This is part two of my recent article about starving the elites to death.
This one was supposed to look at practical solutions we can implement individually to starve the system of resources. But it spontaneously led to a more profound, more fundamental spiritual essay on escaping and destroying the power-greed paradigm through non-participating and meaningful spiritual practice.
I will address the more worldly practical solutions in another post.
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The Ultimate Freedom From Everything Is Spiritual
The freedom movement on Substack is now very versed in analysing the methods and leaders of corrupt systems. This includes calling out former freedom fighters who became famous and rich and were captured again by the Trump-Musk brainwash, big money, or their own big egos.
Deconstructing rotten systems is very often needed to build new ones. But only deconstructing without thinking of solutions can destroy hope, induce paranoia, and ultimately sap our energy.
Solutions are hard to find in a system many feel is beyond repair. Only idealists and optimists still believe that the corrupt globalist deep-state-private-industry fascist collusion can be tamed and reformed from within. I fear that this path will either succeed or fail with Trump. I think we are drinking Hopium in the last-chance saloon right now.
What else can be done?
Outright bloody revolution might be in the minds of some, but even in the rare cases of success, it causes much suffering and, as history tells us, often replaces the old corrupt elite with a new corrupt elite.
Fighting the institutions or the few known prominent power players has been tried repeatedly in our history, sometimes successfully and often unsuccessfully.
It sometimes replaced some significant corrupted actors, and sometimes, it even radically changed the shape of the system (democracy vs. communism vs. monarchy vs. dictatorship, etc.).
But many people don’t realise that all these changes were within the rules of the power-greed paradigm and didn’t change the paradigm itself. The paradigm remained unchallenged and firmly in place, regardless of the systems and ideologies applied.
All of them ended up being pyramid-shaped power-greed structures, and all of them, even communism, always had a small elite ruling and exploiting the many. This is so ingrained over thousands of years that most take it as a given and never even question it. They never ask the straightforward question: “Why does someone feel entitled to rule me, tell me what to do, and take a big portion of my income, overt or covert, from me?”
As long we live under a power-greed paradigm, the powerful elites will always oppress the many, be it openly and directly or hidden and secretly. Open force was common over thousands of years. This has been replaced by the bending of our minds and beliefs through nudging and brainwashing.
This has become so sophisticated that we do not even notice it most of the time unless we come to the only conclusion possible: Not to trust any information and question everything as false as the default mode.
Not by coincidence, this is also the default mode of the non-dual spiritual path when we study our egoic mindsets. We can’t trust our egoic thought patterns, either.
For example, tens of millions of Americans right now believe it was their free choice to vote for Trump. They will probably get offended if I suggest otherwise. For an outsider, it is relatively easy to see how the masses get psychologically manipulated all the time. It is much harder to see it when we are emotionally attached to something, and it is very hard to see it within our ego structure.
But very hard doesn’t mean impossible. It is possible if we want to see it.
With the immense resources available to the elites, in the absence of any meaningful spiritual or even ethical guidelines, and with the law enforcement and judicial branches also increasingly stacked against the ordinary citizen, it almost feels like the elites have been completely unchained from the few rusting weak chains that kept them in check partially in the past.
Many of the freedom fighter dissident leaders, in one way or another, are still part of the underlying power-greed paradigm and either outright become part of the lower echelons of grifters or fool themselves into thinking that they can change and save the system from within by trying to get “government appointments.”
As history has shown, this often creates a new administrative and political elite that the elites still cleverly manipulate and exploit. Power corrupts almost always.
As long as we have a hierarchical power system in place, a few will always rule and exploit the many—if they let them. Submission these days means ruling our minds, hearts, and spirit, not necessarily our bodies.
That is just the nature of the power-greed system, which is based on our purely materialistic egoic view of ourselves. We never question the assumption that all we are is this very limited and vulnerable body-mind fighting for survival.
As long as we believe that there is not much hope of bettering our lives because all our problems are intimately tied to the bodies and minds that we think we are.
