I suspect the "indictment" is another psy-op to play Trump's supporters to cement his front runner status. I agree with you that he was played. He is too polarizing. I think they want him as the republican nominee so they can provoke the civil war and use it to destroy the country.

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Consider this for an alternative. I'm in Australia, now. Here, the GOVERNMENT (all caps big) runs everything, and it's lock-step. People are obedient and rolling right along with whatever the GOVERNMENT plans.

The chaos that is America/USA actually has a chance at overthrowing this BS. It's difficult to herd cats, and this deep division in the USA actually gives me hope. Anyone trying to "control the herd" will fail miserably.

I'm not suggesting it's gonna be easy. It will be hard for all of us. But in the chaos that is America right now - there's actually hope that something good will come of it. I don't hold that hope for all the lock-step GOVERNMENTAL countries.

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I agree. I never have been that positive about the American system thoughout all my life but I reversed that in the past few years. That system was one of the most resilient against the Covid madness and the least lock-step in the Western World, except for Sweden. But the USA is under severe etreme left attack atm as pointed out in the "Higgins Memo" posted by John. It is an eye opener and actually softens me a little bit towards Trump. However, his character flaws were obvious long before he became president, so it not only the bad press and the relentless attacks. They simply used and exaggerated these flaws imo.

I have some hope for RFK. I think he trumps Trump and several areas: Way less character flaws. knows how to fight "deep state" much better, legacy of the Kennedy name, aligns with a bigger "good" and is far less devicive than Trump, see the bigger pricture beyond partisan politics. I thinkg he is the obvious choice that can the American people together again and defend America against the Marxist onslaught.

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I don't disagree. I recently came across the "Higgins Memo" and reposted it. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. https://open.substack.com/pub/whereisjohngalt/p/the-higgins-memo?r=ras4m&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Whatever you think of Trump (I am neutral) there is no question that the the electoral system in the USA is thoroughly corrupt. That was exploited by the Democrats. That was the sole reason he lost to the senile,criminal jerk, Biden.

The USA uses voting machines. These are easily manipulated by third parties. The USA, of late, uses an indiscriminate postal vote system. Their electoral rolls, where they exist, are not kept up to date. This, combined with a lack of a voter ID requirement means that just about anybody, eligible or not, can vote, and multiple times at that. Each of the 50 states controls the ballot individually so there are variations in the degree of corruption state by state.

Australia uses paper ballots exclusively. Postal and absentee balloting is strictly controlled. Counting is supervised by scrutineers. The Court of Disputed Returns judges appeals.

For anybody used to a voting system which has trusted integrity it may be hard to understand how easy it is to corrupt the voting process unless strict,enforced processes and rules are in place. The USA is not alone with this problem. Witness Brazil which also uses voting machines.

An honest voting system is not rocket science.

Unless the USA cleans up its electoral system the poll in 2024 will be a mess,like 2020.

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Just a couple questions. All electoral systems will be corrupt to some extent. To say the system in the USA is thoroughly corrupt seems a stretch for me. What is your rationale for saying that?

I am also curious what makes you think the voting machines are easily manipulated by third parties? Fox News just lost almost a billion dollars in a lawsuit for saying that.

For the record, though I believe there were shenanigans in the 2020 election, I believe Trump lost. I have yet to hear a good argument otherwise, which is why I’m curious about your statements.

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Black box voting. I've been studying this since Dubya. Citizen pushes a lever, and the vote goes away into this black box to be manipulated by (who?) (what algorithm?)(proprietary coding?) and the vote that comes out - we have NO PROOF that this was how the citizen voted. It's hidden within the black box. Proprietary product.

The Fox thing was a specific claim against a specific third-party company. For all we know, that's how the Powers That Be want it. Slam down on Fox, eliminate transparency.

For there IS no transparency with black box voting system. In Australia, there are many people in the room while the paper ballots are being counted. Sure, there are shenanigans. Australian corruption may come more into the fore, as they start to allow more postal votes, and I've even heard talk of voting online. But they are not as systemic or easily manipulated.

The other vital point which Australians may be missing is the Electoral College. It is archaic and needs to be eliminated. Black Box + Electoral College = easy corruption of voting. Too easy.

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So, you have NO PROOF the system is thoroughly corrupt, you just claim it is because you don’t like the manner in which votes are cast. If the system was thoroughly corrupt Trump would not have been elected in 2016.

Electoral college archaic? lol! Wrong. You might want to get educated on the importance of the electoral college.

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I am a Yank/Australian, moved to Oz in 2002. I was visiting the USA on election day, 2016 when the Chump thing happened. First of all, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series (baseball), which tells one right away that the world was upside down.

