Will Robert Kennedy Jr. Betray Us And Why That Might Be A Good Thing?
The Medical Freedom Movement Is Holding Their Breath
Note: I can’t get Grammarly to work so please excuse spelling and grammar errors.
Thanks to a number of sharp dissident observers, we learn that the new Trump administration seems to rebrand the MAHA movement as a “healthy food, anti-toxins movement” and tries to distract from or even ditch anything to do with vaccines in general, and mRNA vaccines in particular. According to a recent article by
, MAHA Transition is Transitioning and other publications, even Bobby Kennedy Jr. seems to go along with that.In my view, the very core of the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) worldwide and in the USA centres around and was born because of the unprecedented events that happened during the so-called Covid Pandemic:
Dropping all established and written pandemic response plans in lockstep worldwide and replacing them with scientifically unfounded and unproven responses, like unreliable and manipulated PCR-tests, masks, social distancing of 1.5 m, lockdowns and banning successful repurposed drugs - pretty much the opposite of what the pandemic response plans recommended.
Dropping almost all decade-old safety testing and rushing through one product only: the novel and unknown mRNA vaccine, which actually wasn’t a traditional vaccine at all, because it didn’t stop transmission, the whole purpose of vaccines.
Therefore, the WHO quickly changed the old definition of vaccines and herd immunity to fit reality to the new product, not the other way around
But the biggest trigger for the MFM was the coercion and mandating of these dangerous untested substances to millions of people, breaking 75-year old international medical laws (Nuremberg Code) and long-established conducts of informed consent and many human rights. And much more, of course.
Because of the above, the MFM formed and became a deciding factor in the last US elections.
Thanks to stupid and captured seemingly MFM aligned big influencers like Dr Robert Malone and Jeff Childers, to name just two, millions of American MFM voters somehow, incredibly naïve and driven by wishful thinking, thought that Trump was anti-mRNA or at least anti-pandemic response and voted for him.
I wrote about the immense MFM betrayal of Dr. Malone in my article Fuck You, Dr. Robert Malone !!! which hit a raw nerve with over 14.000 Substack views so far, generating over 460 likes and over 270 comments.
Meanwhile, Jeff Childers, an initial fierce anti-vaccine dissident, convinced his huge readership, that Trump is secretly anti-mRNA but can’t officially say so until elected, because it would lose him too many votes.
Doing so, he tapped into some collective wishful thinking and totally ignored the facts.
The obvious facts were, that Trump wasn’t secretly against the mRNA vaccines at all. He boasted and lied endlessly about how “his” Operation Warp Speed saved hundreds of millions of lives and openly declared on Rogan, that “big pharma are his friends.”
Jeff Childers has gone awful quite on the Trump-Is-Secretly-Anti-mRNA topic since the elections. If he was really that stupid or simply bought, I don’t know.
But all was not lost.
In flies superstar Bobby Kennedy Jr. who really impressed everyone in the MFM with his no-nonsense straight talks about the dangers and lies about all vaccines. He joined Trump and very likely was the deciding factor of Trumps victory.
The final verdict is still pending (see Sasha’s article on that), but an increasing number of MFM observers anxiously notice that there is an awful lot of talk about eating healthy and toxin free and no talk about pausing, let alone banning, the dangerous mRNA vaccines.
So it is fair to ask, will Bobby betray us next, or is he deliberately holding back on the vaccine topic for strategical political reasons.
To be fair, he has a major challenge at hand to be approved by the Senate and he can’t do nothing if he is not nominated. Time will tell but I don’t have high hopes that anything meaningful will happen.
In my opinion based on research, instinct and personal experience, this vaccine schedule is at the core and one of the main reasons that our societies are so sick - despite the so-called world-class health systems the Western Nations brag about constantly.
The other big factor, of course, is food and toxins. But this is not new. You have to live under a rock to not know how bad processed food and toxins harm your health. Millions of people know that for decades and millions have changed their eating habits and eat wholesome and clean food. Many don’t, but that is their choice. At least they have a choice.
In contrast, there is a very tough choice to make about vaccines.
We all know what happened to people that refused the mRNA vaccine. And we all know what happens to our kids that don’t take the scheduled childhood vaccines.
In Australia, for example, you have real trouble to enrol your child in kindergartens and primary schools if unvaccinated. And you lose 50% of your Family Tax Benefit too.
While some brave, independent and lucky souls have the liberty to say: “Fuck this, I home school my child.”, the vast majority of parents can’t do that. So they are basically forced to vaccinate themselves with mRNA (to keep their jobs) and vaccinate their children.
To stop this terrible abuse of medical freedom and human rights, the MFM formed and elected Kennedy through Trump.
