Transcendent moments that happen out of absolutely no where are truly magical. My awakening started on 12/8/18 as I sat on the balcony of my hotel room in the Dominican Republic early one morning. My mother had died 10 months earlier and my use of opiates dramatically increased, I was not in a good place at all. Before leaving for the DR I had decided it was time to end my usage and that going out town would help me do so. Well, if you think sleeping maybe 30 minutes a night would help it sure as hell didn't and by 12/8/18 I was ready to say fuck it and go back to using. I was sitting on the balcony watching the sunrise when I noticed a flock of birds across the way that were flying in concentric circles, something I had never seen before that morning or after. As I watched them I suddenly felt like I had somehow fallen out of reality, that everything I thought as truth was simply gone, but as it felt truly amazing I was not scared. As I took in this scene I suddenly felt the presence of my mother and heard her voice telling me that everything would be okay, that I needed to stick with the path of no longer using opiates. The whole situation could not have lasted more than a couple of minutes but felt like an eternity, when I came back to normal reality I was a changed man who, since that day, has morphed from a man child who medicated his way through life to avoid emotional pain to one who now understands that reality is what we make it to be, we are energetic creatures who live in this simulation in order to learn and grow. Also, your story is very similar to journeys I've taken on the spirit molecule, having moments of no attachment to our ego based selves is truly fucking amazing and make you realize just how enslaved people are to their identities.
Thanks for giving me the means to share it brother, think that's the first time I've really told that story, it was beyond personal to me and it's very hard to find the right words to describe what I experienced.
Well-put. Thank you. Welcome. Loving your writing. Also - isn’t it all so funny? From the state of remembering oneness with universal consciousness all the running about is hysterical.
Yes, exactly. Driving home today from work, I remembered and was drawn to the memory when I suddenly disappeared only to then realize that his keeps me away from now. : Forget it, I said. It’s done and dusted and will never repeat in that way ever. It is now just a memory and dwelling on it keeps me away from now. So I simply enjoyed my drive.
In some way that “back then” moment is also happening now, through your seeing it and remembering a new-old way to know because of it. At some level in the hierarchy of consciousness, all moments are happening all the time and no moments are happening ever and these two realities are one.
I have to chew over the second sentence but I imagine “wisdom” in the first one. Because isn’t that all we do? Imagining mental concepts that are not there in reality? How do I know? Because I have found out through direct experience and awareness that no personal concepts exist. Because there is no “real” person to imagine them.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with “imagining”. It IS what IS in it’s full ordinary glory. (I don’t want to pretend what I just typed makes much sense to me - but I got typed.) Isn’t the constant imagining the play of Maya? The play of manifestation?
Of course remembering is part of the moment and there is nothing wrong with that if it is seen exactly as that.
But, as how I see it atm (already in the past) , if the remembering captures my mind and imagination until I am totally identified and forget “the here and now of the moment” , I “feel” I “wasted time” the moment I remember that I didn’t remember what I “should” remember and then will briefly “feel” like a spiritual “failure”. Fascinating. My mind really is structured like an onion - layers upon layers of concepts relating to each other on different levels with a perceived? learned? invented? imagined? hierachy giving apparent direction and meaning?
Ok, I am way out on the fringes now but that can be fun sometimes. Hick-ups from the other side :-)
But then again, that doesn’t matter either, does it? Isn’t “me” seemingly remembering and seemingly forgetting “the moment” just another mental expression of reality in that moment and I simply superimpose a mental hierarchy on “the here and now” I then label spiritual?
It is so fucking simple our minds can’t crasp it.
Because mind isn’t a “thing”, an “organ” or “entity”. It is process only and creates it’s on existence through imagining. It is truly marvelous: Mind creates itself from within itself. The closet metaphor I can come up with is a spider creating his own wolrd, the net, from within itself.
It is not perfect, because the mind is completely within and hidden in it’s own creation. Imagine the spider merging with the net and being the net while simultaneously creating it from within itself.
In one word: Magic. Mystery.
And yet, as just demonstrated, another faculty of the mind, a meta mind, is able to imagine the whole scene of it’s own creation. No wonder Nietzsche got mad in the end ;-)
I shouldn’t make fun of this….people that are not sufficiently anchored in reality - beingness - can easily be uprooted and blown away by an over-active out-of-control imaginary personal mind.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I do.
