People think life is a shoot em up video game - and have become desensitized. They've forgotten the beauty of silence, nature, and a good hug.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

What happened to their hearts? What happened to their humanity...vaxxed into oblivion.

Compassion is not a social value in the simulation. We are walking among Borg's and they have not just annihilated their immune systems but annihilated their souls.

By design, BTW.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Doctor.... it is called war and the "random"' people are called soldiers.

Is this militant Iranian proxy group resisting an "illegal occupation"?

What are their honourable objectives.

Some Perspective......

My Chat with Brigitte Gabriel, On Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinians, and Islam


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I am not 100% sure if you are sarcastic or factual when you write, “Doctor.... it is called war and the "random"' people are called soldiers.”

Do you mean that anyone living in Lebanon - babies, kids, teenagers, old people, peaceful people - are all “soldiers” now - as a fact?

And there is nothing I can do or say to sentences like “What are their honourable objectives” I am not playing a guessing game.

Speak up and state a clear opinion if you want ant then maybe we find something to talk about.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

These units could not be made certain to be in possession of the intended combatant enemy. Civilians will also have these.

On that basis, it is terrorism, and not warfare. Innovative yes, but still terrorism.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

You can find them here, on substack, too. See 'Lennie'.

They call it war - we call it terrorism.

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That IS a Substack poll - that’s why I am even more shocked.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

The people who said genius are simply showing loyality to their chosen side, Israel. The western media do not call it terrorism, but the non-Western media do. If Hezbollah did the same exact thing to IDF members, the mainstream western media would call it terrorism. Any specific act can be classified as terrorism and be a brilliant warfare technique at the same time, even if it is heinous. Also, the classification of an act as terrorism or not depends on which side your loyalty sits. People who are not loyal to either warring party's side can see both sides actions as terrorism.

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That is true and one important layer the Globalist working on: Divide and Conquer. Putting gasoline on crucial hot zones on earth to wind people up into a total frenzy so they are ready to terminate each other. But there is a an even deeper, more cunning evil at work, I think. I am trying to put that hunch together into something readable as we speak.

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As a farmer there are certain behaviours that are absolutely intolerable because they pose an unacceptable risk of harm to others.

When they become evident the only allowable response is the termination of the lifeforms that demonstrates them.

I submit the Zionist regime and it's supporters have crossed that threshold, well and truly.

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I admit, I was tempted and had to restrain myself to not argue for the death penalty on the direct perpetrators of such an act of terrorism against the people of the world and such a crime against humanity.

But restrain I did for personal spiritual reasons and beliefs. I simply try to not be a violent man. First do no harm is one of my mantras.

I am not naïve and stupid enough to think that this approach currently has much chance to spread around the globe.

But that is no reason whatsoever to give up on it on my personal level. “First do no harm” is not a helpless-scarifying-its-throat-to-the-evil-cabal lamb as the most of the Christian churches have distorted and weaponized it. Jesus was a lion, not a lamb. He both the enslaving orthodox religious Jews and the Roman intruders.

One can be non-violent but very strong. It is a strengths of the heart and the spirit that indifferent evilness can neither understand nor touch.

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The question should be, "Do you think it's acceptable to attack and kill an enemy combatant from afar when they are not engaged in direct hostilities?" The legitimacy of the enemy combatant classification is a highly debatable in 5G warfare where irregular forces (non-state actors) are used to affect pollical gains, and when those tactics involve violence, the irregular forces are terrorists. So, using exploding pagers is an irregular tactic used against irregular forces. Both the victims and the perps are equally terrorists. I am guessing the pager attack will not be claimed as a state sanctioned operation.

Carl Von Clausewitz said, "War is an extension of policy by other means." The concept of irregular warfare wasn't neatly categorized nor studied when Clausewitz' works were published in "On War."

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Nailed it.

This is terrorism…just like the Hamas attack on Israelis was terrorism. Neither have a place in a world bathed in compassion. Obviously this doesn’t describe our current context.

Escalation is the goal of evil people. They are all around us. Brace yourself.

Rabid dogs indeed.

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Its genius like the covid experiment in population culling and control of masses is genius, its high tech and very clever, no one ever said that satan (speaking metaphorically) was stupid.

Its sick insane and inhuman but since when did that ever stop any government or large organization from doing anything.

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I know what you mean and that kind of thinking explains partly the high number of "genius" votes. - mindless admirations of a "genius technology" without consulting our hearts. And as you pointed out, therein lies the danger of the word "genius" (meaning: extremely intelligent) when used without ethics in mind.

I would go much further than you. Satan is not only not stupid - "being a genius" without a heart, compassion and ethics IS Satan personified, the very essence of evil itself.

A heartfelt mind could never live with the idea that a teenagers testicles and penis are ripped off. A heartless mind has the ability to shut down any love and compassion and is by far the most dangerous attitude in the world.

It is pure evil in it's indifference.

Evil is not hot and passionate - evil is cold-blooded reptile like total indifference for life itself and our fellow beings. It is the darkest of dark, the coldest of cold.

But every heart, even the most neglected, tortured and perverted ones, are seeds and carefully administered drops of love can grow it back.

And those who still can feel their hearts, the joys AND pains a hearfelt life brings, can model that. Have to model that. Must model that if we want to survive as a species.

But we rarely can do it directly - we not even know most of them and they won't let us in directly because that wold be too intense and overwhelming, the pain unbearable. It can be very painful to drive out the dark but the pain will also heal. No, they have to administer those first drops of love themselves and grace will guide them the moment they understand that.

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The world is sick and so many degenerated as humans. It seems that technology serves the powerful and the lawless most…and this may be only the beginning. Obviously is a horrendous act of terror.

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This whole planet is sick. Like Simpson snake whacking day, only it’s not a cartoon funny, it’s real people with a real fucking mental illness.

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Seems like they have annihilated their brains. I think Roman is on track with peoples lack of separation between the exciting games and their boring lives. I’m not much for mandatory but War is a racket by a highly decorated major general in the us marines smedly butler should be something young and old should read. His interpretation of Defense forces might deter some of the indoctrinated youth ie soldiers and body guards

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