Great: Trump Is Moving At Warp Speed And Shows His Globalist Transhumanistic Face On Day Two
Why Leaving The WHO Means Nothing And Stargate Means Everything
Look at these transhumanistic God-complex gangsters who think we want more mRNA vaccines and massive, beautiful AI facilities!
Why is this great?
We can save our energy discussing endlessly where Trump stands and focus on either turning him towards the light or fighting him to the death, but that will be another Substack.
I am afraid this will be more devastating news and evidence for the Medical Freedom Movement, mRNA sceptics, anti-globalists, and Gates haters who believed Trump would turn things around and save the world from transhumanistic Globalists. But it is better to see it now than be fooled any longer. The only way forward is to see reality as it is, and then we can deal with it—united.
But let’s start with some good news.
Trump Finally Does Something I Like
I am happy to give credit where credit is due, even for people I don’t like in principle, like Donald Trump.
He ordered the reinstatement and backpay of all fired army personnel for refusing the vaccines.
I rarely agree 100% with Donald Trump, but bad guys sometimes do good things.
I hope he started a trend. There are some other positive policy announcements, but I want to focus on what really matters: policies that either further or prevent a totalitarian transhumanist globalist new world order. All the other US domestic issues fade in comparison and are just sideshows to distract from the transhuman globalist takeover going on in the background.
Woke transgender bullshit, aliens and high inflation, for example, will be the least of your problems when we live under a totalitarian AI-controlled complete surveillance state that knows your every thought and predicts your every move and nudges everyone into oblivion by voluntary assisted suicide recommended by their ChatGpt friend.
Those issues won’t matter if they suddenly freeze your bank account because your social credit score is too low or when they crash the housing market, take your house and rent it back to you. You will own nothing, and I doubt you will be very concerned about the aliens or libtards or MAGA anymore.
If you think I am hopelessly blackpilled and delusional and think something like that could never happen in the USA or other Western democratic countries, read some history books about previous totalitarian systems, like the Soviet Union under Stalin, and learn how the communists quickly took people’s private properties away.
And the Globalists do not even make it a secret that they will do that to you by 2030, five years away.
Hence the rush and emergency with Stargate - they need much more AI to pull this off.
The Great Reset hasn't gone away because nobody talks about it anymore. How do you think they get to that point where you “you own nothing”?
Very simple.
They take away what you own. Which part of that don’t you understand?
If you think that is just insane cheap talk and wonder why they would announce it if they really mean it, learn from history.
These are mad people with a God-complex. The same madness that possessed Hitler. Hitler wrote down all his mad plans and intentions in 1925 and published it as “Mein Kampf”, basically the Great German Reset. And people didn’t take him seriously either.
Still not scared?
Then, look at what is happening in China regarding surveillance and social credit systems.
Or listen to the Joe Rogan Podcast with Mike Benz to see what the deep state's soulless, ideologically captured bureaucrats have done over the past 10 years to democracy.
I might do a Substack on that because, to me, it felt of similar importance as the Malone podcast regarding mass formation psychosis. It has the potential to be a game-changer podcast. But only if people take it seriously and act on it.
The most eye-opening moment was when it was revealed, supported by compelling evidence, that the deep state, in bed with the big boys from the private sector, redefined democracy behind our backs.
Similar to when they redefined “vaccine” and “herd immunity” to bend reality to their narrative and miserable product.
It turns out that for our bureaucratic overlords, democracy isn’t the will of the people of a nation anymore. It is re-defined as the will of the nation's institutions: the administration, the scientific institutions, and the mainstream media institutions. ChatGpt is programmed accordingly. Therefore, if you criticise or attack one of these institutions, you are now attacking and criticising democracy itself. You are deemed an enemy and must, for now, be censored.
I am not making this up. Watch the fucking podcast. There is much more.
They also think we can do away with elections very soon.
Ah, but nothing to fear. Trump will take care of all of this, right? We come to that.
Saying this, there is no need to panic or be fearful. There is still time to avoid this. But only if all this insignificant distracting bullshit stops and people get real, unite and entirely focus on the task at hand. This is foremost a spiritual war now. We have already lost on the technological and democratic side.
Are you a little scared?
Because a lot more people have to get genuinely concerned very quickly, forget their childish bi-partisan quarrels, admit that Trump is a different man and says different things now than what he promised and wake the fuck up before it is too late.
Do you still believe I am a paranoid wacko making things up about Trump out of thin air without evidence?