You ain’t out on the fringes. You are circling right over target. Everything is “Creator-Mind” manifesting and experiencing itself - “our” minds, bodies, the animal people, plants, bugs, rocks, whatever is “out there” beyond our planet bubble, even the vast emptiness of the void. This realm that “our” bodies are in right now is quite dense and all about physical being and the consequences of choice-making in the tending to and caring for (or not) of physical bodies. Yet as we are ultimately one with Creator-Mind, we can catch glimpses across the infinite realms.
This was a great read. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy this and other similar stacks. I am still regularly dipping into I Am That. I also read the transcripts of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
However, I do have to write that yesterday’s stack about Christians seems such a contrast to this and caused a bit of dissonance. But hey!!
Yes, I have strong negative emotions towards religions, especially Christianity. I grew up Catholic. My grandmother was a fanatic Christian, which caused a lot of suffering in the family. I also sincerely believe that all religions are profoundly anti-spiritual and keep people from finding out who they really are - God, the Absolute, no name will suffice.
For all but a very few dark ones, this is not done deliberately and consciously - but the system is set up that way that it turns good people into bad priests without them even realizing what they are doing because they never had an awakening experience themselves.
Exactly how most nurses and doctors in the modern corrupt and bureaucratized health system are genuinely good people who care and want to help but can’t see what the system really does to people - a management system for sick people with no intention, fundamental knowledge or plan to heal them.
There is no big difference in principle between transhuman totalitarian systems or religious systems - both enslave humans.
Religions weaponized caring and glorified death in the form of martyrism. Very few mystics got actually killed because the orthodox powers around them could not handle the bright light of truth they radiated. Yet, they were turned into martyrs and posthumanly elevated to Saints by the same powers that killed them. Why would they do that?
Because people who embrace martyrism and sacrifice as a higher spiritual virtue are very inclined to martyr and sacrifice themselves for all sorts of causes - their church, their country, their employer, their community and so forth. This will keep people nicly destracred and occupied with everything on this planet but the only thing that really matters: Being themselves, discovering and living their own true full nature and potential.
Those enslaving powers shape the language and narratives to ostracize those few who dare: They are called “selfish”, “anti-social” and “crazy” when they report back from outside the very narrow spiritual Overton windows of the religions.
I instinctively rejected religion as a child, being very aware of the hypocritical behaviour of my grandmother, which I see reflected in almost all Christians around me.
As I work through those issues with my writings, so do have my readers, I am afraid.
I believe in the proverb: “Be aware of who you can’t criticise or make fun of in a society. Those are the ones that rule you.”
Muslims especially have made it an art form of being offended, narrowly leading the Jews, then the Christians.
My two last articles covered the extreme ends of spirituality. We learn through comparing opposites.
Sorry my friend, I get carried away again :-)
I am also hear to learn and understand and would be grateful if you want to share what disturbed you in my article about Christians, if you feel inclined.
The difference in tone and style, in contrast to your reflective and analytic writing . It was visceral, even angry.
Christianity as an organised religion was another control grid. One for its time, built on superstition, hierarchy and ritual. Paganism rituals and dates that suited its purpose were kept and Christian storylines bolted on (e.g Easter). Christianity as an organisational construct was created many, many, years post Jesus.
However, I also recognise and respect that many people do express and experience their spirituality through their Christian faith. I know people whose faith is a solid foundation to their lives and how they live. There is nothing wrong with that and much that is good.
If there is one message I take from Jesus and other enlightened and aware teachers, is ‘be’ the change in the world, we want to experience. It’s not easy in these current times, where the so called ‘powerful’ seem to be conspiring against the many. But it’s key to us working through this.
Whatever comes comes and expresses itself through particular people for myriads of reasons. If the anger harms people it often it bites us in the arse and we suffer from the ripple effects and maybe learn a lesson or not.
