Strong Correlations That Each mRNA Vaccine Rollout Causes A Wave Of Death
Analysis Based On Official Data
I wrote this as a submission for the excess death enquiry by the Australian Senate only to find out that submission closed on the 24th of May. Stupid me. On the bright side: You get an interesting article without swear words and unfounded speculations.
Based On Official Data
All the graphs and calculations of this analysis are based on downloadable data from the ABS and MoH and can be re-created.
Excess Mortality, Australia And By State, Jan 2013 Mar 2023
507KB ∙ XLSX file
Provisional Mortality Statistics, Weekly Dashboard, Jan Sep 2023
Three Weeks After the 5th Booster Shot Roll-Out Covid Infections, Hospitalisazions And Deaths Rise Dramatically
This graph published by the Ministry of Health shows the 5th Booster Roll-Out
The next Graph was constructed from the official ABS data:
The next graph puts the two together:
The next graph adjusts for three weeks:
There was a “Covid Death Wave” in Australia in 2023, sharply rising from March and peaking in early June (350% rise) and subsiding gradually until early September in robust correlation (rise and fall) with the number of boosters administered.
Other data confirm, beyond doubt, that there was a COVID wave from March to August in Australia. But no one links it to the 5th booster roll-out. It appears that the vaccines cause people to die from Covid, among many other diseases.
Graphs by the Australian MoH prove a Covid wave between March and August 2023. Look out for April 23 or May 23 to see the Covid wave correlated to the 5th Booster wave:
Scripts for Covid treatment went up between April and July 2023
People admitted to hospitals with Covid increased between April and July 2023
ICU cases increased in the same period
And COVID-19 deaths increased between April and July 2023:
Aged care home stats prove there was a Covid wave:
This begs the question “Why is there a Covid wave after the roll-out of the 5th booster?”
It has been widely reported by the mRNA vaccine producers and the scientific community, that the mRNA vaccine protection is strongest from about two weeks after the vaccination and then slowly fades over the next three to six months. Hence the need for booster shots every six months to get new protection.
Yet, the above data suggests, that all COVID-related indicators (Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths etc.) dramatically increase in the three months following the roll-out.
This is the opposite of what should be expected.
The strong correlations could mean, that the booster shots cause the Covid waves, and a responsible Public Health Authority would thoroughly investigate this possibility and release all data immediately so that experts can prove or disprove this hypothesis.
They need to release record-level data that compare health outcomes between boosted and not-boosted people. Many lives are at stake.
They don’t investigate the possibility nor do they release the data. They continue the booster roll-outs possibly killing thousands of people if the correlations are true.
How Could The Booster Shots Cause Covid Infections And Death?
There has been strong scientific evidence that boosters cause IgG4 Immune Tolerance which would explain the above correlation. The below summary explains in detail what the scientist discovered:
Some excerpts:
After mRNA vaccination the immune response against Spike is shifting to IgG4, which is how your body responds after repeat exposure to stuff it needs to tolerate, like bee venom, pollen or peanut proteins.
To deal with these harmless substances, our immune system has a particular class of antibodies, called IgG4, that do the opposite of what we are used to hearing: they bind to allergens and tell our immune cells to ignore them rather than cause inflammation.
So: IgG4 antibodies have the opposite effect to all other types of antibodies and make our immune system ignore the particular antigen they are trained to detect.
You do not want to ignore a replicating virus — so the IgG4 antibody class would be inappropriate for viruses.
While the virus-unsuitable IgG4 antibodies ramp up dramatically with every booster shot, the IgG3 antibodies that are in charge for fighting viruses decline dramatically.
The following graph shows each IgG antibody’s development in relation to the booster shots received by the test objects.
Virus-killing IgG3 moves to zero while virus-ignoring IgG4 increases dramatically.
This is only one study but one that gives a logical and plausible explanation explaining how boosters could weaken immune systems and therefore cause the above correlations.
We should think, that by now, the Australian Public Health Authorities would consider pausing the boosters and investigate these concerning correlations and possible causes, but they don’t. Below is a screenshot from the Australian Ministry of Health, as of today, 31/05/2024, one year after the 5th booster rollout, and it still recommends the boosters for everyone above eighteen, despite the negligible risk of death from Covid for most healthy people under 65 years.
Further Evidence That The Boosters Might Cause Disease And Death
If this immune switch theory is correct and immune systems are weakened by the boosters. the vaccines should negatively affect many other diseases, not only Covid. Therefore, we should expect a strong correlation between booster rollouts and excess mortality.
The next graph shows excess death numbers in brown and Covid death numbers in green for the first three quarters of 2023
Firstly, it debunks the myths that the high excess death in Australia is caused by Covid. Many other diseases contribute.
Secondly, we see a similar trend and correlation to the booster shots as with Covid. Excess deaths per week are at about 250 on the 26th of February - the start of the booster roll-out. And they peak at about 620 on the 4th of June, the peak of the booster rollout. This is an increase of 370 dead people per week on a baseline of 250, a 1.48x increase, or 148% more dead people within only three months.
In June 2023, Australia had an additional 637 people per week dying who were not expected to die.
During the following three months, June, July and August the booster administrations gradually reduced to about 5% of peak, and so did the excess death numbers.
When we combine the two graphs we get this one:
These are significant excess death number movements, up AND down, in a very short period. It is highly unlikely that they are coincidences or can be explained by seasonal fluctuations.
To the contrary. They are working against the seasonal trend. June, July and August are the middle of winter in Australia. Excess deaths in winter always rise in Australia due to infectious diseases.
But in winter 2023, the excess death numbers decreased in Australia.
The reason could be that many people vulnerable to infectious diseases have already died from April to June through an iatrogenic vaccine event.
We can exclude natural disasters that could cause such an unusual extreme fluctuation. There were no notable natural disasters during that period in Australia.