For many Westerners who grew up in this purely materialistic, rational, and scientific world, the notion that we might be much more or even something entirely different from the body-mind seems absurd and fantastic.
But that precisely is the core meaning of spirit.
Spirit is beyond the material world. That’s the whole idea of spirituality. It has nothing to do with believing in something like a God or religious dogma.
That might be a valuable stepping stone for some, but it is not required.
What we truly are, a non-egoic, non-dual spirit, cannot be found in beliefs. It can only be found within ourselves as a very real personal experience. Only then do we “know,” and belief is no longer required.
Until then, we all operate from mostly unconscious egoic patterns trenched with fears and desires that make us vulnerable to the power-greed paradigm. It is not a one-way, top-down force pressed upon us by the elites. No—they simply manipulate and exploit our egoic weaknesses.
Billions of these egoic characters are the building blocks of the power-greed paradigm. Not only the elites participate in it; everyone with a purely materialistic worldview does, too. The only difference is that the people are losing, and the elites are winning in this power-greed game.
By trying to eliminate this nagging fear of approaching sickness and death of their body and mind through hoarding and achieving more worldly power, the masses play along in this game, just on a much lower level. Just because people don’t have much doesn’t mean they are not greedy or thirsty for power in the false belief that it will give them relief from suffering. Most freedom fighters and dissidents are in the same game and would be the new elites if they had the chance.
The chance, of course, is maybe 1 in 100 million. But even the elites are not happy, despite their wealth and power. They still depend on an aging, decaying body and mind and the inevitable death of the body-mind.
If we fully understand this, pure logic dictates that the only freedom we will ever achieve is freedom from our habitual greed-power ego mindset. If that is gone, all temptations from the power-greed system will disappear.
Freedom is always “Freedom from” something. Freedom from the chains of slavery. Freedom from brainwashing. Freedom from being told what to do and so on.
The ultimate spiritual freedom is the freedom from our egoic personality structure.
This is not achieved by trying to destroy or change the ego structure - that is impossible. It is achieved by pure realisation of its true nature.
When we go within and observe our feelings, beliefs, patterns, sensations, thoughts, etc. - the totality of what we call the personal mind - we will eventually understand that it is all unreal, mental, and transient. Everything is constantly coming and going. How can there be any truth in something that is there one minute and gone the next?
If we do that long enough, we finally have to logically conclude that this coming and going has to have an everpresent, permanent, non-changing background against which the content of all mental and physical experiences are numerous Gestalts in the foreground, appearing and disappearing.
Precisely like a movie on a screen. Without the screen, there would be no movie. The screen is the permanent, unchangeable background on which the ever-changing images of the movie appear and disappear.
Realising and finding this unchanging, everpresent, aware background is equal to finding the “I Am,” our true Self.
Only then do we have the necessary dualistic contrast to realise our “false and egoic self,” which is immediately recognized as a purely mental automatic psychic activity, a constant coming and going of ideas, beliefs, feelings, sensations, and so on, that is inherently unreal and illusionary.
Most of the time, people do not see and completely forget the screen when watching a movie. They are completely attached and hypnotized by the flickering images on the screen, and their moods respond to whatever the movie wants them to feel.
This is precisely how our egoic personality operates: total victims hypnotized by the mind movie playing in their heads, evoking their daily dramas. As with the movie, there is no realness or truth.
Most people only notice the screen when the movie is turned off, and the screen is dark.
This is precisely what meditation does. It slowly turns off the movie of our minds until the mind becomes very still. Then, finally, we see the still, unchangeable, permanent background of consciousness on which our minds project illusionary images, feelings, ideas, thoughts, sensations, and so on. The screen, the still background, is our true Self, and complete peace and freedom of fears and desires are experienced whenever we dwell in it.
In other words, what we can observe can’t be us. The object can’t be the subject. If we practice long enough, we can observe the automatic karmic functioning, ruled by the universal laws of cause and effect. Being aware of being the pure observer, the unmoving background, we then realise that this egoic unfolding of the body and mind we call ours is not us. As soon as we see that, we are free from it.