They are not overly worried about processed food and toxins because they have some control over it. But they are very worried about forced and coerced vaccinations schedules for themselves and their children. That’s the only reason why they voted for Kennedy.
Further, many in the MFM see the coercive tactics of the medical authorities only as a part of something bigger. Some go as far as saying: “This is not about the vaccines, stupid. This is just the beginning of something much bigger and darker: A means for global totalitarian control disguised as health emergencies. And some go even further than that and say: This a deliberate planned democide to curb over-population.
For all these reasons, many will feel that the ongoing mRNA disaster can’t be ignored and pushed aside any longer and their hope rested on Trump/Kennedy.
Time will tell but I am not optimistic.
Even the best case scenario looks dire.
The best case scenario is that Kennedy gets nominated as HHS secretary and actively tries to get the mRNA vaccines paused or banned. And to dial done the childhood vaccine program.
I believe he is personally convinced about the harm of vaccines but that won’t matter.
What matters: Is he is allowed to stop them. And I don’t think his boss will allow it. I am not aware of any anti-vaccine statement by Trump whatsoever. Hence the shift to food and toxins which Trump might sanction.
And if Kennedy goes against the vaccines anyway, we all know how that will end: “You’re fired.”
So Kennedy has two choices.
He can either go along with the boss and the pro-medical and pro-pharma vibe of the majority of the Trump admin and betray and lose most of his base voters, or he stays true to his conviction and pre-election talks and uses his short tenure as HHS secretary (before he gets fired) to raise awareness about the harms of mRNA and other vaccines on another level and goes down with his integrity and reputation intact and positions himself stronger for 2028.
Anything else, like jumping on the food and toxin bandwagon and ignoring the vaccines will be seen as betrayal by the MFM.
So he needs to be watched closely and called out early.
What I write gets inspired a lot by
lately who, so far, stays the true dissident she is, no matter who is in power and no matter if a person “used to be” on her side and even called a friend - in this case Bobby Kennedy Jnr.Because that's what true dissidents do. They always challenge and investigate those in power at a given time.
They never become “power".
Most dissidents instinctively reject to be lead by someone.
Why should we?
A perfectly free person can't submit to any outside authority- friendly or hostile.
Freedom always means being free “from” something, free from any bondage whatsoever, and the quest for that will eventually lead to a spiritual quest which ends by freeing ourselves from the illusionary bondages to our ego and body-mind.
That's what spirit means - freedom from the manifested material world including our body-mind.
The Christian symbol for that seems to be the soul - our true being and essence - leaving the body and flying towards heaven. Heaven being not the sky, of course, but the un-manifested, the Absolute, where everything originated from and returns to.
But fewer dissidents are fully aware that they don't want to lead either because leading is just another form of bondage reversing our quest for total freedom.
“Leading” is the desire to improve the world from an egoic point of view, thinking that “my” ideas of exerting power over others is better than other ideas.
In reality, all it means is that this particular idea will favour a number of people over others.
But the world as a whole can never be fixed by ideas or leaders or social or political movements.
As sooner we get rid of this addictive thought as sooner we can truly turn away from this addictive ever-repeating theatre of power and greed called politics. And it is all the same in a so-called democracy, monarchy or totalitarian system.
In a democracy we fool ourselves thinking that we decide who fucks us over, while in a totalitarian system or a monarchy we accept that we have no say in who fucks us over.
But fucked over we get - no matter what.
If we would fully understand and accept that, voting would be seen as the humiliating act it really is. We vote in your own oppressors - congratulation, geniuses.
Sasha's latest article covers Bobby and it looks like - at this stage - that he has to do a 120, or 150, or even a 178 turn to get this job and pretty much has to betray the hopes of the Medical Freedom Movement in exchange to get any power in the Trump administration.
To me, this is no surprise at all.
Just the same old - politics and corruption. Do I feel sorry for the people that voted for Trump because of Bobby? Not at all.
Feel the pain of betrayal and learn. Nothing wakes people more than pain and suffering.
If you got drawn into the 4-yearly hopium game again you deserve to suffer.
Learn more, learn harder, understand the human psyche.
The best way to do that is to go inside and understand our own psyche first because we are no different. We are all hijacked by this illusionary sense of self that veils our true, peaceful, aware and loving nature and wrecks havoc with our lives.
We need to understand that everything that is built on an egoic anti-spiritual foundation will end up as greed and power and all of us, including the perpetrators, will end up in tears and suffering over and over again.
People need to understand that we can't fix this greed-power paradigm from within or through electing different people. No king or queen or dictator will fix it either.
