This story is about bullies and bandits and how to beat them. It starts with a personal story about a taxi driver bandit in Vietnam and then moves on to the deep-state bullies and globalist elite bandits.
Battling corrupt and greedy taxi drivers
Most of us have limited budgets, which we use to meet the cost of living or travelling. And no one enjoys being ripped off and paying ten times the price.
I long ago accepted a reasonable “rich tourist” surcharge in those poorer countries because, from their point of view, it is warranted. If you can afford to fly into their country, you will be much richer than most of them will ever be. A few extra dollars won’t hurt us and make their day.
However, not all of them are nice and reasonable.
I stayed with my teenage daughter two years ago in Saigon, Vietnam. To get from the airport to our Airbnb, I researched the area, learned about the cost of taxis, and insisted that the meter be turned on. I thought I had it all covered.
I also placed myself in the passenger seat with my Google Maps showing and monitored the exact route so no “accidental” detours would happen.
When I wanted to give him the metered fare plus some tip, he looked profoundly insulted and angry and gestured to some weird numbers on his meter that had nothing to do with the fare.
We were heavily jet-lagged; it was hot and humid as hell, we were wet with sweat and very tired, and I had a nagging teenage daughter at my side, so I couldn’t be bothered to do extended negotiations on this. I counted out double the fare —about an extra US $10. “Surely he will be delighted with that”, I thought.
But this one was greedy and vicious, expertly sensing my exhaustion and impatience. Obviously, like with a spoiled toddler, this behaviour had been rewarded countless times with less resilient tourists before. Gesturing with his fingers, he insisted on 10x the metered fare, a staggering $US 50 for a 15-minute ride—a small fortune in his local currency.
I realized I had to watch this guy, well aware that our luggage was in the boot.
So I sent my daughter, who was by then hugely embarrassed and a bit scared, to open the boot and get our luggage out while I stayed seated in the front seat, waving my cash at him. It wouldn’t have been the first time a taxi driver drove off with a tourist’s luggage (and my daughter in the backseat)
With our luggage and my daughter safe on the footpath, I threw my US$10, consisting of about 20 local notes, in the air and left the cab, leaving the door open. It was slightly windy, so there was a danger that notes would be blown out of the taxi. The driver had no choice but to focus on collecting the notes from all over his taxi.
By the time he had done that, coming out in a rage, wild gesturing to the local bystander, trying to wind them up against me, we were already in the safety of the lobby of the modern, guarded Airbnb apartment block we had booked.
I was pumping with adrenaline, and the experience visibly shook my daughter. After all, we were highly vulnerable in this strange country. You never know how a stirred-up mob reacts.
On the one hand, I felt sorry for my daughter; on the other hand, I hoped she learned something valuable.
Even when vulnerable, exhausted and at risk, we have to find a safe way to not give in to bullies and bandits because, as seen with this taxi driver, as seen with weak mums or dads compromising to the loud, demanding I-want-this tantrums of their off-springs in supermarkets around the world, and, most importantly corrupted health agencies and scrupulous billionaire bastards, bullies and bandits will only get bolder and bolder if you don’t stand up to them.
Of course, if possible, the even more innovative way is to avoid them altogether.
Battling the corrupt and greedy, manipulating Globocap bullies
Through life-long exposure to the “power-greed paradigm,” we are hardwired from birth to “fight” for what we need and fight “against” what we don’t want. And sometimes, there is no other way. And many people don’t know any other way.
But if the bullies and bandits are faceless and unreachable, we often chase ghosts and boxing with shadows.
This often reflects the past five years of “freedom fighting”. Therein lies the anonymous bureaucratic power. The globalist elites hide behind dozens of stacked NGO’s and other acronyms with no real faces to it that can be fought.
And even if there is a face, as with Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, the even more shadowy masterminds behind the system can quickly replace them with new actors who do their bidding.
Klaus is gone, but the WEF ploughs on unhindered with its one-world government ideas, smart cities, and “great reset.” The new WEF boss keeps an extremely low profile—I can not even remember his name.
Elon Musk is slowly replacing Bill Gates as the favourite billionaire of the captured MSM and the stupid masses that lap up the propaganda that he is the new free-speech Robin Hood.
So, we waste our time and energy “fighting” the few public faces that represent these corrupt totalitarian systems. That’s why they don’t crack down on us doing so.
It is like putting an angry, frustrated toddler in his little cage and letting him wear himself out while the in-control parents are having a cup of coffee, a laugh, and a chat in the next room.
I don’t think we can fight this faceless, two-pronged, totalitarian, greedy monster. They do not care much about whatever we say or write because there is no power in that.
There would be power in what the angry and scared people say and write if the MSM would join them, as they used to do, and inform the majority of the population about what is going on. But MSM are hardly doing it. They are captured.
There would be power if the courts would listen to the grievances of the angry people - but they have been mostly captured. Especially in Australia and Germany, where we see Soviet Style Show trials at the moment. (J.C Hopkins and Dr. Rainer Fuellmich)
If the many so-called “democratic committees " created in several countries to investigate the strange and weird COVID-19 times were independent and free, they would have power. But somehow, they are also captured and only offer a few breadcrumbs of insignificant truths (limited hangouts?) to hide or whitewash what was happening.
There would be power if politicians unite and go to the bottom of this. But the few that do get stone-walled by the bureaucrats and ostracised by the vast majority of their elected colleagues. The corruption and penetration of fear go deep.
Of course, we also see no bureaucratic health agency in the world sorting itself out. Most countries still recommend harmful injections that don’t work despite hundreds of high-profile scientific studies showing proof that they are toxic.
Extraordinary times, indeed. But the normies pretend everything is okey-dokey.
Almost five years later, it is worse than in year two or three.
