For some years now I've been reading and listening to J. Krishnamurti in a similar way to how you're reading Maharaj albeit in 3 or 4 month daily meditative readings with some weeks or months in between to similar effect and understanding. Their insistence on personal experience is the baseline building block for understanding and even for our ability to take some comfort in being without understanding. Nada.
The thoughtful way you've put these ideas out is inspiring and I hope many people glom on, and eventually internalize them too!
So many amazing teachers out there and the most of them saying the same in different words. If any faith or religion fights with another it is a sure tell sign of human capture of that cult. And the Jews started that with claiming “We are Gods chosen people”. Christian's copied it. “The only way to God is through Jesus.” why? Because it is written in a book humans coupled together over hundreds, if not thousands of years. With several versions of it. One truth? Several versions? The stupidity of people still believing that every word in the Bible(s) were written by a God never seems to amaze me. There is wonderful stuff in the Bible too, of course, but overall, it does more harm than good, judging by the Christian lead state of the world. Believing in a book is not faith. True faith is surrendering to an unknown divine force we give the name “God”. We know nothing about it. But true believers can sense it and align with it. They don't need no book.
Then why are you promoting a book? Why promote one book over another book if no one needs a book?
Why have a problem with any path anyone chooses to follow be it Judaism or Christianity or etc.? Why would choosing a path and following it constitute capture by a cult?
Isn't that an opinion you hold while claiming you don't want to hold opinions and no one knows squat?
Because you don't believe in it, it's a cult? So what if people believe every word of the Bible? What is that to you? Aren't you promoting the sacred nature of the book you like and are promoting?
What is it you want? For people to listen to you and follow you? That's the definition of a cult.
The ideas you promote are the same ones from millenia. Aleister Crowley. Helena Blavatsky. Eckhart Tolle wrote THE POWER OF NOW over twenty years ago. Just to name a few from modern times. New Ageism. Luciferianism. Satanism. Paganism.
Son of Sam was following what he sensed to be a higher power that led him to slaughter. Jim Jones said the same. Should all these follow their core beliefs as they "sense" them to their end as well since according to the guru you quote -
No one is responsible. Or as Crowley said, "Do as you will is the whole of the law."
Be your own doctor. Believe what you like.
But condemning one or another group as wrong and your preferences as right while also promoting all paths being equal has a name -
I promote teachers and books that don't sow division but agree on the one truth that nobody “owns” spirituality. I promote teachers and books that don't claim to be “the only way” to God. I promote books and teachers that teach that the path to God is within each of us and has to be found individually by each of us. I believe these are the true teachings of mystics from all ages and all times.
Teachings and books that promote God over others are false, elitist and smell of human interference. That's all.
I don't think I am a hypocrite doing so.
But what is it that upsets you? Are you a Christian? Or Jew? I am not sure why that upsets you so much. But thanks for your comment.
You’ve sold me brother, need to get me a copy of that there book asap. You’re right about it talking to your heart and soul, line about how reality is action really resonates with both of mine.
Faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love. Without love all knowledge and wisdom are nothing more than clanging cymbals signifying nothing.
To paraphrase another great book.
To care for a child or to abandon or kill a child are not the same actions. They are quite different and in all instances an individual is responsible. To pretend otherwise is a lie.
A lie of the mind.
We always take responsibility for our actions whether we deny those actions or disassociate from them makes little difference.
For some years now I've been reading and listening to J. Krishnamurti in a similar way to how you're reading Maharaj albeit in 3 or 4 month daily meditative readings with some weeks or months in between to similar effect and understanding. Their insistence on personal experience is the baseline building block for understanding and even for our ability to take some comfort in being without understanding. Nada.
The thoughtful way you've put these ideas out is inspiring and I hope many people glom on, and eventually internalize them too!
So many amazing teachers out there and the most of them saying the same in different words. If any faith or religion fights with another it is a sure tell sign of human capture of that cult. And the Jews started that with claiming “We are Gods chosen people”. Christian's copied it. “The only way to God is through Jesus.” why? Because it is written in a book humans coupled together over hundreds, if not thousands of years. With several versions of it. One truth? Several versions? The stupidity of people still believing that every word in the Bible(s) were written by a God never seems to amaze me. There is wonderful stuff in the Bible too, of course, but overall, it does more harm than good, judging by the Christian lead state of the world. Believing in a book is not faith. True faith is surrendering to an unknown divine force we give the name “God”. We know nothing about it. But true believers can sense it and align with it. They don't need no book.
Then why are you promoting a book? Why promote one book over another book if no one needs a book?
Why have a problem with any path anyone chooses to follow be it Judaism or Christianity or etc.? Why would choosing a path and following it constitute capture by a cult?
Isn't that an opinion you hold while claiming you don't want to hold opinions and no one knows squat?
Because you don't believe in it, it's a cult? So what if people believe every word of the Bible? What is that to you? Aren't you promoting the sacred nature of the book you like and are promoting?
What is it you want? For people to listen to you and follow you? That's the definition of a cult.
The ideas you promote are the same ones from millenia. Aleister Crowley. Helena Blavatsky. Eckhart Tolle wrote THE POWER OF NOW over twenty years ago. Just to name a few from modern times. New Ageism. Luciferianism. Satanism. Paganism.
Son of Sam was following what he sensed to be a higher power that led him to slaughter. Jim Jones said the same. Should all these follow their core beliefs as they "sense" them to their end as well since according to the guru you quote -
No one is responsible. Or as Crowley said, "Do as you will is the whole of the law."
Be your own doctor. Believe what you like.
But condemning one or another group as wrong and your preferences as right while also promoting all paths being equal has a name -
HYPOCRISY. And I'm out.
I promote teachers and books that don't sow division but agree on the one truth that nobody “owns” spirituality. I promote teachers and books that don't claim to be “the only way” to God. I promote books and teachers that teach that the path to God is within each of us and has to be found individually by each of us. I believe these are the true teachings of mystics from all ages and all times.
Teachings and books that promote God over others are false, elitist and smell of human interference. That's all.
I don't think I am a hypocrite doing so.
But what is it that upsets you? Are you a Christian? Or Jew? I am not sure why that upsets you so much. But thanks for your comment.
You’ve sold me brother, need to get me a copy of that there book asap. You’re right about it talking to your heart and soul, line about how reality is action really resonates with both of mine.
There are also free .pdf downloads on the net. But its nice to have the book.
“If we can’t trust any outside knowledge anymore, we are forced to find our own truth. “ 👏👏👏
Faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love. Without love all knowledge and wisdom are nothing more than clanging cymbals signifying nothing.
To paraphrase another great book.
To care for a child or to abandon or kill a child are not the same actions. They are quite different and in all instances an individual is responsible. To pretend otherwise is a lie.
A lie of the mind.
We always take responsibility for our actions whether we deny those actions or disassociate from them makes little difference.
Thanks for your article. God Bless.