If steve kirsch convinces one man that viruses are fake and don’t exist he hasn’t wasted his time. He is like Richard gage at AE911 truth who is showing folks the evidence of controlled demolition of the WTC buildings. He figured it out more than a decade ago. He is just now diving into the wicked sea of twisted human motives that are not studied by engineers but which are the spark behind erecting a building, building a bomb, and bombing people in a building. The facts are important if we are going to punish the criminals. Here is my big fact that I think everyone should know — nuclear bombs are a hoax. Who lied about them? Jesuits, Jews, Japanese, me (when I believed they were real). Steve kirsch tires me out but his message needs to be heard because he speaks truth. We all have a different style of fighting, everyone fighting for truth gets my love.

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I only scanned the article and don’t have time today to read it again, but my impression was that Steve thinks viruses do exist. But I might be wrong.

You make a good point that each person should have the freedom to resist the overlords in their own style and on their own topic. My only worry is that it splits a movements in hundreds of bickering fractions and renders them insignificant. That’s the core message of this article.

But, like always, these things can’t be artificially created. We have to trust that “the good” eventually will swing back into fashion. This good - evil see-sawing has been going on for a long time and I don’t think it will ever stop unless there is a sudden big jump in awareness of many many people.

A gradual rise is already happening and will slowly change things too, but in historical movements, gradual means millenias.

Keep up the good fight, my friend, in any way you see fit. We can’t fail when we work for the common good. The whole world will support us. First do no harm is the golden rule.

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As is you writing meant to be, so is their distraction.

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Trying to wake others up will definitely disturb your inner peace.


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