Transcendent moments that happen out of absolutely no where are truly magical. My awakening started on 12/8/18 as I sat on the balcony of my hotel room in the Dominican Republic early one morning. My mother had died 10 months earlier and my use of opiates dramatically increased, I was not in a good place at all. Before leaving for the DR I had decided it was time to end my usage and that going out town would help me do so. Well, if you think sleeping maybe 30 minutes a night would help it sure as hell didn't and by 12/8/18 I was ready to say fuck it and go back to using. I was sitting on the balcony watching the sunrise when I noticed a flock of birds across the way that were flying in concentric circles, something I had never seen before that morning or after. As I watched them I suddenly felt like I had somehow fallen out of reality, that everything I thought as truth was simply gone, but as it felt truly amazing I was not scared. As I took in this scene I suddenly felt the presence of my mother and heard her voice telling me that everything would be okay, that I needed to stick with the path of no longer using opiates. The whole situation could not have lasted more than a couple of minutes but felt like an eternity, when I came back to normal reality I was a changed man who, since that day, has morphed from a man child who medicated his way through life to avoid emotional pain to one who now understands that reality is what we make it to be, we are energetic creatures who live in this simulation in order to learn and grow. Also, your story is very similar to journeys I've taken on the spirit molecule, having moments of no attachment to our ego based selves is truly fucking amazing and make you realize just how enslaved people are to their identities.
Beautiful - thanks for sharing. I had Goosebumps reading and relating to this feeling of acute reality.
Thanks for giving me the means to share it brother, think that's the first time I've really told that story, it was beyond personal to me and it's very hard to find the right words to describe what I experienced.
Well-put. Thank you. Welcome. Loving your writing. Also - isn’t it all so funny? From the state of remembering oneness with universal consciousness all the running about is hysterical.
It is, these are the truly good days of zero worry and pure fun.
And now. Now again. Right now. Again. At play in the fields of the lord.
Yes, exactly. Driving home today from work, I remembered and was drawn to the memory when I suddenly disappeared only to then realize that his keeps me away from now. : Forget it, I said. It’s done and dusted and will never repeat in that way ever. It is now just a memory and dwelling on it keeps me away from now. So I simply enjoyed my drive.
In some way that “back then” moment is also happening now, through your seeing it and remembering a new-old way to know because of it. At some level in the hierarchy of consciousness, all moments are happening all the time and no moments are happening ever and these two realities are one.
I have to chew over the second sentence but I imagine “wisdom” in the first one. Because isn’t that all we do? Imagining mental concepts that are not there in reality? How do I know? Because I have found out through direct experience and awareness that no personal concepts exist. Because there is no “real” person to imagine them.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with “imagining”. It IS what IS in it’s full ordinary glory. (I don’t want to pretend what I just typed makes much sense to me - but I got typed.) Isn’t the constant imagining the play of Maya? The play of manifestation?
Of course remembering is part of the moment and there is nothing wrong with that if it is seen exactly as that.
But, as how I see it atm (already in the past) , if the remembering captures my mind and imagination until I am totally identified and forget “the here and now of the moment” , I “feel” I “wasted time” the moment I remember that I didn’t remember what I “should” remember and then will briefly “feel” like a spiritual “failure”. Fascinating. My mind really is structured like an onion - layers upon layers of concepts relating to each other on different levels with a perceived? learned? invented? imagined? hierachy giving apparent direction and meaning?
Ok, I am way out on the fringes now but that can be fun sometimes. Hick-ups from the other side :-)
But then again, that doesn’t matter either, does it? Isn’t “me” seemingly remembering and seemingly forgetting “the moment” just another mental expression of reality in that moment and I simply superimpose a mental hierarchy on “the here and now” I then label spiritual?
It is so fucking simple our minds can’t crasp it.
Because mind isn’t a “thing”, an “organ” or “entity”. It is process only and creates it’s on existence through imagining. It is truly marvelous: Mind creates itself from within itself. The closet metaphor I can come up with is a spider creating his own wolrd, the net, from within itself.
It is not perfect, because the mind is completely within and hidden in it’s own creation. Imagine the spider merging with the net and being the net while simultaneously creating it from within itself.
In one word: Magic. Mystery.
And yet, as just demonstrated, another faculty of the mind, a meta mind, is able to imagine the whole scene of it’s own creation. No wonder Nietzsche got mad in the end ;-)
I shouldn’t make fun of this….people that are not sufficiently anchored in reality - beingness - can easily be uprooted and blown away by an over-active out-of-control imaginary personal mind.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I do.
