I grew up on so called raw milk.

Nothing wrong with it, just gotta not keep it as long as pasteurised stuff is all.

And I was the one milking the cow, by hand, everyday.

All we do is fine sieve it, place into a fridge, and use for 1 day (up to 3 was perfectly safe).

When fresh milk the next day is obtained, the previous is given to the pig/s. or poddy calf/s.

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Thanks. Me too. I didn't milk though. We had a small family milk farm next door where we got our fresh raw milk from. Sounds you grew up close to the earth - that is a privelege these days with sadly so many kids never see a life cow.

A lot of great micro-nutritions and vitamines are getting killed in the heat of pasteurising it. In NZ it is illegal to sell raw milk. You can buy whiskey legally though. (Not that there is anything wrong with an occassional good whiskey imo).

A clever farmer in our area found a loophole and started a milk club. It took them a few years to shut that down. Then he found another loophole. The energy the authorities put out to shut down this small organic milk farm supplying about 100 families blew me away.

They claimed health issues through bacteria which can happen but only if the farmer doesn't clean the equipmeent properly. I believe it is a smokesreen for something bigger. They try to centralize everything and don't like small communities supplying food to each other.

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Yeah I can concede and vouch that raw milk does have a bacteria problem. Which is why it should only be kept a few days at most.

I think that is the issue, people get sick by keeping it too long, and in this risk adverse modern society, there MUST do something done about it.

Besides, people are missing out on the fun part of it, the couple of centimeters of cream that has to be vigoursly stirred back into the jug before use.

Or skimming that cream to be put onto a slice of bread with jam. Better than scones I reckoned.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Aah, I have one too: fresh milk, raw (of course). some would be consumed as such, some would be boiled (to keep for longer) and some would be put aside to sour (my favourite). These days I have to keep myself happy with butter milk or kefir. Raw milk is almost impossible to find. Of ourse,

all to keep us safe and in good health (sarc).

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Ma Mu

I nearly died in 2012 with 3 chronic diseases all potentially killers, cardiovascular disease, cancer and severe ulcerative colitis. Extensively detailed the ulcerative colitis and can demonstrate with hard data that I went from completely out of control taking 175% of prescribed Rx, to today I have no symptoms and take no drugs. My dermatologist was a cynic on using nutrition to reverse cancer which he described as an advanced state that likely would have killed me if it spread another year (his words, not mine), and the cardiovascular disease had many manifestations. The easiest one is going from hypertension for years to now normal brood pressure.

How did this happen? Since I had no health insurance, at age 58 I decided to update my Will and forego treatment. Assuming only a few months left to live, I began experimenting with food and learned by trial and error that the more whole plant foods I ate, the less I bled internally. I read many opinions all authoritatively insisting they were right and everyone else wrong. Yet they heae diametrically opposed opinions. Obviously someone is wrong. Turns out, almost everyone is wrong. Almost everyone insists high animal protein and/or high fat is the answer. What I was learning by trial and error indicated the opposite. FInally I met one doctor who instead of pushing his opinions, he presented what the science has clearly demonstrated. Turns out they had already proven with IBD (broad category that includes ulcerative colitis) that a completely plant based die was THE MOST EFECTIVE treatment known to medicine. That confirmed my experimentation and set my course since 2015. I learned that food was the problem, and the food was the answer.

And most experts cannot provide real science and living proof of results like this. In fact research has consitently proven what they preach is wrong and dangerous. I whole food plant based diet gave me back my life and a future. Now at 69 years old, I haven't felt like this for decades. And THAT is where most of the others pull a ruse on their followers. Their diet works for a short time, but the long term is my criteria. How does it work after 10 years? 20? 30? I'm now planning what I will do for the coming decades and results so far indicated I should expect both my mind and body to support an active lifestyle.

THe guy who taught me is Dr MIchael Greger at NutritionFacts.org. EVerything there is free. I have no personal interest except to share what worked for me. I"m not a medical doctor. Make your own decisions. BTW, I reject Dr Greger's position on COVID, GMOs, childhood vaccine schedule and conventional grains (which is drenched in RoundUp weedkiller used as a dessicant before harvest) Otherwise Dr Greger remains my most trusted source. . . because it worked for me.

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Thank you so much sharing this. It reinforces the essence of this substack......be your own doctor. So amazing that you came back from near death mostly through finding excatly the right diet that works for you. It also demonstrates the opposite - that the wrong diet can kill you over time.

It takes guts to try new and different things. It is sometimes risky. Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we make mistake. But your story shows that if you take matters into your own hand and not blindly trust and follow the so called experts, you can heal yourself. By all means, let's listen to a wide range of doctors and other experts. And turn on our bullshit dectors. We know if a doctor relly cares and has an individual approach or if a doctor just does his quick professional thing and follows the pharamceutical "party line." Saying this, pharmaceuticals absolutely have their place sometimes - they safe lives, sometimes they are a great first response to manage difficult conditioins, and sometimes they might even support healing. But all usually have side effects and many of them can be replaces with holistic plant-based medicines.

I tried vegetarian and even vegan for a while and would again if I had nagging problems that don't go away with my current diet.

And that is just diet. There are so many other things we can do and I am looking forward to dive into more and more ideas and hear more amazing stories like yours.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023Liked by Ma Mu

Appreciate the thoughtful comment. I suggest considering the possibility of using healthy lifestyle choices beyond solving health problems, but also expanding life expectancy. That's what I now think in terms of. I already know, from personal experience, that this can and did reverse chronic disease. Can it also add 10 quality years? 20? Can we expect to live beyond 100 years and still be physically capable and mentally sharp? I suggest similar processes that leads to chronic disease are also what leads to the cellular breakdown that we see as "normal" aging. IMO we greatly underestimate what the body is capable of.

