1. Thank you for helping me open door to a new room of my dualistic thinking. I do understand the concept but then again... I'm still here thinking about it. So be it. It is as determined not by me.

2. Please extend my apology and deepest gratefulness to you wonderful understanding and patient wife while so generously sharing your spiritual guidance.

3. I do ponder about one more thing. Or two. I can't help it. My mind is intoxicated by all this, perhaps more than only my mind, it is that feeling when one searches for a word being on tip-of-the-tongue but still out of reach.

So about

"want nothing, neither from your body nor from your mind."

3A: It reminds me of "Wanting nothing and be happy" by WEF. So this makes me uneasy. I tread carefully.

3B: when we want nothing, don't we become passive observers of life? We do not strive for meaning, hence our survival? Doesn't such state invites an abuse from those who still live dualistic lifes and with whom we occupy the same physical space? And if all dualistic way of being is state of Ego/Mind, do we even exist without it? Who am I when not defined by boundaries of where I begin and Other ends? If there are none, I do not exist anymore and the Other does not exist anymore, what is left is just Oneness. Isn't that in a way our Death?

4. Now I completely understand this cannot be solved by the mind. I was wondering if I should ask these questions but it seems it was decided so.

PS: English is not my native language but hopefully good enough to convey the essence through my questions

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: There is suffering and bloodshed in East Pakistan at the present moment. How do you look at

it? How does it appear to you, how do you react to it? (Replace this Gestalt with "the great reset")

M: In pure consciousness nothing ever happens.

Q: Please come down from these metaphysical heights! Of what use is it to a suffering man to be told that nobody is aware of his suffering but himself? To relegate everything to illusion is insult added to injury. The Bengali of East Pakistan is a fact and his suffering is a fact. Please, do not analyse them out of existence! You are reading newspapers, you hear people talking about it. You cannot plead ignorance. Now, what is your attitude to what is happening?

(Caught up intensly and strongly identified with the political Gestalt and the suffering it causes)

M: No attitude. Nothing is happening.

Q: Any day there may be a riot right in front of you, perhaps people killing each other. Surely you cannot say: nothing is happening and remain aloof.

M: I never talked of remaining aloof. You could as well see me jumping into the fray to save

somebody and getting killed.

(That is exactly where he illustrates that bodily activity doesn't stop, that there is no passivity of the body but also no involvment of what the body-mind will do either. It is the total trust that whatever the body-minds needs to do in a given moment is ok, will be accapted and not intervened with. This can only happen with full recognition on the deepest level that we are not this body-mind)

Yet to me nothing happened.

(Clearly, for him, "me" is beyond that body mind but not as a mental idea, but a lived experience)

Imagine a big building collapsing. Some rooms are in ruins, some are intact. But can you speak of the space as ruined or intact? It is only the structure that suffered and the people who happened to live in it. Nothing happened to space itself. Similarly, nothing happens to life when forms break down and names are wiped out. The goldsmith melts down old ornaments to make new. Sometimes a good piece goes with the bad. He takes it in his stride, for he knows that no gold is lost. (end quote)

Because of our live-long one-sided training in "being the content of conscioussnes" we need for a while take the opposite position of "being the passive observer of life" to counter that conditioning. But it is only a phase.

Eventually both have to be trancended which results in un-self-conscious spontaneous living.

Doesn't such state invites an abuse from those who still live dualistic lifes and with whom we occupy the same physical space?

I assume you refer to closed ones that suffer from our detachment practice. It is difficult for them, no doubt. But it is only a phase. If you are convinced that this is the only path worth pursuing and will lead you to full realization, they will benefit from it. Your love and pain for them can even be used to motivate you to jump right now - not for yourself - but for them. Truly unselfish work is very powerful.

And if all dualistic way of being is state of Ego/Mind, do we even exist without it?

These are great questions. We can't help existing. We know that we are. There is a simply logical proof: You can not say "I am not. I don't exist" because it needs conscious existence to say it. Of course we exist - we are simply confused about as what we are exist. We think we solely and exclusively exist as body - minds.

Hence the practice on being with the idea of "I am" (I exist), then the sense of "I am" and after a while the "I am" is seperated from the conditioned "I am that or I am this (Body, mind, name, profession, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter etc. etc.) As soon we experience the pure "I am" , the simple knowing that we are exist, indpendent of any state, we see this as always present and not attached to any form.

It is the other way around. The illusion is not that we don't exist. All we are is existence - pure conscioussness - and it is the Ego that doesn't exist, pure illusion.

