Jun 17Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

I'm sure the original Pink Floyd lyric was "Leave our skids alone".

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I don't know why this stack didn't attract more attention. Authorities were already using wastewater detection to inform us of areas with high drug use, and during lockdown to detect, supposedly, areas with active cases of c to instill fear. It will only be more widely used in future. Looking forward to the bypassing methods?

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But given the PCR tests are a special kind of bullshit, how would we know if those tests for methamphetamine, contraceptive pills, antidepressants, etc, in the sewage, aren't also more bullshit?

----Quick, give me a sample, and I'll place it in this modern looking turbo-encabulator which has an incredibly sophisticated string-unravelling algorithm. it's called a "Sequencer". ---

Dammit, can't we travel back to the 80's when Sequencers were something to do with drum machines, and no one was monitoring our en masse bowel movements? 🤔

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Unfortunately we can’t go back to the 70ties and 80ties - I would buy a ticket right now (as long it includes total amnesia of what to come)……

Let’s face it - it is not the technology. It is how it gets used/abused and if an if and how anyone in public position of power gets monitored and checked. And also if and how the one that monitors gets also checked and monitored. And another level of monitoring on top, please.

Because we can’t trust ourselves. The temptation of wealth and power and edging out an advantage are biologically ingrained. Normally, nature keeps the balance right. But we conquered nature, we are spreading out of proportion and now it is only us against us left.

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I commented "Fascinating" two days ago, but it's not here today. Uh-oh. Hello, Substack?

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This stack is both funny and sad at the same time. Good one.

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