphs before your got your nickers in a twist. My advice: Stay away from writers like me if it upsets you to much to have the orthodox challenged. Have a lovely life.

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Just ask Dr Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger about Dr M’s delusional attitudes and how far we would go to be the “correct source” he feels is his calling. A multimillion dollar lawsuit for a disagreement in psychology against a psychiatrist who has been battling the dark forces way before Malone ever stepped into the limelight - What was that all about other than he got his precious ego stepped on?

Never trusted him at all.

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Must be my problem I am not a conformist no church affiliate but trust stong in Christ and God canada is going with a new leader a leader that did not stand up for Canadians that Trudeau was bashing against the bill of rights and our constitution evryone going for PP and I will not vote for the guy that did not stand up for Canadians , kicked out of the Legion for not wearing a usless mask kicked out a credit Union for the same , God willing we will win for peace

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I checked out on Malone eons ago. He strikes me as a diabolical narcissist… worse than a scorpion

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Wasn't this beady-eyed asshole directly involved in the creation of mRNA shit? Take all his toys.

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