The rest of the article tries to present you with evidence that Trump very likely is a Globalist, looks extremely pro-mRNA and transhumanistic, keeps you in the dark about his AI plans, and is a supporter of Bill Gates.
But before we get there, let’s bring some positive energy into this and celebrate and analyze the one hopeful thing he did - the backpay.
It is not only a very fair order that must be incredibly relieving for those poor men and women directly involved, but it sends a powerful anti-mandate message out into America and the rest of the world:
This is directly anti-totalitarian and rewards brave dissidents to make a stand. Very good.
Yes, it contradicts what I said above about Trump, but Trump is a complicated and paradoxical man.
Apart from that, no one is only bad or good.
Hitler did a lot of good things for the German people, too.
Our hope is to bring out the good in Trump before the dark forces take total hold of him. Like everyone else, Trump likes to be loved—maybe even more than anyone else. His connection with the crowd got him elected. He loves the people's love, and the people can use that to steer him towards the light. Leadership is not a one-way, top-down road. If united, the people have immense power to affect the leaders.
The backpay is a very hopeful sign about Trump. It is a powerful anti-totalitarian signal.
Hopefully, all the other government agencies worldwide follow suit. The disgusting private companies that mandated their employees worldwide will start to feel a little bit less comfortable and a little bit more nervous now.
Some private companies went above and beyond what the government required, virtue signalling like eager lapdogs, which caused tremendous hardship and suffering to millions of employees.
I encourage everyone who feels angry about this to identify, name, shame, and boycott the lapdog companies in their neighbourhoods. We can not forget this, and it must never happen again.
They need to be punished. Because, five years in, none of the COVID perpetrators have been held accountable or punished.
Not even the US military pays the price, except maybe for feeling shamed and embarrassed. We, the taxpayers, once again pay the price. We finance the backpay.
And maybe there were other, more practical reasons for Trump to do this.
I heard the US military has a serious recruitment problem. This order might have nothing to do with fairness or sending an anti-totalitarian message. Nevertheless, it is done, and we can use it and magnify it.
Regarding the COVID transgressions, heads need to roll. Companies need to be boycotted. We have consumer power—one of the few remaining powers. No one can force us to buy from particular private companies.
We are already forced to buy medical products and treatments we don’t want through our taxes, but we can punish many Globalist private-sector companies by boycotting them.
I start with the Australian supermarket chain Woolworths, which went above and beyond what was required to support the illegal and dehumanizing COVID mandates. I pledge to withdraw my support for them as much as I can.
It doesn’t come without personal sacrifice as they are the only local supermarket option I can walk to, and it means I have to drive about 20 km extra to Coles supermarket. (I'm unsure if they behaved any better during Covid, but I am sure someone will let me know).
This order by Trump is important and could start something worldwide - a revenge movement for the mandates.
Does that mean Trump is anti-mRNA and will stop this very dangerous, untested platform?
Not at all. Remember, he started and funded it, and he still brags and lies about how many lives were saved.
But it could mean that mandates won’t be used in the USA in the future. They might ramp up the psyops, nudging techniques and brainwashing instead, but that is another topic for another day. Let’s celebrate this small win first.
What Does The US WHO Withdrawl Mean?
Remember, I don’t know for sure. I speculate. I am biased. I use a combination of limited facts, distorting propaganda, and biased opinions of other writers and commentators. I also use MSM news and invert it to get a clue about what new narrative is being pushed.
However, I primarily use my common sense, intuition, and instinct, which served me well in 2020 and onwards. Whatever my common sense told me, in the face of the biggest psyop and censorship operation the world has ever seen, turned out to be true.
This intuitive, more profound knowledge is based on studying how we ego-driven creatures work in my past work as a psychotherapist, but mainly through the spiritual practice of exploring my mind through years of meditation, non-dual enquiry and many intentional, spiritually guided psychedelic sessions. If we know ourselves - from the darkest to the lightest - we know everyone. We are all the same at the core of our being.
Ok - Trump is removing the USA from the WHO. What does that mean, and how important is it?
Some commentators read that as a clear sign that Trump is against the Globalists because the WHO is a globalist organisation.
Here are some comments:
And then Trump takes office and promptly removes the US from the WHO. Do you think that is what Gates was promoting?
Just thinking Kill Bill funds the WHO and Trump just signed a piece of paper saying the US are leaving it. So does that not upset kingpin Kill? Difficult to know how the ins and outs of these globalists work. And is the next Plandemic now on hold or just a change of date or where are we at with that part of the scam does anyone know?