That's why the power-greed paradigm has been around for tens of thousands of years, starting with eating from the tree of knowledge and getting kicked out of our non-dual paradise.
As quicker we get disillusioned that any politicians will ever fix this elitist power-greed system, as better. It can’t be fixed. The world will never get better like that.
Q: The world is getting better.
M: The world had all the time to get better, yet it did not. What hope is there for the future? Of course, there have been and will be periods of harmony and peace, when sattva was in ascendance, but things get destroyed by their own perfection. A perfect society is necessarily static and, therefore, it stagnates and decays. From the summit all roads lead downwards. Societies are like people -- they are born, they grow to some point of relative perfection and then decay and die.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Maybe I am too black-pilled, but judging from reading history and my own life over the past 62 years, it feels like we reached the summit of the best what democracy had to offer and all roads, indeed, lead downwards. I think the Great Western Empire has already topped the arrogance, decadence, corruption and abuse of power of the decaying Roman Empire.
But all hope is not lost. There could be a real silver lining to the downfall of the rationalistic-materialistic paradigm. It could ignite a jump in consciousness and spiritual awareness. It could drive billions of people into spiritual practice.
To me, the only solution to this crisis of democracy and decency is spiritual and within each of us. Only when enough people wake up to that and do their own inner work, there might be a change in society and politics.
But this requires a spiritual miracle- a sudden massive increase in individual conscious awareness worldwide. This will only happen through immense suffering. And I am sure, the approaching transhumanistic global overpowering totalitarian technocratic dictatorship will provide plenty of that for plenty of people.
However, as the Buddha said: “A good horse runs seeing the shadow of the whip.” So we don’t have to wait for the suffering to whip us, we can start right now.
Because the good news is, that each of us can have that jump whenever we desire it enough and after that we are at peace, no matter what happens in the world. We can set our conscious world right - the only world that really exists.
Where is our world full of suffering when we are in deep sleep?
Obviously, there is no world. It vanished completely.
Not even Trump remains. Nor God.
They are all mental ideas that get erased by sleep, the absence of conscious being.
Until we meet Trump (or God) in person and shake his hand, he is not real and only exists in our mind. I am sure there a millions of people that never heard of Trump. In their world there is no idea called Trump. He doesn't exist.
There is this famous koan that goes like that:
In the deep, deep forest of Siberia - thousands of miles away from a human ear - a tree falls over. Does it make a sound?
That might keep some of you busy tonight. :-)
So isn't it our choice how we construct our world?
Our mental world gets resurrected from memory the moment we wake up. And it is purely mental and illusionary unless we remember to be aware of the immediate here and now. The moment we are aware of being aware, the mental world loses all its power over us. It very likely goes on in it’s fantastic illusionary creations but we will be aware of exactly that. This awareness will change it from a false real to the unreal it truly is.
It is like when we are paranoid and fully realize that we are paranoid. It kills the paranoia. The bright light of awareness exposes all mind-activity as what it really is: A mirage, a fantasy, an illusion.
Of course there are facts. They are real. Secret service knocking on your door is real. Food shortages are real. Camps are real.
But only when it happens in a particular moment in the here and now to us are they truly real. If and until then, they are unnecessary illusions.
It might or it might not happen - there is no way of knowing. There are a lot of things that might or might not happen we worry about every day. The “worry trance”.
I write about a possible transhumanist dictatorship but I rarely worry about it. There is no way of knowing. It is one possibility of millions and it is also impossible to know if it will affect me in a good or bad way.
Not to worry doesn’t mean pushing away facts and possibilities and put our head in the sand. We can know exactly what is going, even prepare for it, but still refuse to worry.
But we also have to understand that we can’t fully prepare for these events, only in general and rudimentary ways. With increasing spiritual practice and grace our fear drops and our trust increases.
It is that trust that we will know in that moment exactly what to do. It is a waste of time to prepare for scary events that might or might not happen mentally. Practically whatever happens, happens anyway - if we think and worry about stuff or not. But that is another topic for another day.
The only world that really exists when we wake up is what manifests itself right now, in front of our nose. That world is always new, always fresh, always real.
Our mental world, born from memories projected into an illusionary future is vague, transient and unreal in comparison.
A quick simple exercise will illustrate this.
Look at something right in front of you. Spent a few seconds to get fully aware of its shape and colours and so forth. Notice its actual realness.
Then close your eyes and remember the same still picture. For most people, the mental picture will be a fuzzy, hazy extremely poor copy of the real thing. It misses the actual reality of the real thing. That’s how viewing the world through our mental faculties looks like. But we are so used to it, that we take the mental for real.