Isn't that in a way our Death?

Yes, Ego-Death, the death of personality. The hallmark of enlightenment. What Jesus expierenced on the cross. The Buddha under the tree. John of the Cross, a Christian mystic, while tortured by his fellow Christians. You die as an individual human and are reborn as God, ONE - you were always God, like a drop was always water. But now the drop returns to the ocean.

The body-mind lives on as it must according to materialistic and physical laws of cause and effect. But it is just a vessel that used to contain all your spirit. Now the spirit contains the body and the rest of the world. The whole world becomes your body.

Now I completely understand this cannot be solved by the mind. I was wondering if I should ask these questions but it seems it was decided so.

Exactly. Don't intervene. Neither for nor against. Whatever happens happens and is a joy to watch, a mystery to witness. Accept all, reject nothing.

Don't be afraid - you can't do any harm while fully aware of what is happening in the moment. If you do harm, you were not fully aware. Awareness and doing harm can never be in the same room together.

But if harm happens and you were unaware, don't fret. Don't get overwhelmed by remorse. It only overcompensates and leads to more unawareness. Remorse and guilt is just another unaware state of trance.

Our bodies and peronality are strongy conditioned and respond reactivly over and over again and do harm to ourselves and others and it hurts. The pain wakes us up and forces us to be more aware and watch ourselves better.

But it is a gradual process and we have to learn to undertand that and forgive ourselves with the intention to be more aware next time. Hence Jesus's word on the cross: "Father forgive them. They do not know what they are doing. " He was fullly aware of the process.

Don't worry about English. It is not my native language either. Asking the right questoins is all that is needed. As soon we can formulate a question, we already know the answer - just not consciously. The two go together. It is already answered when you ask.

Apolgies for spelling errors - my spell check doesn not work here.

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I presumed regarding your wife for her to be patient since you are still alive. Perhaps she resents but still occupies the same space as you. Love manifests in many ways. Of course it is not for me to know.

Regarding abuse: I was talking about abuse when being a child. Living in abusive environment with 2 narcissistic parents makes one develop the mind-body of survival. It is forced giving position, when one needs to give up on its needs to become a servant to Other. Forced Ego Death that pushes back as strong subconscious Ego in overly protective mode. Looking for spirituality this body - mind is vulnerable to another abuse (cults even). So first it needs to learn about Ego. It is funny really. Path to spirituality through building a balanced Ego. This body-mind cannot give before it learns what giving really is. First it must learn forced giving is not giving. It is taking by the Other.

I think I had an epiphany. Everything my body-mind does is ok. What was felt, thought, put in action or left untouched was mean to be and it is ok. When I become an observer, when I become aware that all these are waves of life happening to my body-mind and every decision I made and was made for me in my dualistic existence is beyond my comprehension, a drop in an ocean, a cell of trillions of cells so-creating a human universe. When my body-mind is angry is just as it was supposed to be. When in love, as well. When in pain also yet my body-mind does not want to be in pain and that is ok as well. So being frustrated by experiencing pain daily is ok and there comes inner peace knowing my body-mind absolutely dislikes that state of it.

It is peculiar how you read the name of me. Makes me wonder why :)

Thank you for this wonderful talk. Dualistic me needed it.

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Yes, I can relate to what you say about observing and allowing and accepting everything as ok. Whatever happens can’t be any other way. There were trillions of previous events happening all leading to this - how can we question it? In religious terms - surrendering to God’s will.

“I presumed regarding your wife for her to be patient since you are still alive.” I don’t understand what you mean by that.

I am mostly in peace with her. I care about her but she struggles with me.

I don’t understand your comment about your name.

Take care. Enjoying this exchange.

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Regarding your wife in your 13 reasons to why i need to withdraw Substack you wrote:

"As I said, I will keep on ranting in the short form on Notes and in the comment section for a while and see if that works for me but I instructed my wife to shoot me if she ever sees me starting a long-form article ever again."

So far she didn't shot you, this is what I was referring to.

As for my name, you address me as Ali in your previous article From dying rats to God and in the comment section. However there is only Ai, no "L" in between. Just a pair of letters keeping each other company. I thought of it peculiar but then again it might not be.

The same.

