AWESOME commentary on Malone! You see and “feel” (Intuition, God given), as I did after a while, regarding Malone. I unsubscribed to his Substack.

For me, it was the fact that Malone worked for DARPA, and took the “vaccine”…🚩

I read how many people he was suing…🚩

I lost my job in 2021, after 23 years, because I refused the CONvid tyranny(swab test, later it would have been the jab).

My Intuition is honed!

Thank you!

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Great article! I laughed a lot because it's funny and true. I only met Bob and Jill very briefly, but it was in a public event with lots of witnesses around, so I am not divulging any secrets here. You very astutely described him, using that photo of self-adoration that he posted. I walked into a public room at a conference with a number of people already in it. Bob Malone was sitting at the coffee table, and Jill was literally sitting on the floor at his feet, hands on his knees, in a pose of adoration. I found it weird and also vulgar, lacking in manners and decorum. I know we are living in post-etiquette times, but this is still offensive to others in the room. I got really bad vibes from that encounter. This is not the only instance of them being handsy-slobbery with each other in public, it was reported to me by other people, too, who found it odd and off-putting, but illustrative of the narcissism that you discuss in this article.

I don't read Malone's stack regularly, but what I do read or skim - looks like a lot of it is written by AI (probably one of the stable boys doubles up as a social media intern to crank out these). The hallmarks of AI writing - verbose, doesn't get to the point, lots of self-contradictory stuff, circular definitions. However, he speaks this way, too, so maybe he does write this way.

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I would love to see a photo of what you have described. I would makes such a good article to dissect and take the piss. Or even a meme. And your reference to AI makes a lot of sense - I actually haven’t thought of that so thanks for that.

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I didn't take a photo of that scene, it did not occur to me, and also would have been kind of rude. There were many people around though.

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Oh absolutely. I wasn’t suggesting you should have and I believe you. Just would have loved to see something like that and the insides it provides in cult behaviour. I am the evil guy in the comment section of his latest article btw.

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excellent description...I know him well, we worked together in COVID and I can say he is a fraud. a con. all of him. and not too smart. all is packaged and he is very envious, of your money. other people's money. their success. and if you hang around and I did you will understand if you do not adore him and question him, he attacks you direct or uses his lackies and he moves to destroy people. literally. I worked for the Canadian gov at the highest levels and US and know these types well...he is a pipetting bench researcher who thought more of himself and cannot get over that fact....I know what they are and try and he ran into me....he did bad things to good people and tried with me and I am open how much I detest him, know he is a fraud, a con and have a law suit ready for him for what he did or tried with me...that he did to others...I was invited to their ranch and refused. I smelt the horse shit far away.

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he is nothing. he knows I know that, he is beside himself over that

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I'm no scholar, psychoanalyst, etc. but I could tell by looking at him. There's a darkness, especially in the eyes. It's always in the eyes. It can have different appearances, but it's always in the eyes.

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That’s why I trust my third pillar - instinct and common sense - above my other two way more.

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He gave a mea culpa at DC against mandates quoting Augustine about just let truth loose and it will defend itself. After checking history and as Christian this is a false belief . Truth is usually crucified and truth will win but not on this earth. Also he gloats like a child when he peaked with X followers. . Psy op and wars using it has been around since man existed. Not a new field. He is double agent like Andrew Huff

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I am not a Christian but I fully agree with your statement that “truth will win but not on this earth.” Fully supported my personal non-dual spiritual understanding. There is no absolute truth on this earth, all worldly truth is temporary and transient and, comes time, the opposite can be the truth of the day. That’s what theses scientist have to get into their heads. That’s all this “mis and disinformation bullshit” it nothing but a power play. Our minds are hardwired dualistically, we makes sense through pairs of opposites, e.g. love and hate, bad and good. Absolute truly spiritual truth transcends both and reality is seen as it is - undivided and whole, one space of pure awareness, call it God if you like in which everything happens, in which everything comes and goes.

Pure logic dictates that our dualistic minds can therefore never grasp it because all they can grasp is the dualistic play of things. The non-dualistic God space can only be beyond the mind and can only be experienced, not be understood or known. That’s how I see it. But, of course, how I see it is just one of an infinite number of ways to express God within a dualistic mind and will therefore always be “not true”. It is impossible to make a true statement about the Absolute non-dualistic God space because, to close the circle, that absolute truth can’t be from this world. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but somehow it needed to be expressed.