Are you sure? Trump cut ties with WHO. Is Trump the boss now?
Trump isn't as gullible as you believe. And he isn't impressed with anything Gates has to say.
One of the first EOs he signed was bowing out of WHO. That's Gate's baby.
Things are not as they appear. From either end.
Firstly, the withdrawal from the WHO is logical, required, and no surprise.
You can’t stay in the WHO and hint at a national no-mandate policy in the future. The two must be combined.
The WHO is working to gain the signatures of all members to be the sole authority for future pandemic responses. In the past, it advised its member nations on what to do in a pandemic, and most followed its advice willingly and blindly or even did more than requested, like Australia and New Zealand.
However, there was still a choice.
If the WHO gets its way (I am not up-to-date on where that process exactly is), any mandate orders by the WHO would directly clash with Trump’s current non-mandate stance. However, backpay to the soldiers doesn’t necessarily mean Trump won’t support new mandates in a new pandemic. There is no guarantee at all.
Leaving the WHO could mean that Trump doesn’t want anyone to tell him what to do in the next pandemic. This could be good or bad, depending on what Trump decides compared to the WHO.
Some people assume that leaving the WHO means the following things:
Firstly, Trump is an anti-globalist.
He might or might not be in his heart, but we can’t look into his heart and, therefore, look at the facts to make an estimated guess.
It is a fact that globalist donors and actors surround him, Musk being the most prominent of them. There is always a chance that they have leverage.
That doesn’t mean he has to dance to every globalist tune.
More importantly, even if they have leverage, he might be very pragmatic about this. He might decide that instead of being a victim of the Globalists, he steers the USA to become the leading player in the globalist game.
If you can’t beat them, join them and be part of the new world order with a decisive American influence.
Firstly, his out-of-nowhere Mexico to Greenland expansion plans (plus Panama) directly contradict his first-term policies of primarily focusing on the USA and withdrawing the USA from international affairs. They also contradict his election pitch. Centralisation is a big part of the new world order, and this land grab aligns with it.
Secondly, this:
This new large-scale government-private partnership (= fascism) sounds right out of WEF’s new world order handbook:
OpenAI, Softbank, and Oracle will be part of a public-private partnership with the Trump White House called Stargate.
The heads of the tech firms plan to invest up to $500 billion over four years, in building AI infrastructure across the United States. This means data centers. Massive buildings designed to collect and process data. Running these centers requires huge amounts of water and energy.
He [Trump] said Stargate will build the infrastructure to power the “next generation of AI and this will include data centers. Massive facilities…These are big beautiful buildings.”
“I’m going to help a lot through emergency declarations,” he said. “Because we have an emergency and we need a lot of help. We need energy generation and they will build their own.”
I said it before and repeat it - the green energy transition to replace fossil energy is a ruse to make us pay for all these wind, solar, and battery farms. No fossil power will ever be replaced. They need the additional green power capacity to fuel new AI infrastructure.
AI requires massive amounts of power. For example, it was calculated that when (not if) Google replaces all search requests with AI, it will require the power of a small country like Ireland. AI, like crypto, is very power-hungry.
Emergency declaration to build AI centres? What fucking emergency? And what’s the rush? Typically, Trump doesn’t tell us.
Could it be that 2030, when we all own nothing and are happy, is only five years away? And will be finished in 2029. Just wondering.
So, what do they need all the AI for so quickly?
Larry Ellison talked about combining the forces of AI and mRNA gene therapy to create a “cancer vaccine.”
According to Larry, AI can detect cancer in blood exceptionally early, and then they plan to produce mRNA vaccines within 48 hours.
What a load of bullshit. I don’t believe a fucking word of this. This is my trusted intuition speaking. Do I need to be a fucking expert in AI and mRNA cancer therapy to have an opinion about it? Absolutely not. I wasn’t an expert on the Covid mRNA or pandemics and still called all the bullshit. Everyone can.
They make us question our own deeper intuition and knowledge by their scientific jargon and posting as “experts”, but they are full of shit.
This doesn’t make any sense.
Investing 500 Billion in AI to detect cancer earlier?
Shut the gate, will you? How stupid do you think we are? There is no money in that. There must be other motives they do not want to tell us.
The old stale “saving lives drumbeat” doesn’t make any sense. Why would you pump 500 Billion into this while still promoting and injecting cancer-causing mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and ignore unprecedented excess mortality since the roll-out and safety warnings from thousands of scientific papers and experts if your motivation is “saving lives”?
