Thanks to this critical comment, I was prompted to reflect on why I write.
Liked by Being Nobody, Going Nowhere
You sound like a ranting mad woman to me. I used to think you were very smart and had some interesting thoughts to offer. Now you have gone off the deep end dear.
This was on one of my Malone articles.
My reply:
Thank you for your comment.
Sorry to disappoint you. I am a man, by the way, but it does not matter much.
I write whatever I like and however I feel. Some like this, and others hate that. Some who love me today hate me tomorrow and vice versa.
Don’t forget, you don’t pay for this.
This is my hobby and my contribution to the common good. My main objective is spirituality and destroying illusions about whatever comes up.
Some people are not ready to have certain illusions destroyed. I understand. It is painful.
Others embrace it on specific topics but not so much on others. This is called the Gell-Mann-Amnesia Effect.
I assume you are a grown woman, and I trust you will decide about Dr. Malone, no matter what I write, as you should. However, as I pointed out several times in my articles, this is my personal opinion, not the “truth” about Malone.
Sometimes, I use my writing as personal psychotherapy to express myself, and sometimes, I accidentally impart wisdom.
Unlike some “big” influence writers like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Jeff Childers, and others, I don’t “run a writing business” (as Malone described his Substack at the DocMalic podcast). I don’t have to “please” customers or write to “increase” my Subscribers.
I have a day job.
I also don’t have to kiss prominent writers arses to get anywhere (the fastest way to success here).
That’s why it took me two years and 180 essays to get to a measly 1000 free subscribers.
During that time, I had thousands of additional subscribers and thousands who unsubscribed again because, like you, they liked one piece but then got offended by another. Most people only want to read what neatly fits in their Overton window. Anything outside is too challenging and upsetting.
I don’t care about that much anymore.
I want to be free and write spontaneously about topics using the correct and appropriate language of the day. Some hate this, and some love it.
As a teenager, I idolized writers such as Henry Miller, Herman Hesse, Erich Fromm, Milan Kundera, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Henry Miller wrote like me, didn’t care about people’s opinions and had to wait 30 years to find his first publisher. Tremendously talented, he chose to be true to himself, quit his job, and lived in poverty for three decades rather than write to please people or make money from it. To me, that’s true art.
And here is, again (apologies), a little fun fact about Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the most regarded and quoted philosophers of all time. When he lived and wrote all his masterpieces, no one gave a shit about him. Often, he had to beg his publisher to print a thousand copies of a new book, of which he sold less than 500 during his life. The current “Zeitgeist” is a funny thing, isn’t it?
If many people like something, the very popular stuff, it is usually shit and forgotten and laughed about a few decades later, while the interesting stuff that pushes humanity forward seems to involve painful, long and arduous labour to see the light of the day.
Talking about shit, I never forgot the rude scribbling on the toilet walls in a German pub some 45 years ago:
People !!! Eat shit !!!
700 Billion flies can’t be wrong.
Those last words likely just caused a small unsubscribe tsunami of some educated, well-brought-up, up-nosed, liberal, caring Karens that accidentally ended up here.
I am so sorry, guys.
I can’t help myself.
That reminded me of another caring Karen I witnessed trying to guilt-trip a down-to-eath Australian farmer woman who had just moved here from the edges of the Australian outback, hundreds of kilometres from the coast.
A group of mixed people went on a midnight New Year’s swim and chatted afterwards.
On the question, “Are you local?” the new-to-the-group farmer woman joked:
“No, I am from Tamworth but global warming took too long, so we moved to the water.”
Most laughed, but Caring Karen needed to educate and embarrass the woman: “Did you know that Kiribati is only 1.5 m above sea level? Probably not funny for them.”
She was a friend of my wife, so I swallowed my “fuck you” and did not ruin New Year’s Eve.
It feels so liberating that I don’t have to restrain myself here. The worst thing that can happen is that I end up with zero subscribers again - the way I started. And maybe do other full-filling stuff instead.
Anyway, getting along with most people and simultaneously making money writing about hot public topics does not work for me. I am just not a considerate “PC” guy. I would make a terrible politician or diplomat.