I talked to people on the streets, and realised that Chump was gonna get up. Too much hatred for Hillary, too much fear about Dems "taking away our guns," too much racism - from the Hillary camp! (I find this ironic, since - the MSM touted how "white supremacist" "misogynist" and "racist" the Chump camp was. )

After it happened, the streets were filled with fear. What would happen? Would it be legal to go gay bashing? (for example) Would benefits be removed from the most vulnerable? The hostility on the streets after his election was palpable. The Chumpers ran rampant on minorities & committed hate crimes against gays (in particular, there may have been others, but I just heard about the gay bashing & some threatening vandalism). It was a little frightening, and I was thankful I didn't live there anymore.

I heard about people wanting to kill themselves after the 2016 election. Fortunately, they stayed the course, and lived - but - were forever afraid of Orange Man. Now, that he threatens to run again - these people are again feeling suicidal (even though, by all measures, their lives did not improve under Biden). What's the point of living, if Orange Man is gonna run things?*

*keep an eye on the Supreme Court, as I believe Chump is claiming that "anything he did while president" is "legal." EGADS.

It's a little disheartening that Malone has put his weight behind Orange Man, who I consider a disgrace to the White House. No longer is the White House an esteemed institution. Chump started the decay, but it reached new heights under Biden, as we chase the cocaine around the White House and look at the boobs of the transwomen on the lawn.

Just thought I would share a Yanqui perspective on Chump. (I am unsurprised by anything you wrote here @Ma Mu !) Watching Chump, and then Biden - I realised that the 2 pony race is seriously rigged. (I've believed that since BushII got up - black box voting)

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I've just finished reading Jeffrey Tucker's article in Brownstone -


-following eugyppius' take on it:


-so I devoured yours with great interest!

I have to say that I tend to agree with you about Trump, certainly that he got lost in the swamp, also that he showed piss-poor judgement & leadership throughout the whole show.

I do, however, think he was never as bad as the media & his haters portrayed him - though not exactly the saviour that his supporters made him out to be. And I also tend to agree with the Stolen Election narrative BTW, watching the vote counting in real time, seeing the halt called in the middle of the night (that was mid-afternoon here in Australia) and the 180° turnaround thereafter.

But never mind all that - politics is a dirty game at the best of times, and the US political scene is particularly unsavory. And we haven't seen the end of it yet, with the latest bit of theatre.

I'd feel better about Trump if he admitted he screwed up - or was wrong - but he is still busily trying to justify his actions and make himself look good. I don't like that.

Overall, I still don't really know what to make of him - but I am not pinning any of my own hopes on him. Perhaps it's just as well that as an Aussie, my opinion of Trump counts for absolutely nothing!

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If it is true that WEF and Bankers infiltrated Western Governments through politicians and top-level bureaucrats and if it is true that their end goal is a centralized undemocratic world government - I think we need Gandhi-like leaders and Ghandi non-violent highly intelligent movements to turn this around peacefully. The controlling fascist forces are not interested in peace. They want to "rebuild better". To rebuild you need to destroy first. That's what they are doing - destroying the social fabric of democracy and freedom through all sorts of psy-op measurements.

Trump would help them. They provoke him - he ignites his followers. They march the streets with guns. Now they can declare martial law - supported by hundreds of millions of scared Americans that have no clue what is really going on.

With martial law more democratic and human rights can be eliminated. It is so easy to see. I doubt Trump will sacrifice himself for the good of the country. And I don't think he understands the mindset of these people. It needs one of them to beat them in their own game. Leaders are called by social circumstances. Every force creates a counter-force. As sooner Trump yields his power, repents, acknowledges his mistakes and truly joins the resistance - as a supporter, not a leader - as sooner the right leader will emerge.

I know it is painful for Trump supporters to read this article (I notice a drop in likes). It feels so comforting to have at least one big guy seemingly on our side, calling out the deep state. His instincts are totally right there. But he had his chance. He failed. He plays the victim now and that resonates with his followers. He claims he was cheated. Maybe he was. But what does that mean? He wasn't smart enough. He lost. I know he is a comeback kid but his aggression and lack of wisdom will always be used by his enemies. A few better-suited people are waiting to be called. They do not even know it. These things are much more complex than we can ever imagine.

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I'm inclined to the theory that the Elites are split into 2 main warring faction (I think Rothschilds vs Rockefellers & a few other main players is how I heard it) and Trump is the poster boy for the not-quite-as-bad faction. I quite liked him for a while, after I overcame my initial dislike of him as a businessman and actually went and listened to him for myself. Some of his speeches are quite impressive, and he did do some good things about stopping wars (and maybe some other things too). But his evident narcissism is a turn-off for me, and also his lack of judgement (aren't good business supposed to have good judgement about people?)