Back then, many thought that it just would take time before the atrocity and colossal damage to bodies and minds would be recognized, acknowledged and dealt with swiftly and normality restored. All we need, many thought, are new elections, and a new government will sort it all out.
But elections came and went, governments changed from left to right and right to left in many different countries, and nothing changed.
The silence just got thicker.
Many still hold their breath about what Trump will do, and there are some mixed signals. Still, unless a miracle happens, I can’t see Trump making a big dent into the globalist deep-state elite alliance, even if he really wanted to, which is doubtful, considering his nominations and donors.
I know this sounds very bleak and hopeless.
This is because it is bleak and hopeless, and a lot of it is based on facts.
Granted, there are several small wins for freedom and transparency, but they are few and mostly restricted to the USA. The rest of the Western world seems confused and subdued in an ominous “new normal.”
On a personal level, many people, including myself, find relief in spiritual practice and guidance.
I fear, however, that a big part of these will also get captured by corrupted religions that were seen to willingly cooperate and enforce the unnecessary totalitarian doctrine and health and human rights violations.
Three months ago, I wrote a piece about what we can do in our personal lives to deal with this unique situation, which seemed unimaginable only six years ago. This Substack might help to find more inner peace and joy despite what is going on around us:
In this article, I want to explore a few ideas about how non-participation in the system—unlike fighting it—might erode and starve it to death.
This idea evolved throughout this year. I remember witnessing the downfall of the once powerful totalitarian East German communist system first-hand.
Thirty-five years ago, the Berling wall came down quite suddenly, and the communist system collapsed from the inside.
It went bankrupt.
This is mainly because the East Germans stopped participating in it.
They replaced it with their own shadow system, information system, and black market trading system. They pretended to go to work and “produce,” but in reality, they dragged their feet, sabotaged the system whenever possible, and stole from it whenever possible.
How do I know?
The people who came to the West shortly after told me themselves. That is the only reliable information these days. That’s how I discovered that the Pandemic is a scam: from people who lived with it in Germany long before it reached Australia.
It is straightforward, as common-sense ideas often are.
Already, we have heard many people calling to defund these corrupt, bloated bureaucratic institutions on a national and international level, and once again, the USA might lead the way if Elon Musk gets his way.
But Europe and the EU are far behind, and so are Australia and NZ, and I can’t see any powerful politician or party calling for that, let alone doing it.
But people forget that we finance them with our taxes. And we ultimately finance the elites and their NGO’s by being mindless consumers of many things we don’t need.
Let’s get proactive. If the existing trend of declining standard of living continues because we get sucked empty by overpriced products and way too much taxes, we might as well beat them in their own game.
We have way too much stuff anyway, and “stuff” doesn’t make us happy.
Spirituality, meaningful human connection, meaningful work (paid, low-paid, or voluntary), great hobbies, nature, fun, play, and health make us happy.
Most things that make us happy don’t cost much money. They cost time. But we don’t have time because we work so much to buy all the “stuff” we don’t need, which makes the elites richer and is all taxed.
Work less, play more and starve the corrupt systems to death.
This is the basic principle of this plan.
But, as often, the devil lies in the details.
For example, there is a reason we are caught in this rat race of working so hard and buying so much stuff we don’t need.
I will deal with the details and provide concrete examples next time.
Until then, let this sink in and let me know what you think.
And the system remains.
If we can’t fight a faceless system, what else can we do to change the system?
I think we can starve it to death by non-participation.
Yeah spot on. It’s violent overthrow or bleed them dry. The latter is preferable. The one thing the “elites,” which hereunto will be referred to as the “scumbags” need, is our labour. Withdraw that and they’re fucked. That’s what I do. I suck from the system and give nothing back. All my time is mine which I spend napping, eating, going for bushwalks, making music, cooking etc … I am dead lazy and make no apologies for it. I would love nothing more than to contribute in a meaningful way, to help and support my fellow brothers and sisters but I’m not propping up billionaire scumbags.
I don’t buy crap, I purchase only the essentials as I live out of a backpack. If it doesn’t fit in my pack I don’t have it.
I appreciate not everyone can live like this, people with families to care for etc. I’d be keen to hear what the details are for your plan but I figure we can only walk away from the system once we have another way in place - to feed, clothe, shelter etc. people. Some suffering is probably going to happen, after all it is impossible to achieve an aim without suffering. But we need to think about how this suffering can be mitigated.
And of course the scumbags won’t like it. They’ll try every dirty trick they know to stop us from undermining their wealth and power. They will kill us. They will throw us in jail. They will shame us, threaten and injure us. This is where strong spiritual grounding is essential. Anyways I’m waffling … I don’t know what to say beyond that. Great courage is needed but you’ve hit the nail on the head. The one thing that will destroy them is our walking away from their grossly unfair and poisonous system.
Yes we must stop sending our hard earned money to “The Government” for it to be squandered, wasted, laundered, and then have most of it ending up lining the pockets of the already insanely wealthy.
Peaceful non-participation is the way…we must stop being hypnotized by our tech, our sports, celebrities, etc. Go into nature, throw a fun dinner party, make some homemade cleaners, the list of fun human things to do is endless! Take away our attention to the “Show”.
Also I wish people can stop worrying about the collapse of society…WE are the society. It’s certainly not like the elites are the ones keeping it all going! They have become like the French aristocrats before the revolution…spoiled, entitled, without skills and only interested in debauchery.
They contribute nothing good or meaningful to society.
I’m sure it won’t be easy of course but so many people I know have changed their lives for the better since the seismic shifts post the 2020 controlled madness.
Besides it’s already well under way and happening all around us in slow motion.
It does seem people are more ready and willing to disengage with all the nonsense that makes no sense, and just being the best human you can given all the nonsense that makes no sense…
It’s all ok in the end but wow…
Great article