Aug 28Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

I slip in and out of this modality - this knowing of the oneness and an understanding that goes beyond wants, desires and fears. It doesn’t reside in me in a permanent way but having tasted it, it cannot be forgotten and I take that as a good sign. The really good aspect is that when life does start to challenge me I can again slip deeper into this state - when I am homeless and poor I can quite easily not be bothered by any of it and in fact usually find myself the most happy and content at these times. I don’t worry about things now - occasionally I slip back into old ego habits but I can remember the truth and invoke it, thus return to a state of ease and acceptance.

I’m certainly no master because I cannot articulate this process very well, I never discovered it through intellectualising- I just got out of the way of myself one day and it clicked. It’s also not a completely consistent state for me. But it is a fearless state to be in. Death doesn’t bother me. Other people’s judgements don’t bother me. Really there is nothing to be worried about - why are you concerned about anything, you are here, the self is eternal until it blinks out in the end. What’s all the fuss? Once you see through the illusion - this need to be someone, to do something … realise you are already fine just the way you are, you’ve arrived. You don’t become perfect or anything, you’re still a person, things still happen but there’s a great loss of anxiety coupled with a freedom and boundless courage to just be. I can’t express the inexpressible like whathisname but I understand what he’s pointing at.

Thanks for this …

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Thank you for sharing this. I can relate to a few things you say. I believe quite a few people expperience states like this. Some don't even connect it to any spiritual school. Most fall into it naturally. Only a few talk about it.

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Aug 28Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

I will read this again and again.

Thank you.

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Aug 27Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Thank you. Perfect timing as always. I will miss your long form and am grateful our paths crossed when they did. Selfishly, the opportunity to read your long form as you created and learn about your decision to write your last one and again the gift of reading these things now. There's something about having had the opportunity to experience with you instead of stumbling across this Substack at some point later. I wrote myself two reminders that for now I will read daily: Ahisma, don't hurt and Be. As you beautifully shared, 'You are not a person.' and 'You can help another, above all, by your being'. Thank you for sharing, writing and being you.

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Aug 26Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Thank you. I am on the path and this will help tremendously. I had some strong cannabis a few days ago and spent some time in a waking dream where fundamental things became clear to me. I wanted to write them down because I feared I would forget, but the knowledge was there the next morning. I need to explore its meaning further.

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Aug 26Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

I have just stumbled across you but already have noticed your struggle to not write about what you are experiencing because it gets no results except personal frustrations. I say go for it until you can sigh Words are interestingly instructional. the myriad of ways we are able to combine them creates unique flavors . My instant slide to self and the immediate response of the ability to joyously live one’s individual life path amongst whatever slime encountered is the understanding that nothing is just a mathematical concept. When one realizes that nothing does not exist in our earthly experience one is free to exercise personal responsibility fearlessly. Which I believe is our gift and our job. People are so hopelessly conditioned by the word that they lose their way. I have a hunch that perhaps the Hopi language doesn’t have a word for nothing but my limited research has yielded no confirmation. Health, mike. Ps the words I have just put on paper are in no way opposing or denigrating your writing in any way. I have often experienced hostility after offering up my not requested opinions after reading someone else’s words!

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I appreciate your input and can sense a caring heart. Thank you.

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Great article my friend. It truly is amazing how beneficial psychedelics can be for the seeker, DMT has truly changed my life for the better and I am beyond grateful to have been given this beautiful molecule, as Rick Strassman states it is the Spirit Molecule.

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Yes, these magic molecules have been used wisely under Shamanic guidance for millenia with great benefit for humanity. The explosion of great art, connectivity, humanitarian movements and more during the sixties and early seventies just showed the potential psychedelics have to raise human consciousness. But they are even more important. imo, on a personal spiritual level. They show us what is possible. And they can make us aware how stupid and heartless we are 99% of our life.

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Aug 26Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

As always, thank you for writing; you radiate goodness. I wish we were neighbors.

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We are - in our hearts.

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Great post, thanks for the tip.

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