I have a picture in my mind of where I want to be in 30 years when I turn a hundred Lord willing. (Yes I do believe spirituality is an integral part of healthy lifestyle choices) The photo is a man, wirey build, muscular arms and shoulders, carrying a pick ax on his shoulder. He's got this shit eating grin on his face. He knows how ridiculous and impossible this looks to most people. Then they reveal he is 104 years old, heading out to his field with his pick ax to do some serious work. That's what I am working toward. But I'm also realistic. If the Lord decides I"m done, that's it. I accept that I will die at some point. I just don't want it to be my fault. And what I do is not even hard. which sems the universal perception talking to many people. Actually, this is easy once I learned about how to structure the program such that the menu is not just heathy, but also satisfying. I never leave a meal wanting more. In between snacks are not restricted. I just choose healthy options (e.g., fruit instead of junk for snacks). Satiety is also important. If meals are structured to produce satisfaction. that is critical. But that gets into topics including soluable fiber and other factors that differentiate why some "dieters" are always hungry, and it's only a question of time before their will power gives out. I can eat the same quantity for a meal and be completely satisfied. Which is I think why 8 years into this it's easier than when I started. And then there's the added bonus of actually being able to function again without the disabling diseases which motivated me ot start. Structuring a satisfying diet that is enjoyable is another discussion for another time.

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I actually got goosebumps reading this. It is happening. Collective wisdom breaks through. The other day Jordan Peterson said: We don't have thoughts. Thoughts have us. I often feels like that. My body and mind and the fingers typing are just an instrument that play the music of collective wisdom. My ears hear collective wisodm. As soon we start to think it is our wisdom we shred and distort it throught the lense of the ego. Keep it coming people.

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Thank you MA MU, pretty much our health started improving once "scientists" and gov. bureaucrats told us what to eat lol (maybe the population wasn't sick enough to try all the new amazing harmaceticals that's being manufactured for their benefit. Oh lordie lordie, it's so sad.

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I really enjoyed reading this article. Thank you! It reinforces my desire to incorporate a regular fasting period to my life, it’s been a number of years since I last did more than a one day fast. I just want to find some like minded folks to do it with as it’s a lot easier to do with support rather than alone...

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I did ny research seven years ago....so no, sorry. What I forgot: It always gives me a really nice high and I add herb tinctures to it. I combine it witn my meditation oractise...best legal high I know.

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I’m interested. How do reconcile it with the fact that it’s very evolutionarily inconsistent to do this sort of thing? Makes me wonder about the potential health benefits... sweet high aside...

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Good point. Enemas in general go back 2000 years. Sometimes we humans add stuff that is helpful, I guess. As long it does no harm. All things cleaning ourselves seems to be beneficial e.g. brushing teeth etc.

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This is how I overcame years of obesity. Not just the macros, but the mindset. If it comes in a package with a bar code, you probably shouldn't eat it. Don't drink your calories. Don't eat after dinner, and don't start again until 14-16 hours of fasting. Weight loss and maintenance becomes automatic.

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Great to hear John. Congratulations. My go to dessert when I had really strong cravings was berries with a lot of cream. I alwyas had some in the freezer. It feels sweet but has not many calories at all and you drown them in the cream.

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Unsweetened Greek yogurt and berries are delicious. Toss in a bit of stevia if you want it sweeter.

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That was a really good read... thank you! Totally agree. I’ve had great experiences on the carnivore diet... even though I always go back to carbs. My missus and I just love fruit and rice and potatoes and pasta on the odd occasion. The closer I am to carnivore, the healthier I feel. Better sleep, better recovery from exercise, aches and pains disappear. Body fat drops off fast. Fasting till dinner becomes EASY. I also found I can do a 3 day fast easily at the drop of a hat now, even if I’ve been going hard on the carbs. Seems like I can switch back and forth easily now. Steak and 6 to 8 eggs a day regardless of having carbs in there, and I’m fitter and stronger than the average person my age for sure. Now I just need to quit coffee... that shit is A class addictive and really takes away from the quality of my sleep....

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Thanks Mitch......have you ever looked into coffee enemas instead of drinking it? Totally different mechanism at work. Much less caffeine. One of the best detox I do. I will write about it one day. Doing it for about seven years now, avg 3 to 5 times per week. I still drink one cuppa a day for the taste.

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I’ve heard about it but I honestly never gave it much thought. I’ll look into it. Any recommended resources?

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Thank you Kiri. I know people who really thrive on plant-based and vegan diets. And i know others who wilt away on it. I know people on meat-based diets who are constepated all the time and appear bogged down. And I no others who absolutely thrive on it. And a few years down the track it could all be reversed. I never understood the almost religious debates between people about which diet is absolutely, for all people, the best one and why it is so important to them to convert others to what works for them. I get it. People get really excited when they improve dramatially and there is a genuine desire to help others.

Diets are also often driven by political, ideological and intellectual factors. That's when it often goes wrong. The head wants something different than the body needs. Thanks for sharing the link.

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Oh yes the "it worked for me so it must work for you too" approach, like a piece of clothing one size fits all/most.

And some people just like to follow the "science" because doctors know best.

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