Make Your Health And Survival First Priority - The System Is Coming For You
About Alcohol, Drugs, Be Your Own Doctor And How The Arrogant Doctors And Experts Kill Millions Of People
This article was originally a reply to a Note by
regarding current medical misinformation that alcohol is terrible for everyone. They allege it causes all sorts of diseases, including cancer, and some doctors and scientists are attempting to ban it.Of course, if you abuse alcohol or any drug or food, it makes you sick. However, the vast majority of people drinking alcohol do not abuse it. So, once again, “to keep everyone fucking safe”, the woke goodie-goodies want to ban everything. This makes me angry.
Sasha pointed out that humans have been drinking alcohol for thousands of years and, if used wisely, is just another form of medicine.
Alcohol only harms people who are too stupid or too addicted to use it wisely.
I remember reading about an interview with a man who had turned 100. The interviewer wanted to know his “healthy” lifestyle choices. I cracked up when he said he had a Schnaps most days.
I had drunk one to three standard alcoholic beverages most days for the past 47 years, starting with beer during my lunch breaks at school when I was fifteen. In those days, in Germany, beer was still considered a food staple, not an alcoholic diabolic beverage. We went to a local traditional German restaurant for lunch, had half a litre of chemical-free, naturally brewed German beer with our food, and returned to school after that. We felt well-fed, satisfied, and well-equipped to endure our mostly unenthusiastic and boring teachers.
Most Europeans, including teenagers, used to have wine or beer with lunch and/or dinner. I wonder if they still do that, especially the teenagers. I hope so. Because that gives them the necessary skills to use alcohol wisely. Like anything else, alcohol consumption needs to be taught and practised. This is best done under the caring and loving supervision of the parents while the kids still listen to them.
But in this upside-down world, you could get arrested in Australia and many other countries for doing that now.
When we went out at night as teenagers, alcohol was widely available, and I would say 98% drank responsibly.
Alcohol wasn’t a big deal.
We had two or three beers, and that was it. Rarely did we see a drunken, out-of-control person in the pubs and discos. There was an unspoken code amongst us: “If you can’t handle the booze, stay away from it.”
Being pissed wasn’t cool. Binge drinking was almost unheard of. Not turning up for school or work the next day because of a hangover was severely frowned upon, even amongst teenage peers.
I can count on one hand the occasions where I had too much alcohol in the past 47 years and regretted it every time. But even then, I was never brain-dead and didn’t remember what happened, which frequently happens to binge drinkers these days.
Only when I moved to NZ and married an English wife did I witness and hear all these binge-drinking stories did I realise that the UK and also the Scandinavian countries had very different drinking cultures that, sadly and inexplicably, were exported to many other countries.
In both cultures, this binge-drinking habit was artificially induced by limiting access to alcohol.
In the UK (and later in NZ and Australia), by limiting pub opening times severely. This was known as the six o’clock swell in NZ. (Swell is a surfer term for solid energy-rich waves - also called “groundswell”)
For some reason, pubs were forced to close at six o’clock. So millions of workers rushed to the pubs after work finished at 5 o’clock and drank as much alcohol as they could in one hour. Voila - binge drinking was born.
In Scandinavia, they limited alcohol by taxing it excessively and making it very expensive.
I remember taking the ferry from Germany to Sweden once. The alcohol on the ferry was tax-free, and literally, hundreds of Swedes drank themselves into oblivion. It was the ugliest thing. Hundreds of people were pissed, drinking Vodka straight from the bottle like water, spewing all over the boat.
You don’t need to be Einstein to realise that if you make something people like rare or difficult to get, especially with teenagers, it creates an addictive behaviour.
The stricter and stricter alcohol laws worldwide during my lifetime are one of the most stupid things I ever witnessed.
My daughter just finished school, and many of her peers turned eighteen. And they almost kill themselves with alcohol as soon they can legally get their hands on it.
I used my own German drinking culture of old to teach all my children from their early teenage years how to properly and safely use alcohol. So my daughter goes to these parties and has a few drinks, gets tipsy, enjoys herself, and then stops when she feels she had enough. I do not have to worry about her going out.
The following day, hang-over free, she shares the horrendous, harmful and often dangerous stories of how her senselessly drunk peers injured themselves through poisoning and stupid drunken acts.
In short, all quality alcohol, beer, wines, and liquors, used wisely and responsibly, are medicine for most people's bodies, psyches, and souls.
Of course, we have to remember that health is a very individual pursuit - alcohol could be terrible for some people and good for others. And there lies the enormous crime of allopathic pharma-driven so-called “health management” of whole nations.
Put aside the greed and control-driven nefarious acts, even well-meaning health professionals overestimate entirely their knowledge and the serious consequences of their advice.