You ain’t out on the fringes. You are circling right over target. Everything is “Creator-Mind” manifesting and experiencing itself - “our” minds, bodies, the animal people, plants, bugs, rocks, whatever is “out there” beyond our planet bubble, even the vast emptiness of the void. This realm that “our” bodies are in right now is quite dense and all about physical being and the consequences of choice-making in the tending to and caring for (or not) of physical bodies. Yet as we are ultimately one with Creator-Mind, we can catch glimpses across the infinite realms.
I listen to Mooji everyday. Fall asleep listening to his meditations as well. Soothes my soul
I love Mooji. And many other non-dual teachers.
This was a great read. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy this and other similar stacks. I am still regularly dipping into I Am That. I also read the transcripts of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
However, I do have to write that yesterday’s stack about Christians seems such a contrast to this and caused a bit of dissonance. But hey!!
Yes, I have strong negative emotions towards religions, especially Christianity. I grew up Catholic. My grandmother was a fanatic Christian, which caused a lot of suffering in the family. I also sincerely believe that all religions are profoundly anti-spiritual and keep people from finding out who they really are - God, the Absolute, no name will suffice.
For all but a very few dark ones, this is not done deliberately and consciously - but the system is set up that way that it turns good people into bad priests without them even realizing what they are doing because they never had an awakening experience themselves.
Exactly how most nurses and doctors in the modern corrupt and bureaucratized health system are genuinely good people who care and want to help but can’t see what the system really does to people - a management system for sick people with no intention, fundamental knowledge or plan to heal them.
There is no big difference in principle between transhuman totalitarian systems or religious systems - both enslave humans.
Religions weaponized caring and glorified death in the form of martyrism. Very few mystics got actually killed because the orthodox powers around them could not handle the bright light of truth they radiated. Yet, they were turned into martyrs and posthumanly elevated to Saints by the same powers that killed them. Why would they do that?
Because people who embrace martyrism and sacrifice as a higher spiritual virtue are very inclined to martyr and sacrifice themselves for all sorts of causes - their church, their country, their employer, their community and so forth. This will keep people nicly destracred and occupied with everything on this planet but the only thing that really matters: Being themselves, discovering and living their own true full nature and potential.
Those enslaving powers shape the language and narratives to ostracize those few who dare: They are called “selfish”, “anti-social” and “crazy” when they report back from outside the very narrow spiritual Overton windows of the religions.
I instinctively rejected religion as a child, being very aware of the hypocritical behaviour of my grandmother, which I see reflected in almost all Christians around me.
As I work through those issues with my writings, so do have my readers, I am afraid.
I believe in the proverb: “Be aware of who you can’t criticise or make fun of in a society. Those are the ones that rule you.”
Muslims especially have made it an art form of being offended, narrowly leading the Jews, then the Christians.
My two last articles covered the extreme ends of spirituality. We learn through comparing opposites.
Sorry my friend, I get carried away again :-)
I am also hear to learn and understand and would be grateful if you want to share what disturbed you in my article about Christians, if you feel inclined.
The difference in tone and style, in contrast to your reflective and analytic writing . It was visceral, even angry.
Christianity as an organised religion was another control grid. One for its time, built on superstition, hierarchy and ritual. Paganism rituals and dates that suited its purpose were kept and Christian storylines bolted on (e.g Easter). Christianity as an organisational construct was created many, many, years post Jesus.
However, I also recognise and respect that many people do express and experience their spirituality through their Christian faith. I know people whose faith is a solid foundation to their lives and how they live. There is nothing wrong with that and much that is good.
If there is one message I take from Jesus and other enlightened and aware teachers, is ‘be’ the change in the world, we want to experience. It’s not easy in these current times, where the so called ‘powerful’ seem to be conspiring against the many. But it’s key to us working through this.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
What's wrong with angry sometimes? :-)
Whatever comes comes and expresses itself through particular people for myriads of reasons. If the anger harms people it often it bites us in the arse and we suffer from the ripple effects and maybe learn a lesson or not.