This is often a sew-saw process.
The first spiritual awakening that shows it to us is literally mind-blowing. But, in most cases, it is not stable. We temporarily forget, and the old false identification with the egoic body-mind grabs us again.
We lose it again until we remember who we really are and stay in our true Selves for some time. This can go on for decades.
Ultimately, and with grace favouring us, this last dualistic subject-object relationship will also be transcended, and we will be one with everything, and everything will be one with us. We have arrived at the Absolute, and we are the Absolute, the ultimate freedom from everything. So the mystics say.
This freedom fight is a spiritual quest on the deepest level. Only true spirituality in many people will change the power-greed paradigm into an awareness-love paradigm.
However, paradigm change should not be our concern at all. Otherwise, we enter the power-greed paradigm again through the backdoor, trying to change and persuade others. Very often, we (including myself) avoid our work by being concerned by others and trying to change them. A better way is to lead by example and be a role model who motivates others.
The good news is that we don’t need a societal paradigm shift to change our internal power-greed paradigm, our egoic illusion, to one of awareness and love.
Numerous mystics support all of the above. Jesus taught it by saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” He also said things like “I Am the way…..” which, I am convinced, was poorly translated or misinterpreted by the churches into the idea that Jesus is “the only” way to God, which reeks of power play and superiority and is unworthy of any true mystic. I read about many mystics from all ages and cultures, and not one of them would say such a thing to the contrary. All of them always remind their disciple to not look at them but what they are pointing at in their teachings. Many outrightly warn not to follow “them”, rejecting any cult of personality. This is expressed in this quote:
Nisargadatta Maharaj was well known for sending disciples away if they attached themselves to him rather than his teachings. He also clearly stated that every outer teacher (guru) eventually has to be abandoned to find our inner teachers (Sadguru).
In most cases, Jesus or any other mystic can not enlighten or take us to heaven. They all show us how to get there, but we must do it ourselves.
Therefore, Jesus would never suggest anything as stupid as that he is the only way to God. What he refers to is not himself as a person (I am) but the “I Am.” The ancient name of God is “I Am” as reported in the Old Testament and delivered by Moses after his burning bush experience. Indeed, the “I Am” is the only way to God, as explained above. But it has nothing to do with the man Jesus. He had the same realization as all the other mystics, but his words were either not fully understood, misrepresented, or poorly translated. Possibly all three.
The “I Am” is the first and last duality pair, splitting “the Oneness of God” into the state of personal observing beingness on one side and the observed world on the other.
This is very specialist stuff, but it feels essential to educate billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews about the fact that their religious dogmas are in fact anti-spiritual and designed to keep them away from any meaningful spiritual work on themselves by distracting them with flickering movies about past Gods.
Many Christians don’t like their churches anymore but still believe in the elite and divisive false statement that the only way to God is through Jesus. It will attach them to false stories and stop their actual spiritual development. Plus, the transhuman, in full power mode, will probably make Jesus illegal or smear him in one way or another.
And we need everyone on board to change to a “love-awareness” paradigm. Divisive false Christian dogma doesn’t achieve that, and I don’t understand why this even matters. What do they gain from claiming “the only way though God is though Jesus?” but a divisive superior complex and spiritual ego trip?
I think the first step is for lovers of Jesus, which includes me, to maybe wake up to the somewhat shocking realization that the Bible is not what they think it is and a true representation of Jesus. This comment from
sums it up:The Bible was put together at the council of Nicene in 325 AD by the leaders of Constantine's Rome, today the bible would be put together by the leaders of the UN/WHO/WEF/IMF; I sure as fuck wouldn't read the UN's bible so why do so many people put faith in a book that was "written" by the 4th century's empire? How many books were left out, such as the Book of Enoch? How were the texts altered to fit the narrative of the day? Also, reading the bible means that you are relying upon someone else's translation as most of us do not speak or read latin let alone ancient Greek or Aramaic; why are people willing to put so much blind faith into a book that is most certainly not a literal translation? Jesus was raised by the Essenes, a mystic jewish sect that believed in reincarnation and astrology but no where in the New Testament do you read about the immortality of your soul and that you will lead, and have led, many, many lives.
