I agree the culture of "prohibition" only drives excessive and stupid binge use of drugs and alcohol in the young people. I introduced my son to really high quality wines early enough, and now he can't afford good quality wine by himself and won't drink shitty stuff because he knows the difference - parental mission accomplished! LOL.

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That was very crafty of you!

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“All disease starts in the gut. If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.”

~ Hippocrates

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I will just say, as the daughter of an alcoholic, I completely understand why some react so violently against it and prefer sobriety. If you haven't been in that situation, maybe don't be so quick to judge. Hint - the result is the polar opposite of good parenting. Statistically, it's something like eighty percent of the kids go on to have issues with alcohol.

When you live in a culture that supports and almost venerates alcohol abuse (such as the UK), and the only behaviour you see modelled for handling stress, anxiety, trauma, happiness, you name it, is bottle shaped, it is a super human effort to step beyond that into the unknown.

I have used alcohol in the past, and because I am stubborn, I refused to be a damn statistic. However I came to see that my relationship with it was one of dependency, so I gave it up for ten years. The most interesting thing was how others reacted. Mostly negatively and I got a huge amount of pressure to partake. In England, you can be pregnant, on antibiotics or "insert drink or choice". Anything else makes you a weirdo, and not in a good way.

Luckily for me, I have been a weirdo forever, so I shrugged it off, but I think it is really important to remember how imperative an urge to conform is. We are basically monkeys, being outside the troop makes you more likely to get eaten. Evolutionary biology hasn't kept up with innovation, apparently.

Plus the indoctrination and constant propaganda. It's a miracle any of us are awake, imo, given we all had the same.

I don't know about anyone else, but I find this knowing a lonely place. Like minds abound online but locally? Not gonna lie, there are times when I wish I had never started questioning. I thought it was just the one rabbit hole.

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I too have noticed the insidious rise of the tee totalers and their nagging abstinence coz alcohol causes this that and the other blah blah. Tedious and hypocritical when they continually push their totally safe and effective covid serums.

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Thanks for this (once more !) great article - written with heart, brain and guts !

What worries me most for today’s kids is that I feel that many of them are pushed towards an addictive way of life in all areas : binge drinking, eating, watching, senseless ”communication ” on social media, sex, ”easy money”... - and all this : for one part because they are preys for BigMarket, but it’s also like they were irremediably convinced that they can’t expect anything else from life.

“The 21st century will be spiritual or it will not be” (André Malraux) : our mental/spiritual health is also a challenge...

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Only awake, loving, spiritual parents will have the strength and patience to guide their kids away from this mass manipulation. That's why deep states and ideologies try so hard to come between parents and their children. That's why the third wave of ideological radical feminism is undermining and poisoning the man-woman love relationship, which is the foundation of the nourishing family. Gay families can be equally nourishing and educating for the kids, of course, but their low numbers make them less critical compared to man-woman relationships.

But the universal divine spirit in the kids themselves will eventually enlighten them, too, of course. It can be obscured but never extinguished and will shine through at the slightest opportunity.

Thank you your unwavering support, Cocette.

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Yes! When alcohol is seen as just another beverage and marijuana as just another edible/smoke/bong whatever, they lose their binge-glamour. Apollo said only two things at Delphi, and neither were dogmatic: "know thyself" and "everything in moderation".

Tee totaling is as bad as bingeing: it is just another form of anorexia. Addiction to self-righteous anger, pathological fear of having fun, and self-masochism in the form of avoiding sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll is just as bad as throwing oneself headlong into the nymphomaniac fentanyl blues. Both are extreme and imbalanced.

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Raising the drinking age to 21 was one of the dumbest decisions that has ever been imposed upon this country. After all, how can having a beer or a glass of wine with dinner with one's family be worse for society than forcibly drafting a young man into the military, giving him a rifle, and ordering him to shoot other young men he's never met who are also in the same situation?

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Yes, thank you for expressing this horrible madness that the people in power have “normalized” and the masses lap it up without heart and thought. Only when it is their own son that gets drafted do they suddenly wakeup to the cruelty and insanity of it. But such is human nature as long we are ruled by egoic motivations.

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Hilariously, Americans are "allowed" to buy cigarettes at age 18. Because a cigarette habit is soooo much healthier than having a glass of wine with dinner. My German grandmother drank a small glass of wine every night with a banana for her digestive health. She lived to a ripe old age.

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Three of my grandparents lived well into their 90s. On my mom's side they had a glass of wine before dinner every day. My grandfather on my father's side worked hard physical labor as a logger and in sawmills until retirement, drinking like a fish and smoking like a chimney practically up until the day he died. He was still hobbling to the local bar every evening until the end. The one who didn't surprisingly died of cancer in her 60s.

Certainly genetics helps but I can't help thinking that a lot of the dangers are overblown, as the government and the medical mafia lie about everything else. The rise in obesity conveniently coincides with the anti-smoking campaigns of the 80s and 90s and the widespread decline of smoking. Nicotine is an appetite suppressor and counters stress. There's better ways to take it than cigarettes now, but it is more profitable to put every other female in the country on anti-depressants and treat the diseases of obesity.