Only when the mind activates illusionary memory, activates illusionary time and space, does our false mental world come into being. The real world in front of our eyes gets hardly ever noticed. We live 95% in our heads. No wonder our world and everyone living in it, is so messed up.
I am not saying mental activity is useless and not needed. It is a great tool and makes a wonderful servant. But we don’t use the servant. The servant uses us.
Why is that?
Because the master is not at home. The master has gone missing.
The master is our true self. And the true self can only be found in the immediate here and now. In the moment. Not in the mind.
When we live from the mind we have the feeling that we are a tiny body-mind in world. The memory of whatever we read, saw and experienced in our lives - all the things we “know” - creates this personal world.
Others have different memories, know different stuff and therefore live in a different world. There are literally 8.5 Billion individual illusionary different parallel worlds out there.
No wonder, nobody can ever agree with anyone else about anything. That’s what minds do - they divide.
But as soon we live in the real world - the actual here and now, anchored in our true immediate being, rather than our mind, everything changes.
Suddenly - and this can be experienced - we don't exist in a world anymore. We are fully aware that this mental world, including time and space - exists in us. Our true selves can look at it from the outside and realize it’s inherent transient mental nature created by our minds.
In other words, our mental world arises and vanishes in us. Our mental world only exists when we think about it. Why do we worry about something so flimsy and inconsistent.
The only consistent factor is us - our true self - this space of awareness in which everything appears and disappears but leaving us, the witness, completely unaffected. Our body-minds jump up an down with all these things appearing and disappear. Let them jump. Watch them jumping. Enjoy the play.
Only when in the company of our true selves do we live in a world common to everyone - the not-mental world is the same for everyone. True selves are not separated anymore - they become one with everything and everyone.
But we have learned from day one to identify so much with this illusionary world that it feels real, and ignore the only real world happening right now in front of us, or better all around us as we are as much part of it as we are aware of it.
Here is another one to break your brain:
The painter is in the painting, painting her own world while watching the painting unfold.....
When we get disillusioned by our mental unreal ever-changing world and the meaninglessness of a materialistic life, we might be willing and ready to look within for our true spiritual nature.
Therefore, as painful it sometimes is, getting disillusioned and losing all hope about the outside world, can be a blessing in disguise that opens up our truly magnificent inner world and the deep, peaceful knowledge of our hearts of who and what we really are.
Travel well.
Thank you for the shout out! Good article and lots to think of. I think that the confusion and collapse of society was largely engineered. Without going into a long discussion on this, one of the key methods by which it was engineered is the removal of the idea of the immortal soul, uniquely known to the Creator forever and before and after it enters the material world. This was part of all major religions and also part of science for a long time. After 1600's, it was systematically dismantled and removed to the "fringe" or "religious/backward" beliefs, as a "non-scientific" concept. You are allowed to think of it, but only in a designated and fenced-in area. People are conditioned from birth to detach themselves from any real feeling of being connected to the Source of all Life and Intelligence (which kids instinctively do have), and replace it with "science, facts and data", and by now the "science, facts and data" are completely corrupted, too. Next step, it will be "AI will do the thinking for you, just play videogames and copy-paste what AI says". Ie. making total automatons, the NPCs out of the large chunk of the population. This prediction looks bleak, but I also do not think it will happen the way social engineers plan it. The Life, Soul and Intelligence are not conquerable by stupid software and social engineering tactics. These efforts will always be defeated, most of the time we can't predict exactly how. For example, during the massive social engineering assault on the society called "covid pandemic", the real Intelligence came from largely unexpected places: the PhD's and MDs (ostensibly smartest people) failed en masse, and plumbers and farmers won this high stakes IQ test.
MAHA. Hmm. Where is all the healthier food gonna come from? And who is going to determine what is healthy and what is not? The government? Then nothing changes.
Most mainstream grocery stores survive by selling manufactured or processed junk. How do you replace it? How do they survive? How does the fast food industry survive. There are millions of jobs tied up in all this "unhealthy" living.
It will take quite an effort, decades long at least, to get rid of many environmental toxins as well as toxins in food (which is highly impossible to determine for any specific case).
Just what magnificent and trustworthy government entity is going to make all these stupendous health decisions? Is there ever compromise as to the health of foods?
Will your doctor be happy with fewer patients because more are healthier?
Will Pig Pharma be happy with a shrinking drug empire?
Forget the MAGA health movement for it will spit and sputter as all government programs do. There are too many outwardly forces trying to control our health and many seek to diminish it for fun and profit. Fun as in the globalists jump for joy at every death on the planet.
Take matters into your own hands and work to become healthier and help your family/friends to do the same. It is a personal endeavor and not to be assigned to any government agency or person(s).