So, I appeal to the intelligent people who love Jesus, Christians who wake up to what the churches do, and all other religious people, no matter the name of it, who got a reality check about the true face of the power-greed system, open yourself up to the possibility that you haven't seen the true face of your religion yet. It might be hard to stomach, but most of them are part of this power-greed system fooling you and keeping you in bondage. If you want to be genuinely free, find your spiritual way. Don’t copy. It won’t work.
Ultimately, nothing else is needed but a good teacher to get us started, a strong desire for and belief that enlightenment is possible and achievable for us in this lifetime, earnestness, being still as often as possible and watching our egoic mind.
Under our watch, it will dissolve itself, and we will be liberated from the bondage of this egoic body-mind. The body-mind will become an insignificant speck in our vastly expanded conscious space that can perfectly and harmoniously look after itself.
Ironically, the totalitarian powers drive us to this individually based spirituality. And they can’t intervene and control it or spy on it. No one can follow us to that peaceful space within ourselves. From that space, whatever they do will also be seen as mere flickering images that come and go.
But they can and will infiltrate, shut down or psyop churches, mosques and temples and stop people from meeting in the holy union with the Spirit. It already happened during the false and exaggerated Covid pandemic.
They can turn off the Internet and completely isolate us. This will drive people within to follow the most powerful spiritual path. Ultimately, the universal Logos will beat them because they are false, and nothing false will ever last.
And we beat them in union with the Logos by withdrawing attention to them and following our internal spiritual path, separated in body, united in spirit, realizing we are all one.
Granted, occasionally, absolute and desperate strong belief in an outside spiritual and divine symbol, like Jesus, for example, can also lead to complete ego loss. But it requires total surrender. Not many people can do that. Blessed are those who can. This surrendering is often caused by immense suffering in this life and prior lives. This is a very profound realization through suffering and compassion.
But this has nothing to do with wishful religious thinking, believing, or waiting for a divine saviour. The idea of “waiting and hoping for something to happen” has no place in spirituality, which is the active search and practice of awareness.
The path of meditation and self-enquiry is open to many more people, especially rational and scientific-minded people. Meditation and Self-enquiry are deeply scientific. Like proper scientists, non-dualistic practitioners start with a hypothesis—the hypothesis that they are not this body-mind they think they are.
They then start on a journey of experiments with their own minds to prove or disprove it through personal experiences. In the end, they know the truth, and the hypothesis can be dropped.
That’s why I am obsessed with getting this message and method out before we get all disconnected and access to public information and the many stories of true spiritual history will be eliminated from public knowledge and memory-holed by the transhuman anti-spiritual regimes.
The rational-materialistic power-greed forces can only win if they defeat spirituality by making everyone believe that all we are is “hackable animals” or “biological meat robots”. These transhuman WEF beliefs, expressed by their philosopher Yusef Harari, are an attempt to do precisely that. He reduces us to mere body-minds and endless suffering and no hope. This is truly evil and false on so many levels.
The clock is ticking, and free speech is more and more rare. People have to get the true meaning of spirit and spirituality as “not body-mind” - before the nudging, propaganda, and brainwashing become absolute.
If you enjoyed my past essays for a while, please become a paying subscriber for a while. A month is only 8 Dollars, Euros, Pounds or whatever your currency is. And a year, only 30 Dollars. Even one month helps. Please remember to cancel as it automatically rolls over, something I don’t like but have no control over (I think)
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩👍💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🙏Your best piece yet! I think more and more people are beginning to understand:)
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #localise
Well done sir, well done. I am honored to have my comment included in this article. When the plandemic hit and I was locked in my house for days, weeks, months, and years the solitude accelerated my spiritual journey and I doubt I would be where I am today without it, think the “elites” didn’t anticipate the awakening that enforced solitude brings about.