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How about injecting him with a poison? Feeding him dead-shit and so on and so forth 🙃

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Couldn’t agree more - thank you. I am a libra :-)

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Moderation at its finest! My late father was a Libra of the best kind.

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It would seem it's true that without your health you have nothing. By the same token, with your health the modern stone age medical mafia has nothing. Too bad the medical system is entirely engrossed with keeping people sick and diseased while collecting gargantuan incomes and profits. Healing and care are very bad concepts to the medical system.

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Good read, you covered a lot here. I don’t know where to start. I live in the UK and use to get pissed regularly throughout my life.

I’ve now been sober for nearly 4 years. Good decision, but I try to avoid being judgmental about anyone who does use alcohol as a crutch. Shit, somehow we have to get through this hell of a life.

One thing, I have noticed is younger people are drinking a lot less compared to my generation. This is backed by studies.

I feel all drugs should be legalised, regulate it and put the profits towards drug education and recovery for those that have become addicted.

Crime would also be radically reduced and prisons half emptied.

But the cult likes the ‘War on drugs’, for them it works.

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I agree. Most of the drug harm happens because of two factors and most normies that swallow the brainwash that drugs are very dangerous, don't really get that: 1. "Dirty" drugs (variation in strength between batches, impurities, and deliberate contamination and add obs like fentanyl to get people addicted), and 2. Lack of knowledge and proper use. Those two cover probably 80% of the harm and it is accidental, but, if you are a cynic like me, deliberately kept up by the authorities to scare everyone shirtless. If they would legalize and regulate it, all that harm would fall away. People used to die from wrongly distilled alcohol before it was regulated.

The remaining 20% is down to a greedy addictive and abusive mind set of the user wanting a higher and higher kick.

And yes, self-medication is a big reason to use drugs and why not? I trust and know myself better than most doctors. If people use drugs intelligently for self-medicatinmon it can help a lot. But we cant have that, of course - taking our health and destiny into our own hands.

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Spot on! - I couldn’t agree more…

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Good read. Agree with a lot of it. I wonder what the name of the book is, the one that got you to cut out sugar and processed foods…?

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What a very informedand wise man you are , Health is far more simple than we are led to believe , put the wrong oil or petrol in a car and it breaks down Our biodies are the same ,,clean natural food ,clean water ,supplement things like minerals the soil is depleted knowledge is power take charge of your own health Get knowledge all the junkfood cannot be good for us its not natural, Ooh a big subject !!Health is our wealth , Put it first (!

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Midwives tend to be brainwashed, fear-mongering, medical professionals (USA and Zambia). They have to be in the USA, they pretend to be alternative but their training is not. Pushing is involuntary, in my experience. You can have the baby without professional supervision at home. It's not illegal in the USaa

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I agree that most of the new gen midwifes have been sucked into the medical model. If you are lucky, you find the odd older old-style midwife (50+) that do great home births. NZ was way ahead in woman and baby-centred midwifery in the Western world - one of the best places to birth babies in the world. Not sure for how much longer though.

Yes, you can birth without a midwife and some Australian women prefer that to the medical system (as it is almost impossible to find a home birth midwife anymore in Australia due to medical witch hunt and insurance issues).

Most do well but those who don’t often lose their baby and sometimes their lifes. My wife sees the cases that go wrong and it is very sad, as an experienced midwife would have spotted the signs early and could have saved the baby and sometimes the mother by getting them into a hospital quickly.

The solution, imo, is not going anti-medical as there is a place for medical intervention but restore the independent traditional natural midwife training and practice natural birth and have the medical system as a back up for emergencies. This was done in the 70ties, 80ties and 90ties and had good outcomes - best of both worlds, but in the past three decades, midwifes got pretty much degraded and pushed out by arrogant doctors.

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I watched very closely as my teenage friends went from low grade bong hits & a six packs to the needle, ran like hell. 20 years on, one of the neighbors apologized, said he got me wrong because I was your average white kid hanging with the lifeguard, all American Adonis, drop dead georgious, spun blonde hair, Olympic class swimmer body, fucking all the girls at the pool including there mom's, and getting everybody high, but somehow I took the hit because I didn't have Hollywood good looks, but I did have a core understanding, 2020/2021, again with the needle, A-List movie stars pushing drugs, right out of John Marshall's playbook, not up in here.

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Love this essay! Regarding eating meat (and dairy, eggs), it is not the same as how our ancestors ate these things, due to the invention of factory farms.

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If it's so bad why do I see the same crackheads on the street corner after 35 years of daily abuse.

The old drunks in the park still drinking the rot gutt, cheap, methanol, laced booze.

I doubt premium beer is going to kill me and if that is my destiny then so be it.

They say that fried pork belly at the butcher shop is bad but I still eat it.

I don't go to doctors, nor do I worry about prostate, heart, liver or cholesterol in my blood.

I sure as hell don't ask doctors for advice on what is good for me after what I have witnessed since 2020.


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System? Already here. Eisenhower warned us and Johnson, Nixon, Bush, Clinton DELIVERED

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Hypothesis: modern alcoholic beverages contain harmful modern additives, for example novel herbicides and pesticides.

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