Sep 25Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Many years ago when I was a practicing physician, I used to read a lot of scientific and medical articles, so I caught wind of the Wakefield controversy early on. Of course I was first exposed by the mainstream media interpretation. Due to other personal experiences, my initial reaction to any media ad hominem attack is to look up the primary source. So I found a copy of Wakefields then retracted paper and not surprisingly realized that what he actually said in the paper did not match anything the media claimed he had said. I was not surprised. Yes, Wakefield appears to me also to be a sincere, honest man with integrity. His paper is scientifically sound. It was retracted by political and economic forces.

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Sadly, not many are like you and believe media BS unchecked.

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Sep 25Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Ahh the Wellness Company.

The only substack I made the mistake of subscribing to that immediately spammed junk mail to my private email. A red flag in my books.

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Sep 25Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

#1 John Solomon as a voice of reason????? 🤣

#2 Is that really McCollough or someone in a mask?

#3 Pharma asking how to get ALL the money??? Create vitamins as well.

Excellent stack today. Thank you for your work!

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Sep 25Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

MaMu, you are my favorite, no kidding. 🫶 I had a horrific experience with The wellness Company about a year ago.

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Tell us about it if you like. Some people appreciate being


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