Jun 17Liked by Ma Mu

Not liking this just to fuck with you.

I like your writing because you reveal, with no filter, the deliberations of your mind. It makes us all feel less weird. Of course the fact that you always circle back to Love as the Omnipresent, benevolent force that we call God, also resonates with me. And finally, I also feel that coming to terms with our irrelevance is the key to liberation.

On the sewage piece. I feel less threatened because I don’t see how they’ll connect me to my poop unless they put a detection device on my house effluent outflow. Until they do that, it’s all mixed in with the community, and that group is in constant flux with visitors, etc.

I also feel they already have access to my phone, garbage, and all my other devices, so I figure the surveillance game is already lost.

In response to your question about managing society wide avarice, it would appear every construct to do so has failed. Religion, capitalism, Marxism, liberalism, all manipulated by the humans who reach the levers of power and will stop at nothing to accumulate more power/wealth. I think that as dysfunctional as democracy is, it’s beauty is that the people who dictate outcomes are also the ones who benefit or get fucked. So the long term incentives are in place, it just moves super slowly (generations?) before the Plebes are getting so screwed by the feudal lords that they do something about it. When your kids are sent off to die in Afghanistan or Vietnam, and your spouse dies from an experimental injection, and inflation eats up your retirement nest egg, and the TV no longer distracts you from your materialistic cage, maybe then you’ll finally get off your dyspeptic hippopotamus ass, do some Moving in Nature with Friends, and try to figure out the difference between what the politicians are saying and what they are doing, so you can vote with a modicum of intelligence greater than who you think looks and sounds good according to your best friend.

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Great comment, thanks. Part 2 or 3 will deal with how this biological surveillance will be used to control and manipulate our collective and individual life. And yes, they use it to get to individuals. Already happened. I found two cases.

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I’m liking this just to be unpredictable (and because I look forward to parts 2 and 3).

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Jun 17Liked by Ma Mu

Only speaking for myself, but I haven't yet read your previous piece. I only read things within Substack and, maybe because I have been otherwise occupied, haven't come across it here yet.

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Could you please check your email folder? Another reader reported he never received it. Thank you.

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I send all email notofications from Substack to the bin, as I don't want them. Sorry!

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Jun 17Liked by Ma Mu

I don’t think it was the word shit, maybe chemist did it. I browse quite a few pages, and about a week ago there were a number of posts I couldn’t even open. Like it or not Substack does have a level of censorship, just know you are not alone.

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Jun 17Liked by Ma Mu

I read most substack articles in email on my phone, unless the formatting forces me to the main site to avoid horizontal scrolling needed to view all the text.

my general rule is that if I like the majority of the author's work, I hit the like button at the top of the email before reading the article. then if the article turns out to be one of the few which actually offends my sensibilities (like pro-military-action rants regarding any country) then I go to substack and remove my like.

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Jun 17Liked by Ma Mu

Who would you think for a second that Substack is "clean"? Keep writing. And please, not for the likes. For the sheer satisfaction of speaking truth to power. You will never do anything more important.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Ma Mu

And I actually didn't get the post you're talking about. I only found out about him from this one.

Could there be something to it?

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Interesting - you are absolutely sure? Spam folder etc.? Another reader reported missing emails in the past (not mine - different accounr). Let's see if more comes up. It was a highly unusual pattern I never noticed before in over 100 posts.

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I found this post in my inbox marked as unread, maybe I just missed it.

Hence, the lesson to visit your home page from time to time to take inventory.

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Happy to hear. Everything else would be too spooky.

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Ell oh ell, kinda. Check out this video I made. I say “like” a lot in there. I hope it raises a titter at the very least! https://open.substack.com/pub/sanefrancisco/p/the-navy-blue-venn-diagram?

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There you go, have a Like. 🤣

For your mind process and Ego self reflection. It is so refreshing having one writer capable of that.

I read your previous article and previous and previous... I only like those (here or any other Substack) that I feel deeply connected to. That there is something that speak to me at this moment in my life.

Is it important to talk about sheep and wolves. We share that. I see many wolves and too many sheep and they keep pushing me into the direction of wolves but I keep resisting, find way to the back of the herd or even outside of it. This is what I can connect deeply to so this Like is not out of my mercy. I do not do that and will not change it. "You have to fight the Gazebo alone" (this is a reference to a card game called Munchkin. The most terrible card one could get is the Gazebo card. You were unable to use any help either from other cards or other players).

Of course. However this sewer thing, as someone has already written is impossible where I live on the individual level (until toilet monitoring is prescribed by law and in our political climate that would mean political suicide and eternal joking shit storm). This is one fear battle where I'm not afraid and I leave my resilience resources to many other battles dualistic me need to fight.

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