Even Dr. Malone doesn’t like it, albeit for other reasons. While I criticized Malone several times, it was always regarding his behaviour towards the MFM and his sometimes arrogant and narcissistic character traits.
I never questioned his knowledge. Like him or not, the man knows stuff. He is as shocked as I am by this. After recently flip-flopping in his loyalty to Trump like a man on steroids, in today’s Substack, he writes:
“Stargate” program for mRNA cancer vaccines.
Here they go again. Really? Is this the narrative you would want to push two days into your second term as President of the USA?
Please note, initially, Malone doesn’t question the narrative - just the timing and is worried about the political fall-out:
Calling Susie Wiles, press room, STAT, we have an emergency narrative control problem ….
It's all about narrative control.
To then quickly distract from Trump - who actually announced the whole thing from the White House and was in complete charge - and blames Larry Ellison for it. Is that the narrative control he is talking about? Saving Trump’s arse?
I can’t believe that we are being spoon-fed this hype from the likes of Oracle’s Larry Ellison so soon after the inauguration. Having this guy lecture us on mRNA vaccines for cancer is over the top.
Then Malones laments its marketing aspect, still not criticising the project itself. It really upsets him:
This all makes me throw up a bit in my throat.
Ouch - throwing up in your throat? That can’t be healthy.
Let it out, vomit, scream, release your frustration of being so clever, having risked everything and now being side-lined without any power.
Finally, he gets a little closer to the topic itself:
This is so amazingly (and dangerously) naive that I can hardly believe I am hearing it. I do not even know where to start. I am dumbfounded. The simplest summary is that this is clear-cut grifting. Precisely what I was afraid of when Bill Gates triumphantly announced his having met with President Trump.
We thought, we hoped, that President Trump had learned from the past, but this is not looking good.
Finally, I agree with Dr. Malone. This is not looking good indeed, and the myth that Trump has learned from the past and is a changed man just evaporated into thin air.
Any decent psychotherapist will tell you that narcissists and psychopaths don’t change. They are by far the most treatment-resistant people in psychotherapy because they 100% believe that nothing is wrong with them.
Everyone else is wrong.
So why change?
Admitting that would immediately and severely threaten the fragile ego they surrounded with a massive wall of superiority, self-admiration and authoritative power. They can’t handle constructive criticism as it is perceived as an attack. Only great suffering or a spiritual awakening can change that. And with great suffering, I don’t mean being cheated and a victim of a witch-hunt. I mean, I have lost everything on your knees, suffering. But even then, most psychopaths would rather take their lives than surrender (see Hitler).
Finally and thankfully, Malone analyzes the whole idea presented and rubbished it:
The most gentle thing I can say about all of this is that the idea that one could sequence the genome of a cancer cell and based on that (within 48 hours!) develop a universal cancer vaccine for that type of tumor is profoundly naive. This pitch would not survive five minutes of scrutiny by any Torrey Pines, Boston, or Silicon Valley venture capital firm that I have ever presented a business plan to. […]
The problem is not how to manufacture an mRNA or DNA (or viral vectored) vaccine. It is not something that we can apply Artificial Intelligence to in order to more rapidly design a genetic vaccine. The problem is that we do not really understand how to circumvent fundamental problems associated with cancer immunology.
As I said, a load of bullshit, but thanks for confirming it with many clever expert words I don’t understand. (I left most of them out in the quotes)
But then Malone, credit where credit is due, says something really important:
Regarding Government “Big Science Programs” choosing Winners and Losers
Beyond the cancer biology and immunology, and putting aside the current problems with mRNA vaccine technology, there is a deeper issue here. This involves corporatism - in other words “public-private partnerships”, and the government essentially choosing scientific winners and losers. What is being proposed is not pro-innovation. It is not pro-science. This is pro- big business. This is an example of precisely what we do not need to do if we are to promote innovation and “Make America Great Again”. […]
The role of government should not be to specifically sponsor and partner with big business (or NGO) to push one solution over another - no matter how “sexy” or “trendy” the name, concept or buzzwords. Unlike biodefense, the cancer market is huge. It does not require government subsidy
In other words, they eliminate all competing and simply repeat the Covid-vaccine disaster with a mRNA cancer disaster. What Malone missed here, it seems, is that these guys might not really plan to cure anyone from cancer. They could plan something much bigger and more sinister. As with the Covid pandemic, the money is only one part of it. More control via AI and depopulation are the most obvious possible nefarious motivations behind it.