My advice to new writers is:
If you write to make money, write cookbooks or propaganda that pleases people and strongly confirms their biases. If you want to do money writing, write for people who don’t want to think for themselves and need a popular line to follow so they have some good arguments at the next BBQ with the neighbours.
If you don’t want to make money, write for genuine dissidents and critical thinkers because there are not many, and they usually don’t have much money.
If you want to make money from writing, do it like the Vigilant Fox.
For a while, pretend to be a true dissident and then become a sensational click-bait machine for the Trump -Musk crowd. Play on confused and scared dissidents' emotions and provide them with small, digestible headlines they can process without engaging their brains to get their daily dopamine kick, mimicking the MSM he officially opposes.
If you want to earn money with Substack writing, use your accidental fame and good fortune to be on the right podcast at the right time, like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone, and be catapulted into the limelight.
Then, use the same fear strategies as Big Pharma to sell unproven, unresearched “alternative and holistic” exotic products like trendy Natokinese for excessive prices. More on the No. 1 medical “dissident” grifter here
And here
PS: I can’t just pick on Dr. Malone alone - that wouldn’t be fair.
has pointed out, everything has become a “commodity” to make money, including “dissident-ness”.GloboCap culture and philosophy rules supreme.
Most writers are driven by a materialistic culture and the urge “to make it,” but not me anymore. I started with that dream, which killed my spontaneous creativity. After a while, I realized that I couldn’t have both: Growing subscriber numbers AND saying what I think and want.
Now I am free to write whatever and however I like.
Once in a blue moon (about three times in two years), I accidentally write articles that get more than 50 likes and over 1000 views - like this one that you don’t like, but most of the time, I write stuff I like, taking many hours, that get maybe 15 likes and 500 views. And I know that most of my subscribers will not resonate with it. But I still write it. That’s how I roll - like it or not.
And lastly, being such a small writer gives me the freedom to criticise even the most prominent names.
If you are nobody, you have nothing to lose. The Braggins, for example, with a much larger subscriber base, tried to criticise Malone and were perceived as a threat by him, and he sued them. I don’t think he cares much about a small, jealous fish like me who, in his mind, writes nonsense to get more clicks.
The same with the authorities.
For them, I am just a little nutter, and I love that.
I also love my very small number, a few dozen maybe, of very loyal friends who get me and like me as I am, no matter what I write.
Some have been subscribers to my Substack for most of its existence. When they can afford it, they sometimes show appreciation with a paid subscription, which feels like a nice, surprising gift and motivates me to give back.
They give me so much back—they are my tribe, genuinely like-minded people. Like me, they are highly critical, sometimes paranoid, enlightened, independent, and tolerant.
They don’t get their nickers in a twist or get knocked off their balance when I write some shit or use some foul language. They are comfortable with not being “perfect” all the time. They are okay with me sometimes being stupid, angry, or sad.
For them, I write.
But I mostly write for myself to clear my head and make sense. I recommend it to everyone - I find it highly therapeutic. You will be surprised how well you are received if you don't aim for glory.
I tried to stop several times because it took too much time away from my family, sports, nature, and other things I love to do. But it just needed one or two members of my tribe who wanted me to continue, and I couldn’t deny them.
When I started, I had no social media presence. My first post reached six people, and if I go back to six people I consider my tribe, and they want me to keep writing, I probably will.
I still want to stop because I have said most of what I needed to say, and I am starting to repeat myself.
And it could happen at any moment. That’s why I only want people to sign up for a paid subscription if they have already had value for some time. I don’t promise any future articles as a “give back”—no promises for future articles.
Once again, thank you for your comment, Marga.
I read every comment and value them, even the rare ones from trolls or fanatics. All of them make me reflect on myself.
After thousands of them, I still await one that genuinely offends me. I am pleased that I can’t be triggered very often because only “somebody” trying to go “somewhere” has something to lose.
Look at poor Dr Malone - constantly worried about his reputation and feeling hunted down by “medical freedom movement firering squads.”
To save his “sanity” and his poor wife, he has to “opt-out” from said movement now.
What a load of bullshit.
He would stop writing today if his or his wife’s sanity is really threatened.
How naive is he, or how naive does he think we are?