There were no human-made disasters either, except perhaps a barely tested new vaccine, based on a barely tested new gene technology administered to hundreds of thousands of people just before these very unusual significant fluctuations in excess death were observed.
Ignoring and not investigating this possibility borders on gross neglect by the public health authorities. Not pausing them but recommending them instead and possibly causing thousands of further casualties, borders on crimes against humanity.
Wave After Wave Of Death After Each Booster Roll-Out
Four booster roll-outs preceded the 5th booster roll-out analysed above. The hypothesis is that the boosters weaken the immune systems and therefore cause an increase in excess deaths. Therefore, we should see similar signals and correlations with previous booster roll-outs in Australia.
Unfortunately, this is more difficult to achieve as useful data for the vaccine roll-out, separated by 1st, 2nd original injections and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th booster roll-outs are unavailable.
Further, the ABS changed recording and reporting formats and methods to calculate excess mortality. For example, the dotted blue line in the graph below was the original forecast for expected deaths. The specific formula to calculate it was used for decades. But in late 2021, after rising excess deaths alarmed more and more people, they changed the formula and wiped out thousands of excess deaths (all yellow dots in the blue shaded area)
It requires a trained professional in statistics and possibly several Freedom of Information Requests to do a proper analysis. However, I will give a general overview below how every vaccine rollout was followed by a wave of excess deaths.
The graph below shows excess deaths in Australia from December 2019 until December 2022.
The blue line is expected deaths. It was moved upwards, lowering the access death rate, for 2022. The dotted blue line shows the original prognosis.
The yellow dots on the left side of the graph represent excess deaths in 2020 and are mostly below expected. This was the 1st year of the pandemic when no vaccines were administered.
The red dots in the middle represent 2021. We see a slight rise in excess deaths from March to October 2021. In very close correlation, the 1st and 2nd shots of the Covid vaccine were rolled out in February 2021, peaking in early October. (see graph below)
In 2021, Australia had a relatively low number of Covid deaths - the accumulated COVID-19 casualties were below 2000 for most of the year. (see graph below).
However, the excess deaths in 2021 were 10912 (see graph below). Around 9000 extra deaths were not attributed to Covid but strongly correlated to the vaccine uptake.
But considering the huge numbers of people taking the 1st and 2nd shots, the damage wasn’t that big. The booster shots, administered to significantly fewer people, did much more damage. However, there probably is also an accumulating factor.
2022 saw three booster waves and each one correlated with significant rises in excess death
The 1st Booter Rollout happened from November 2021 to January 2022 and the excess death rate shot up almost immediately by approximately 20% in January 2022.
There was a small rollout in April/May of the 2nd Booster shot to about 160.000 severely immunocompromised and old Australians. This rollout only shows a little bump starting on 16th of April in the graph below.
In a graph scaled to several million, it is hardly visible but still represents 100.000 to 150.000 people taking the 2nd booster.
Despite the relatively low numbers, the effect on excess deaths was devastating because the scientifically proven immune-system-destroying 2nd booster hit the most vulnerable group visible in the above graph in April and May 2022.
The vaccine administration graph below shows another distinctive rollout in July 2022, once more strongly correlating with record excess death numbers in July 2022.
And the correlation between vaccine uptake continues.
From the end of July to October 2022, the vaccine uptake dropped to almost zero, the lowest rate since vaccination started. As if on cue, the excess death rate also drops significantly, to the lowest values in 2022.
That the excess death rate is still above normal despite very low vaccination rates can be explained by the damaging middle and long-term effects on the immune system from previous vaccinations. Immune system damage can have an immediate deadly effect through infectious diseases but a middle and long-term negative effect on many other diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cardiovascular conditions, to name a few.
The official channels never speculated much about the timing and numbers of the Covid waves. No official channels explained or speculated why there are so many waves and what causes them.
Natural pandemics in the past had only two to three waves and lasted only two years. The deadliest pandemic of modern times, the Spanish flu, lasted only two years and had three waves. We are in the fifth year of the Covid pandemic and had six or seven waves. Despite record-breaking never-seen-before vaccination rates, people get more ill than ever around the world.
Wouldn’t that indicate that there is something wrong with these vaccines? And yet, the authorities still recommend it.
If mRNA vaccines cause waves of infectious diseases and deaths through the IgG switch mechanism, pharma created the perfect product for everlasting profits.
Below are the NSW respiratory surveillance reports for 2023.
Covid was only the third most infective virus and only accounted for 14.6% of the overall infections of the seven viruses monitored. So why, in 2023, do the MSM and ABS still talk about “Covid waves” when, in fact, we had three times and two times bigger, “Rhinovirus waves” and “Influenza waves”, respectively?
Not yet having a mRNA Rhinovirus and Influenza virus vaccine ready might have much to do with that. They are working on it.
It is the perfect scheme. The vaccine makes people sick and causes waves of infectious diseases and the governments push mRNA vaccines as the only solution. They pay for it with our taxes. They gaslight those who refuse and claim that they endanger others. If that doesn’t work, they coerce or force them. The vaccines make more people sick causing another wave. This is truly sickening.
The big mistake that Fauci and his cronies made was their definition of fully vaccinated. They should have said you are fully vaccinated when you have had the next booster which is not available yet. That way, everybody is always classified as unvaccinated, and 100% of all deaths, Covid and nonCovid would be in the unvaccinated category. Imagine the headlines then! Even though I'm being facetious a lot of the gullible idiots would believe it. There are stupid people everywhere. They don't know they're stupid!
Beautifully lucid & fact oriented. Even if this piece can't be submitted to the Senate Enquiry directly, it should be submitted to AMPS, senators Babette, Roberts, ... or to the wider world eg Steve Kirsh.