With good intentions, they offer very narrow generalized health advice based on ever-changing and very limited medical research to hundreds of millions of people and literally kill millions.
Wise global health advice would encourage people to tune in to what they need and experiment with a wide range of foods, drinks, supplements, drugs and methods.
All drugs should be legalized, and unbiased, unideological, neutral scientific safety training should be given to everyone who wants to use them.
To protect children and teenagers, “drug driver licences” should be issued with proper tests that have to be passed. If we can do it with cars - which is much more dangerous for society in general - why can’t we do it with drugs?
But those in charge of all this are either totally brainwashed, captured, corrupted or ideologically handicapped.
And, as we all know, making something illegal that millions of people use secretly gives immense power to the authorities. Psychological power by making people feel guilty and bad, and real power by rounding certain groups of people up and charging them with drug offences whenever it suits them.
I wrote about the illegal ways of the Australian police here:
I know this is depressing, and I often wonder why I write about these things, as nothing seems ever to get better but worse. And there is not much or nothing we can do about it.
That’s why most of the normies I talk to are not interested in all the stories we investigate and share here on Substack. It is not that they don’t know. It is the overwhelming sense that there is nothing they can do about it anyway, so why get depressed about it? It is much easier to ignore it and enjoy life a little more.
But I believe in the power of bringing awareness to things.
If millions of people are made aware of unjust, harmful practices by those in power, this makes a huge difference. Because they will know we are talking about it and them. And no matter how strong their biases and insane justifications are, deep down, they know they do dark things, and, by nature, nobody wants to be dark—being weak, dark, egoic and harmful hurts.
So, they justify it by constructing stories that they “help” people and create a better world. I am 100% sure that’s how Bill Gates sees himself - as a saviour to save the stupid masses. But deep down, he knows he is full of shit. Everyone does.
But if no one brings awareness to the falseness, harmfulness, stupidity, dangers and cruelty of these dark people and stories, the dark guys sleep a little better. And we don’t want them to sleep better. We want to push their lying faces into their own shit constantly.
They hate that, of course. That’s why they smear truth-tellers, censor and shadow-ban them and want them to go away. But if we keep raising awareness of all the darkness, the dark can’t survive.
Dark stuff can only survive when hidden and untold and in the unconscious realm of the human psyche. Awareness is like a bright light that exposes the cockroaches, who scurry for cover.
So we don’t have “to do” stuff. We change people by openly and proudly telling our truth and bringing awareness to dark people and their methods. That’s why I am still writing - to expose dark people. And to offer spiritual solutions - the only solutions that work.
Trump is one of the dark people fooling himself to save the people or America, or whatever - don’t ever be fooled by this man. But that’s another story.
Back to the so-called “health meassures” that kill tens of millions prematurely every year.
The stupid food pyramid is just one of these “programs” that literally killed tens of millions of people prematurely. I don’t think that was overly dark or malicious; it was probably well-intended but arrogant and stupid. Indeed, the road to hell is plastered with good intentions.
I follow straightforward logic regarding my diet: If something has been around for hundreds, better thousands, of years, it can’t be wrong and will be good for me, like alcohol, butter, cream, meat, veggies, and so on. If it were bad for us, it wouldn’t have lasted that long—it would have either killed us or we would have abandoned it.
So why do we care about what studied “experts” tell us - they know fuck all about real life and tradition and age-old passed-down knowledge and wisdom.
Modern science and its arrogance have turned into a religious cult that will kill us all if we don’t stop it.
And how do we stop it?
It is straightforward - recognise their basic false, purely intellectual foundations and tremendous arrogance. Then, rip off their false coats of “expertise”, push them off their pedestal, and ignore their advice and lacklustre, often corrupt services completely. This should be our default mode.
Then, we screen everything they do using old, proven knowledge, common sense, instinct and critical thinking.
Because sometimes, they provide helpful stuff that is worth trying. It would be equally stupid to categorically reject everything they suggest as to take everything they suggest categorically. Knowledge does evolve, just not as quickly and recklessly as the transhumanist science-cult pushes it.
At the end of the day, it is we who enable them and keep them alive. It is mainly the majority of stupid, lethargic half-wits that use them uncritically with a kowtowing, unchallenging, admiring attitude.
Like those who take two shots and one booster for the whole family of five and had a combined 15 outbreaks of Covid - some of them severe. I actually know such a family. And then they take another booster.
Can they be helped? I don’t think so. If you are that much removed from reality and what is happening right in front of your nose, combined with significant suffering, and still follow the official line, something is seriously wrong. We are talking about highly educated people here with high incomes and significant professional roles. One is a health professional.
