Sep 10Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Humour is the way to highlight absurdities and this is all truly absurd, thanks for the entertaining and informative read!

The bible is meant to be the most translated book in history and people even have their favourite versions, yet somehow they think their version contains the truth? It's like someone introduced the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect to the PCR manufacturing method.

10 people playing Chinese Whispers can't keep a story straight for 5 seconds and that's without translation! The mind boggles at the level of cognitive dissonance required to remain religious.

I always shake my head at the thought of Jesus seeing what is being done in his name. If he existed, and was indeed a Bodhisattva, he would be wanting to return to Earth to do his temple routine a thousand times over.

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I absolutely LOVE your commentary! BIG TIME! Outta the damn ballpark! And, I thought it was just me!

I was born and raised Catholic (12 years of Catholic school).

There are so many beautiful, philosophical, and Godly writings besides the Bible! I love my Bible, and I also love learning…about man finding God!

I do not have a religion, but I do have God (the Alpha and the Omega).

Thank you!

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Dr Ammon Hillman, translates ancient Greek texts, many on early Pharmacopeia and Jesus.

His You Tube zone is 'Lady Babylon 666' Challenging and fascinating - buckle up...

Below is one interview from above channel (it get's going @ 12 mins in).

Ammon Hillman: Jesus, Sex, Drugs, & Mystery Cults of Antiquity


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He certainly does work in mysterious ways 😂, a bit like water into wine.

A bit like water.......

Quite a lot like water....

Eternal, omnipresent in all living things, creates life, contains spirit, incompressible, pure, life saving, within us, in the sky, before the earth formed land.....


You wanted the great mystery, you've got it.

Ever prayed for the rain?

God is in the rain.

Has an eternal memory.

The largest consciencious being on the planet......

Christians worship books, not God.


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I'm not sure ayahuasca is the way the truth and the life.

But I can see the Christian moment is problematic.

I felt the satanic darkness in the mandate times. I thought it needed an antidote. Four decades after deciding that forgiveness and being a lamb weren't for me, I did feel I needed to sing up the good magic in the world. But unvaxd, I wasn't allowed to do that.

Despite being on the spiritual zeitgeist I can't go back to saying the church words I still know off by heart - it seems opportunistic and false, as it always was.

The Roman leaders picked up on Christianity as a very good religion for Roman leaders... Not coveting the wealthys' goods was always a winner, but how good is the additional forgiveness and peacefulness in your citizenry? That said, the French Revolution probs wasn't totally a positive step.

So here I am, still working it out - maybe I'll go outside and see if singing up my own private good magic would be a feasible contribution.

If not, maybe Elon's angel will do it for me.

PS. Processing on your google 'evidence'. Have there been any atrocities in THE NAME OF Christianity in internet times?

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