But Malone harks on about the money and, more concerningly, that a naive Trump gets taken to the cleaners by a shrewd salesman:
In my opinion, what we seem to have here is a salesman - Larry Ellison - having successfully pitched a naive government customer - President Trump - outdated ideas and technology wrapped in sexy new words and concepts - “Artificial Intelligence”, and “mRNA vaccine”.
Then, once again, Malone makes one of these statements that had him kicked out of the MFM and shows that, in principle, he is one of them, one of the many transhumanistic scientists that will eventually kill us all if left in power and unchecked:
Hopefully I will be proven wrong, because who doesn’t want universal cancer vaccines. Just like who doesn’t want a universal influenza vaccine.
Billions of people worldwide don’t want them. Don’t you get that?
That’s why they had to launch the biggest psyop fear campaign in the history of mankind and used the most advanced nudging and coercion methods unleashed on the population of the earth. But even that didn’t make people “want” your fucking vaccines. They then had to “mandate” - translation: force - people to take them.
What does that tell you about how much people want your fucking vaccines? How deaf and ignorant are you?
And why don’t we want these vaccines?
Because a) billions of people don’t trust them and b) billions of people rather trust their own immune system and healthy lifestyle, which brought the human race to where we are now, without any fucking vaccines.
What part of “WE DON’T WANT ANY VACCINE BECAUSE THEY MAKE US SICK” don’t you get? And we are also sick of paying for them.
Ah, that felt good.
Trump is a lot of things, but I wouldn’t call him naive. He knows what he is doing there, and the stupid cancer thing is another ruse, another decoy.
I suspect and fear these AI facilities are used to surveil the world’s population.
The new shots? God knows.
But no one will spend 500 billion to detect cancer earlier. Which person in his right mind, signs up for this bullshit?
If this were a legitimate scientific process, they would first develop the technology on a small scale and then spend 500 billion for big-scale operations. Did I say it already? It doesn’t make any fucking sense.
Either Trump already got mad with grandiose power-drunkenness in a Nero-like fashion, or something very sinister is going on here.
Anyhow, if any Trump fans still think Trump is anti-mRNA, please raise your hands.
If so, read this:
Ellison said the quiet part out loud. Trump will ramp up mRNA shots for cancer. He told the president “we couldn’t do it without you,
Secondly, withdrawing from the WHO directly hurts Bill Gates because “the WHO is Bill Gates's Baby.”
The opposite is true, actually.
In this case, I do not even have to speculate to make my point. We have evidence of that because this is not new. Trump withdrew the USA from the WHO before, remember? Let’s study what happened then.
Fortunately, we have a brilliant analysis of that event, thanks to one of my very informed readers: Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI.
All highlights mine:
In mid-May US President Donald Trump announced that the US would be ending their financial support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and COVID-19 relief. The move was lambasted in the mainstream press as an out of touch politician pulling funding from a vital global health organization during the middle of a pandemic. To Trump’s supporters the decision was met with the typical cheering and celebrated as another Trump victory against the “globalists.” To understand what is actually going on we need to examine Donald Trump’s actions, not his tweets or media statements.
Looks like a deja vu.
And I can’t agree more that people need to “look at Trump’s actions, not his tweets” to understand what the man is doing. If people - supporters or not - use that as a “mantra” for the next four years, we can save ourselves a lot of arguments.
So how did that “hurt” Bill Gates? We are looking at money and power.
Let us start by looking at the funding provided by the US government to the WHO in previous years. The latest numbers from fiscal year 2018 (numbers are not available for 2019-20) show an estimated $281.6 million to the WHO from the US. The records indicate that after the US government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, are the 2nd and 3rd top financiers of the WHO. The US defunding the WHO actually tightens the technocrats already firm grip on another global institution.
This means when Donald Trump stated the US will no longer fund the WHO, the Gates Foundation and GAVI stepped into the top financial role. Additionally, GAVI was founded by and largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. Either way, Bill Gates is the top donor and will continue to expand his influence and dominance of global health policy.
It turned out that it didn’t hurt Bill at all and increased his influence over the WHO.
But financially?
One would assume that the US withdrawing Millions from the WHO will hurt the WHO and the global vaccine push for mRNA vaccines.