They are good people—I call them good friends—and I haven’t given up on them. I am progressing slowly with one of them because I like him, care for him, and admire his other beautiful qualities. He is among the most helpful and friendly people I have ever met and very smart. But all things authority - he can’t help himself but follow the official line. It’s in the early upbringing, I think. Most kids get scared by authorities, worldly and religious ones, and it becomes hard-wired.
But I generally care less and less about stupid people following official “expert” advice. It is an evolutionary law that stupid people will be eliminated. Foolish people won’t survive as successful as critical thinkers, I believe. Or hope. But who knows what’s going to happen in this crazy world? Standing out can also get you killed very easily.
Luck is a big part of survival, too.
I found it best not to worry too much about these things, not to overthink them, and to do what I am meant to do every hour of the day. Follow my spiritual path and trust that whatever happens must be accepted, as there is no other way. I am nothing, really.
In defence of the herd, there is a lot of brainwashing going on, starting in Kindergarten.
But on the other hand, there is so much genuine, common sense, good information out there if someone wants to wake up. I was brainwashed as a kid, ate tons of sugar, got rotten teeth and stomach cramps, and my parents were too busy and exhausted to put a stop to it.
But at 18, I read a good book that really convinced me, and I stopped most of my sugar and processed food intake from one day to the next. And after that, I tried many dozens of health measures, supplements, drugs and detox procedures throughout my life and observed how they affected me. I kept the one that worked well and dropped others.
And honestly, at 62, I never felt better in my life on all levels: Physically, emotionally, psychologically and especially spiritually, which rules all of the previous ones. Of course, I had more energy and drive when I was younger. But I am much happier now.
Luck was on my side, but I also feel rewarded for what I did. But this might be a big illusion after all. Maybe I am just lucky.
I still believe that in this increasingly totalitarian health paradigm, people need to learn to become their own doctors again quickly; otherwise, they will perish.
Remember? We lived millions of years as a species without any doctors or screens giving us advice.
Nowadays, if you are old and have to go to the hospital for any kind of disease (except life-saving surgery caused by an accident), the chances that you will die in the hospital are very high.
And I am not even talking about nefarious “death protocols” and “do not reassagurate” orders. That’s a whole other story.
No, I am talking about the usual medical standard “procdures” genuinely intended to help people (and cover the doctor’s and nurse’s arses for being sued for “not doing enough” by a very few idiots.)
Modern medicine is not allowed to keep people safe and let them heal with minimal support. They have to intervene constantly, and that creates a lot of damage and kills people.
My wife works in a hospital in Australia, and I have heard enough stories of old people coming in with minor health scares and getting literally “cared to death” very quickly.
As soon as medical interventions, excessive drugs, forced vaccination, lousy food, no fresh air, and no movement start, old people die like flies in hospitals.
The same happens with natural births.
If you want a healthy baby and mother and a normal, soulful birth, avoid a hospital at all costs, and get an independent, experienced midwife and do a home birth. (which they want to outlaw or make extremely difficult in many Western countries now)
I know several experienced former home birth midwives who are forced to work in a hospital now, and it breaks their hearts to see how the hospital protocols in Australia lead to a massive amount of interventions and caesarean sections with horrible outcomes for mothers and babies and ongoing problems for the rest of their lives. I heard it is even worse in the USA. (My sister gave birth there 35 years ago, and it was already highly medicalized then)
I am not against caesarean sections when warranted - it absolutely saves lives. All my three children from two mothers were born with it - all warranted. But that shouldn’t be more than 10% or so. These days, forceps, caesareans, and drugs make up the vast majority of all births.
Once again, it is the brainwashed, gutless, whimsical, new mother generations that often support it. However, in their defence - it gets incredibly tiresome and challenging to get a natural home birth in Australia these days. The medical system has almost completely captured and medicalized what used to be a natural process for millions of years.
And it doesn’t stop with the horrible birth. The mothers then often are unable or too injured or drugged to tend to their baby and breastfeed in the first days. That crucial first bond never gets fully established with massive psychological and nutritional problems in the future.
Modern medicine causes so much more pain and damage than most people realise.
There is nothing wrong with medicine itself, of course. The arrogance, excessive power and God-Complex of almost all brainwashed doctors and nurses do the damage.
By itself, modern medicine is a great tool.
But to be helpful, it must be guided by humbleness, first-do-no-harm, wisdom and love. Modern medicine makes a great servant but is a terrible master, very likely killing many more people than it saves.
People either wake up and take their health into their own hands or are increasingly likely to die prematurely or live a miserable old life in constant sickness.
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I agree the culture of "prohibition" only drives excessive and stupid binge use of drugs and alcohol in the young people. I introduced my son to really high quality wines early enough, and now he can't afford good quality wine by himself and won't drink shitty stuff because he knows the difference - parental mission accomplished! LOL.
“All disease starts in the gut. If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.”
~ Hippocrates