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Thank you for clearing that up Ai. Apologies about the name - getting old :-)

And I heard what you wrote about your childhood drama …… everything will be fine…….one way or another…….God bless

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Hi Ali, thank you for your wise comments. I feel we guide each other and are guided by consciosness itself. It is expressed through our body-minds. There is never an intention or plan when I write. Something simply respond to a stimulus. When I start a sentence I usually don't think about how it will end.

Thank you for your well-intended words towards my wife but I won't pass that on because it will only upset her. What makes you think she is understandig and patient regarding my writing? She isn't. She resents it. She thinks I am wasting my time. Time that could use to work more and earn more money.

It is what it is. As I said, the writing happens, I am compelled, she would probably say "addicted". While the action from the outside looks like that, there is full awareness of the process. As long I don't write for myself in order to achieve something I am ok with it and just let it happen. I have a deep desire to stop though, longing for peace. Or, maybe, I will learn to be in peace while I write.

"want nothing, neither from your body nor from your mind."

3A: It reminds me of "Wanting nothing and be happy" by WEF. So this makes me uneasy. I tread carefully.

I wrote somewhere else about "non-duality" being the perfect outer spiritual fit for transhuman technocratic ideology. I warned that, like many other spiritual concepts (especially Judaism, Islam and Christianity) non-duality will be weaponized and abused by transhuman ideoogy in the future.

Jesus' teaching was and still is weaponized by Christians and socialists to change the world for a suposedly better society. Nothing can be done about that. That is just how the ego infiltrates everything in order to achieve some sort of temporary illusionary peace - the belief in a better world. Therfore, even these misguided attempts of spirituality are driven by the deepest desire - permanent inner peace.

But this peace has to be recognized within ourselves first - then it can be lived in the outer world. Whatever is done in the outer world without being in touch with this inner peace wil be dualistic in nature, driven by desite and fear, and therfore fluctuating constantly between poles, therfore experienced as suffering by our minds. On a personal level as well as a societal level.

The transhuman mantra "want nothing and be happy" is weaponizing exactly that same inner spiritual desire of "want nothing and be happy". But it only applies it to material living and therfore gives away the true intetions of Klaus Schwab - more power and more wealth by turning millions into wilful slaves serving him rather their spiritual destiny.

If applied in a material context it is applies in a dualistc context. Materialisitc speaking, "I want nothing and be happy" is simply the opposite pole of "I want everything and be happy". From a non-dualistic perspective, there is no difference between the two - just the usual fluctuations between dualistic poles - like love and hate.

In non-duality, as I make sense of it, we don't try to find the better option. There is no better option. And there is no problem to be solved. It simply doesn't apply. It is irrelevant. It is just another brick in the wall of our mental veils.

Our minds will fret over it - we can't help it. We should neither engage nor stop it. We simply need to realize the bigger mechanism and picture of it - simply another drama on the stage of life we get fascinated and distracted about. Simply another mental Gestalt that distracts us from sensing the background. And it is our fear or desire of "the great reset" that compells our minds to look at it. That's the real damage these ideologies do, not only the transhuman ones, all ideologies and religons. They distract from the only important thing that is: Returning to the source.

"want nothing, neither from your body nor from your mind."

3A: It reminds me of "Wanting nothing and be happy" by WEF. So this makes me uneasy. I tread carefully.

As long we remember to look with non-dualistic eyes at everything, nothing will scare or attract us anymore.

3B: when we want nothing, don't we become passive observers of life?

Yes, but it is an intermediate stepping stone. Very early we get conditioned into being "active" identified pariticipants in life, based on the total identifications with the materalistic physical world of our body-minds. This is the natural normal way for our bodies to live - strive for survival. We don't need to intervene. There were highly realized mystics (Like Gurdijeff) that let their bodies live out their destiny in a very active materalistic way: Becoming millionaires in the process. But there was no attachment to it. Others, were living in wooden barrel on the beach. Observing doesn't mean making our bodies or lifes passive. That is a matter of body temperament, cicumstances and destiny. Not even a matter of happiness of unhappiness. Evrything can and must be observed and witnessed without interference in this stage. Interference is attachment.

Only when we realize that we can't be our bodies or mind of our life - because we are able to observe all - do we move away from the active nature and pursuit of our bodies. That doesn't mean our bodies stop living like that. We can be passive observers of an active body. That is often misunderstood. I see if I find a specific quote.....here it is.....this dialogue covers it, my comments in brackets

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The below comment was too long so I has to split it in two but it is in the wrong order. The bottom comment is the start. :-)

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Jun 14Liked by Ma Mu

As always, love and appreciate your Stacks. TY

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