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I concluded Malone was a narcissist over a year ago. Mentioned it in brief on Substack comments, somewhere. Grandiose, charming, gift of the gab, manipulative, extreme reaction to Breggins and Jane Rubies criticism if his character as evidenced by suing for $20M. Fits most DSM criteria. I am a psychotherapist also. I am familiar with NPD because most if my clients are FV victims of narcissistic abuse. I've had a few covert narcissists as clients too, though no mental health professional prior had connected the dots and recognised these clients depression was fuelled by underlying NPD. The narcissistic and psychopathic megalomaniacs are dominating the globalist and BigPharma power positions. They will do anything for their own ego's power and glory, and sell out on the rest if us due to their inherent lack of or incapacity to feel empathy.

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Thank you. Reassuring that other professionals see it like I do.

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Yep, we are spot on. That sixth sense intuition also comes from years of experience. We can smell it.

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Nelson Mandela greatly deluded me - firstly, by adhering to the ANC's request to divorce Winnie; secondly, by 'getting into bed' with Nestlé and thirdly, I question his choice of a white Afrikaner as his assistant...

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I have to admit I am totally ignorant about Nelson and just repeated the MSM story - apologies. He went to prison for his resistance - does that count for anything?

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As I read your well constructed argument I was struck by just how many of your observations could be made of the WEF marionette and self-righteous narcissist currently posing as UK Prime Minister, the furthest from honourable keir starmer.

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I don’t know Starmer at all but it doesn’t surprise me as the corrupt system selects and escalates narcissists and psychopaths. That’s why is very difficult to fix the system from within as I wrote in another comment.

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Hope you live to eat your own words.

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Happy to respond and address it if someone serves them to me. I already stated that I, like many others, have a narcissistic streak in me. But I know it and am not the one hiding behind a paywall suing people, remember? Dish it out, if you like. Where am I wrong? Defend your hero with actual facts and I will engage. Otherwise this comments is a waste of time imo.

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I am not versed enough in Malone to validate your intuition. I did appreciate his and so many others who questioned the narrative, but I agree that it is not clear who can be trusted and we need to be on alert. I share your fears about Trump, not knowing where he will end up. Obviously, he does not understand that Israel is a solid part of the Anglo American Globalist Empire. He gets the deep state and fake news, but drastically underestimates its depth and breath. MAGA needs to wake up and I worry that through controlled opposition, MAGA could end up in a mass formation delusion as well. We have been manipulated into viewing some populations, Arab, for example as sub human, so Israel’s genocidal actions are invisible. MAGA folks cannot see it and even if Trump wants something different like a real two State solution, the Israeli lobby through our bought and paid for legislators will sabotage it. As I have said before, if they cannot manipulate Trump they will get rid of him and blame it on their enemy of choice. This cannot happen in the face of mass awareness and people standing up. We are not there yet and I find it terrifying.

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Great summary, thanks.

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he was only against the vax etc. when deaths emerged, he shilled it and pushed it and people died due to his words. he is a classical coward, hiding in the freedom movement. his biggest issue is why we did not make him head and its because we know he is a fraud. and he hates people in the movement who did not bow down...I say to what?

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Thank you for the information.

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Feel free to share why. Where did I go so terribly wrong?

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Sorry to hear. Big fan of the good charismatic Doctor?

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And what has Robert Malone achieved with his career of mRNA vaccines research and development? Turbo Cancer. Wonder why he won't talk about that?

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Besides Jesus Christ 😉, I have quite a few books from the spiritual teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti (I saw him speak in the 70’s with my dad), and Paul Brunton. Very interesting men!

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I fear 'he's in bed with' more than Jill, if you get my drift....

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Yes. I think you are and yes, I think you will.

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I think your analysis is spot on. I still read some of Malone's writing, but I noticed the unreflected ego quite awhile ago myself. This article of his sounds like copy pasted gobbledy gook meant to lull his followers asleep with the idea that he's smarter than them and has it all under control. It's contradictory and self cancelling. Ahh, we shall know them by their fruits.

I have read several things posted by Jill Malone over the years. She aggressively defends her husband, who she feels has been he subject of institutional abuse, gaslighting, and has been underpaid and unrecognized for the value he has provided to defense contractors and others over the years. One underlying albeit subconscious prop in his "But I am a moral person" involves him being long term married to the same woman with no evidence of the sexual immorality that is so rampant among leaders nowadays. Malone doesn't seem to be an Epstein Island or P Diddy party person or if he was he was very discreet about it. Jill seems like the type who would have been in the know about that side anyways.

Of course people can get their kicks in other ways...

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