These retrospective overviews of the pandemic years do help us understand better what was going on - I've found glimpses of truth in most of these different viewpoints.

Trump not only had the chance at presidency, he also has had the chance to take on the sort of low key post-leadership statesmanship that we have sometimes seen in our own PMs (not the recent ones, however!)

And he has not done anything like that - the only things we have heard from him have been self-glorification attempts which all sound a bit hollow to me.

I agree, Trump does not have the makings of a true visionary leader - I can't see him as the one who will bring in the Golden Age! He might qualify as the Anti-Christ, however - who is supposed to be a charismatic leader who fools people into thinking that he will save them, when in the end he leads them to their doom.

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1) Have a look at Mark Carney as a WEF player. From Governor of The Bank of Canada to Governor of The Bank of England? As a colonial, how do you see the Poms accepting that? He is now being touted as a replacement for WEF minion Justin Trudeau.

2) Do you still believe that SARS-CoV-2 came from WIV? My reading leads to Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, with WIV a subcontractor after the partial ban of GoF research in the USA. don't think I will get to see the pathway from Fort Detrick to UCNC.

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Here’s a conspiracy I weaved together. I’m not saying it’s true. Just pondering.

Let’s say what we are living through right now was completely orchestrated. Let’s say the long known goal of depopulation is in full swing.

The pandemic and everything surrounding it is weird. None of it appears novel to me except the trouncing of liberty, rights, Nuremberg. It has been is stunning in its thoroughness and that there has been no truly effective pushback.

The shots suspiciously coming onto the scene (operation warp speed) in record time was weird. Trump being president okaying all of the liberty crushing protocols was weird.

I won’t belabor all the finite details of weirdness. If I did I could fill pages.

It is obvious nobody galvanizes hate like Trump. So if the goal was to get as many people juiced up (jabbed) as possible he would have to exit.

The perfect irony is, Trump was instrumental in facilitating Pompeo, big pharma and the deep state to create and distribute the bioweapons aka: vaccines. People make excuses that he was misled. If true he certainly hasn’t hinted as much. But that’s due to his ego, right? We make excuses after excuses. Trump gets cut an eternal pass.

Meanwhile VAERS gets ignored. The preponderance of those dying suddenly is ignored. All cause mortality spike since shots were administered is ignored. The FOIA data that damns the safety and efficacy they insisted was solid is ignored. And Trump ushering all this in is ignored.

It is poetic that the people that shouted from rooftops they’d never take the Trump vaccine actually wound up doing exactly that. That’s why Trump had to lose. The Left’s stubborn resolve would’ve worked against the shots.

Recently Trump faced pushback from his base over suspicions over all this. So a blatant persecution is orchestrated as deflection. It garners tremendous sympathy and everything I just said is forgotten/forgiven. Everyone’s a sucker for a come from behind Horacio Alger story. Trump is the solid winner for 2024.

Meanwhile the depopulation plan moves forward silently under the noise. https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-population-control-holocaust

Maybe ultimately the shots work similar to a bee sting in an allergic person. The first sting (Part A) illicits no symptoms. So the first round of transfection agents aka: vaccines only harm a fraction immediately while most feel ok. But what if there’s a Part B coming? Like the next bee sting your immune system goes into overdrive and kills you. Maybe there’s a reason just a day or so ago Fauci openly warned with absolute certainty about the next pandemic. Even said it could be as early as next year.

People wonder how the Soros Democrats can embrace such self-defeating policies such as not having kids/abortion, etc. Pundits predict in 50yrs they will have cleansed themselves out of existence. But what if they know something we don’t. What if they’re not worried because they know 2/3rds of the world’s population is going to be exterminated before that happens.

Depopulation has been on the table for decades. It solves a lot of resource distribution problems. Environmental problems, and economic problems. And facilitates a globalist government takeover of the western world. It makes the world a better place. For the narcissists pulling the strings.

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"the guy who caused all this Covid fiasco"

*CAUSED* it? Have you not yet watched Dr David Martin's 21-minute talk at the European Parliament? The "novel" bits-and-bobs that we were ASSURED by FauciMengele and the gang would be massively deadly (because allegedly we had had no prior exposure to them -- which, while TRUE, did not reflect that it was a BUILT bioweapon!) had ALL BEEN PATENTED BY THE U.S. between 2002 and 2008. Do you believe Trump was running Big Pharma back in the early 2000s?! Haven't yet read the rest of your very long 'stack -- but just starting out blaming TRUMP doesn't bode well for your stance!

Will keep reading -- but please, got watch Martin and see just how WRONG you are in that one HUGELY important point -- and many others!

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