He wants the limelight, fame, and significant income associated with being a “big” influencer and the adoration of his subscribing crowd, but not the criticism that is the other side of that coin. Any influencer or public figure with strong public opinions about important political and medical issues will and should be exposed to criticism. With power comes accountability and scrutiny.
How childish to say, “I opt-out”, but then keep publishing opinions about what concerns hundreds of millions of people and expect them “to leave him alone” and frame criticism as “firing squads” rather than addressing it and doing the self-reflections he frequently promises to do in his articles.
Sorry, mate. You can’t have only the bright side. If you meddle with the heat of public opinion, you have to be man enough to take the heat. “Opting out” from criticism is not an option as long as you don’t “opt-out” of telling the public what you think is right and wrong and want to play an essential part in the new regime.
I'm sorry, Marga.
I got carried away for a minute and forgot that I was replying to you, but maybe there is a little parallel process. It appears you also want to “opt out” from anything you don’t want to hear, from anything that challenges your worldview.
Granted, you have every right to do so because, unlike Dr. Malone, you don’t put yourself deliberately into the heat of public opinion and earn your living with it.
I have grown “unoffendable,” and I wish everyone would. People seem to have entirely forgotten what they are dealing with here.
Whatever we say on social media is ultimately just strings of letters forming words and sentences with dozens of meanings and shaped by the personal opinions of random people we do not even know. Only “our” insecurities give them power over us.
These insecurities only form if we don’t know ourselves, haven’t explored honestly, and are at peace with this paradoxical, imperfect, pathetic, adorable, and loveable thing we call “a person” created by our illusionary mind. It is ultimately unreal.
The only reality is the impersonal pure awareness that sees it all—our true self.
Nothing can touch that.
This is all the spiritual work needed: Study our minds to discard everything perceivable or conceivable as transient and false, as coming and going and realise the background or the space that is always there and real.
I never blocked anyone, even those few who tried to insult me. Needless to say, I never sued anyone.
How pathetic. We don’t want anyone as a leader who worries excessively about his reputation because that is a huge liability. Reputations can be destroyed quickly, making people prone to blackmailing and kowtowing.
Malone is all about prestige, is very concerned about his reputation, and is ambitious about being “the scientific expert.” He parades the world in his tie and suit, trying to be more respected by choosing certain “approved” clothes like many “system people” do. Nothing is wrong with that unless you simultaneously want to be seen as a dissident opposing the system. All these conflicting little tells make many critical thinkers instinctively distrust him.
In the past view articles, he more openly displayed his chameleon-like nature, and the man is quite a phenomenon in my book. As I pointed out in my articles, he rapidly embarrasses the religious transhuman scientific cult while simultaneously homesteading and believing in a Christian God.
Quite a stretch for me, but then again, the ability of people to endure Grand Canyon-wide cognitive dissonances has miraculously increased over the past decade.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the new transhuman social science of everything just being a “narrative” that can suddenly become “real” and inform “real” policies like naked dicks in little girl’s toilets when it suits those in power and then again "just dismissed as another unreal social construct” when old narratives quickly have to be replaced with new narratives to push through another agenda.
What a confusing mad circus for everyone who hasn’t found their inner compass yet.
Anyway, that’s just me, Marga.
You make up your mind, and I fully understand if you must leave and are disappointed by me. Somehow, you must have put Malone and me in the same pot, and we can’t live in a mind desperate for a simple truth that rules them all.
Such a truth exists - but not in our minds, only within our hearts and souls.
The question is: Are we ready for it, and can we handle it?
Thanks again for helping me to reflect and create another effortless Substack.
Have a wonderful, good life. Most of all, “Love yourself.”
Good for you. I literally only read one article that you wrote and it happened to be the Malone article yesterday, hahaha and today I read this article. So that makes two articles in total. I read Malones stuff in my feed and I do like seeing pictures of his animals.
What a world we live goal for the upcoming year is to have 0 opinions about anyone or anything. I think its going to be very freeing. Its only been very recently that I discovered that I really don't know shit about shit and I'm pretty okay with that, actually it's a relief. Thanks for being real, it's appreciated and helpful to this reader...Have a fucking fantastic 2025
I am a consumer of all perspective, those with which I agree make me
happy, those that I don’t make me think. It’s win-win.
Thank you for the effort and the essays.