Sep 4Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

The US war machine is the most destructive global influence. It corrupts politicians, kills and maims people, destabilizes countries which in turn effects mass migrations, requires excessive use of fossil fuels and other environmentally unfriendly commodities, requires deficit spending which leads to global money printing/inflation, concentrates power in the hands of the few weapons manufacturers and those they control, requires totalitarian strategies of information control, fear propagation, and censorship to control the sheople, requires taxing and debt issuance to fund the violence…If we the people could pick just one thing to prioritize it should be to end our 60 year tradition of escalating global violence.

Have you read CHAOS the story of the Manson family murders? It’s well researched and the author provides evidence that regular LSD dosing was part of the protocol used by Charlie to control the young girls he attracted and even compelled those “brainwashed” previously passive young people to commit unheard of violent atrocities against those in the Tate and LaBianca homes. Perhaps one example of LSD used for non virtuous purposes?

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Based on my own extensive experience with psychedelics and the tons of books and reports I read beforehand, including properly conducted scientific studies incl. Stanislav Grof, I do not believe that. It is anti-LSD propaganda. They do it all the time with drugs. Connecting LSD with a violent madman is just too good of an opportunity for them.

Maybe they found traces of LSD in the victims, maybe not. It doesn’t proof anything.

If LSD could be used to either make people more violent, or submissive or more open to brainwashing, the CIA and the Nazis would have found out (they researched it for years with real people, knowingly and unknowingly to them). If they had found out that it is useful for such purposes, they would have used it and still use it. It actually would be in our drinking water, then.

Yes, people get bad trips from LSD. I know three concrete cases. All three of them involved young people with a Macho drug personality that ignored all dosage and set and setting advice, mixed it with other stuff and were taught a valuable lesson by the drug: If you fuck with me, I fuck with you.

I know four, actually - failed and self-proclaimed drug experts and meditators. Sam Harris, through his own stupidity, also had a very bad trip, e.g. “sitting on a mountain of shame for eternity…etc.”

Psychedelics deserve the utmost respect and should only be taken with great humbleness as a sacrament.

If given to the victims, it would have helped them, not harmed them in their situation, at least in the long run.

But this whole comparison is wrong anyway. If it was forced on them, it can’t be compared with proper use and shouldn’t be an argument against the drug. It is like beating someone with a hammer and then say: “The hammer did it. Let’s ban all hammers.”

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Sep 4Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Suspect that RFK2 is, um, experienced.

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We can only hope…..he makes an awful lot of sense for a politician sometimes…..however, psychedelics not always save you from your own ego……I think it has to be combined with spiritual work and understanding……and with that I don’t mean anything related to Christianity. No-one embraces strong authoritarian leadership and submissive people more than Christianity.

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Sep 4Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Another tiny piece of the puzzle fits neatly into place. Despite intense mainstream media arguments for the lone wolf magic bullet Warren commission story, the truth is coalescing. Decades of whistleblowers, late life confessions, dogged researchers, disparate interviews, leaked documents and FOIA documents, videos, three letter agency contradictions and inconsistencies have laid out enough puzzle pieces for the open minded, curious, rational individual to assemble the puzzle. For myself, it was a pro "lone wolf" book that started my journey reading about JFK. The book was so illogical and full of holes that I thought the author must be incredibly stupid or corrupt. Since then I've gone through about a dozen thoroughly researched books starting with Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgement" and ending with Judyth Vary Baker's "Me and Lee." and James Files confessional interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44x5I-kP48o

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Actually, in my humble opinion, the Israeli intelligence, MOSSAD, and the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency killed JFK. He was a threat to Israel getting nuclear weapons. JFK was a threat to the Zionist undertaking.

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Or, plausible deniability with any contractor.

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An excellent synopsis.

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