On first look, yes. However, the WHO didn't have to pay the global trillion-dollar mRNA vaccine bill. You paid it and borrowed it through taxes and your government debts. Let’s look at how that played out in the USA:
While Trump’s supporters viewed the US withdrawal from WHO financing as a win for nationalism or a black eye to the globalists, the truth is a bit more nuanced.
In early June, the Trump administration declared support for GAVI to the tune of a $1.16 billion USD donation. Trump’s support for GAVI came via the first ever virtual Global Vaccine Summit.
I encourage you to read the original article if you are interested in how the Trump administration lavished billions of dollars on Bill Gates and his various vaccine NGOs. At the same time, he saved a measly few hundred million dollars by leaving the WHO.
It was actually USAID who first announced the pledge of US $1.16 billion in February. The Trump administration included that $1.16 commitment as part of the budget for Fiscal Years 2020-2023. The budget for Fiscal Year 2021 included $290 million for GAVI. Remember that the records from fiscal year 2018 show an estimated $281.6 million to the WHO from the US. The Trump administration’s announcement of an initial $290 million investment easily surpassed the US investment in the WHO. Over the next three years the US will give more than $800 million to GAVI for their vaccination programs.
I just learned in the Mike Benz Podcast with Joe Rogan that USAID is one of the most potent CIA-run deep state agencies that were instrumental in the censorship of the past ten years and a key element in the deep state power that fuels the present anti-democratic ideology worldwide which is also a pre-condition for the globalist unelected take over of the world. USAID funding Gates and mRNA indicates that the CIA is a globalist-captured US agency.
The article concludes:
Once again, this [Trump’s support] puts Bill Gates and his organizations at the top of the global health pyramid.
The Trump administration’s support for the development of vaccines to fight COVID-19 is also visible in a more recent virtual event organized by Global Citizen and the European Commission. […]
During this event, Kelly Craft, United States Ambassador to the United Nations announced the US commitment of $545 million for GAVI towards COVID-19 relief efforts.
In summary:
Either Way, Gates Wins
Taken together – the May payment of $775 million; the early June announcement of $1.16 billion; and the late June gift of $545 million – these taxpayer funded investments will provide abundant resources for GAVI, and subsequently, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These funds easily outweigh the paltry $281.6 million the US was giving to the WHO.
Globalism cannot happen without massive financial support given to the unelected globalist organisations that drive it. It is simply unthinkable that Trump, as the president of the United States, doesn’t know everything about globalism and which organisations drive it.
It is important to understand that the WHO is a part of the United Nations, which itself is an “intergovernmental organization” that is attempting to replace nation-states as we know them today in favor of global governance schemes. GAVI is a “public-private partnership” where governmental bodies and private organizations partner up to provide some sort of public service. Neither of these organizations has been elected by the free people of the nations in which they operate.
Despite this fact, the Trump administration is continuing to give billions to GAVI and in doing so, furthering Bill Gates’ goal to vaccinate 7 billion people. Trump may have pulled funds from the WHO, but that decision allows Gates to take full control of WHO policy and continue to use US taxpayer dollars to fund vaccine projects, including a rushed vaccine for COVID-19. This was likely the plan the whole time.
I think and hope this answers most of the pushback. In short, leaving WHO has nothing to do with being anti-globalist or anti-Gates, as the past has demonstrated.
This was the past, of course, and maybe Trump is a changed man.
But does the support of the 500 Billion AI facilities driving a new generation of mRNA vaccines look like Trump is a changed man?
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Thank you for reading and all your comments.
I love your way of thinking and writing, and agree that we can imprint our love onto him, the power is truly in the people, we just need to learn how to use and direct the force within us. The barrage of wireless radiation will explode and destroy most of life if humanity keeps going the way of the bot, they will just be watching and surveilling cancerous cyborgs if the subterranean globalists get there way.
I love your analysis, Markus, as I love everything you write. You sense things others do not, including the speed certain events do happen. I lived three decades in Romania, two and half in China, one in the US. Deja-vu. In Romania, the private houses were nationalized through an order, overnight, owners forced to share with strangers part of them, everything centralized, no private businesses, closed borders, food on ratio, shortage of energy and the society divided in supporters of communist party or against ( who were chased by security forces). Those who did not live such times cannot understand. And yes, Ceausescu kept saying that we are going towards the Gold Era of the country, and yes, we did, in our dream… And that without the technology of today. When I’ve seen those around Trump at the inauguration, I froze. But here you come, with your Substack, saying some of my thoughts loud.